White Online

Chapter 130 - Enemies Meet.

''Isaac...'' Oliver murmured, and a tinge of hate appeared in his eyes, ''Why have you come here?''

Oliver and Isaac glared at each other, both had eyes filled with hate, but Oliver didn't notice it because his anger ignited and clouded his thoughts.

''Please sit, food is ready,'' Amy said gently towards her daughter and Oliver.

Amanda was brought out of her stupor and stiffly sat down on the seat, which was on the opposite side from Isaac; her gaze still hadn't left Isaac's face.

Oliver sat down next to her and moved the seat closer till his leg touched her's leg.

She didn't notice it because her focus was locked on Isaac.

Amy sat down next to Isaac while Anthony sat down on the main seat.

''Here.'' Amy took a spoon and covered half of Isaac's plate with salad.

Anthony took a bowl, which was filled with meatballs, and used his fork to put it on Isaac's plate.

Oliver looked at the sight with a twitching eyebrow. He was treated like a stranger, while Isaac was like their long-lost son.

''Thank you,'' Isaac said with gratitude; he grabbed both fork and knife from the plate and started eating calmly.

Amanda didn't move as she had a thousand questions on her mind.

Only a sound of clanking and munching was heard, as the table was completely quiet.

Amy and Anthony looked at the scene with wry smiles; the scene looked way different than one year ago when they dined last time.

Amanda every now and then opened her mouth, but no words came.

Oliver couldn't keep his calm and polite was anymore as his face obviously showed the displeasure of seeing Isaac again.

Isaac put down a fork and knife; he grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth.

''Oliver, I have a question.'' Isaac opened his mouth.

''Eh?'' Oliver looked at him and frowned, ''What?''

Amanda then finally remembered that Oliver was also here, as she curiously looked back and forth between Oliver and Isaac.

''Quite of a coincidence that you happened to move next to Amanda's house,'' Isaac said with a shrug, with a tinge of sarcasm.

Amanda also thought it was quite strange but didn't pry into it.

Oliver had a small sweatdrop forming on his forehead, but he acted like it was a really good coincidence, ''Yes, it was.'' He innocently wiped his mouth with a napkin, trying to act as calm as composed as Isaac was.

Only recently, Oliver started acting like Isaac in hopes of squirming his way to Amanda's heart that way.

''Indeed, a good coincidence.'' Isaac sighed and had a small smile on his face, ''I mean, if it wasn't a coincidence and you moved next to her on purpose, that would be very creepy.''

Oliver's eye twitched as he grabbed the knife on his hand tighter, ''Coincidences happen, like how you were born into a rich household and had everything given to you on silver plate, right?''

Isaac didn't change his expression as he put his hands on his lap with an innocent smile.

Anthony narrowed his eyes and looked at Oliver with displeasure.

Amy felt like the conversation was going in the wrong direction, it had been a long time since Isaac visited, and she didn't want it to end up as an argument.

''Oliver... That was not nice; he is your best friend after all.'' Amanda said with slight displeasure.

Oliver resisted snorting. Instead, he looked at Amanda and smiled, ''Apologies, I have never been good with jokes.''

Amanda sighed and nodded but had a hunch that Oliver might have some grudge against Isaac.

''It's fine; Oliver has never been good with jokes.'' Isaac saw Oliver's eyebrow twitch, which caused him to have a small smile, ''Like, remember that one time... Hmm, what was it...''

He tapped the table and saw everyone's focus was on him, and finally, after that, he said it, ''Ah right, now I remember... One time you said you loved girls with a big personality.'' Everyone had to register the words and think deeply about what he meant.

Anthony was the first one to understand and was very close to beating Oliver up.

Oliver paled and glanced at Amanda, who didn't seem to understand what it meant, while Amy's eyes went cold as she understood it perfectly.

''Haha... Isaac, t-that's not what happened.'' Oliver chuckled awkwardly, but it just made Amy and Anthony certain that what Isaac said was correct.

''Hmm, it didn't?'' Isaac grabbed his phone from his pocket and said, ''If I remember correctly, you said it in a group chat... Let me check it just to be sure.''

Oliver's grabbed the knife tighter and said with venom, ''Haha... You might not be on the group chat anymore. Someone accidentally removed you from it.''

Isaac used his thumb to tap on the phone, ''Doesn't matter, I can still see chat history from the time when I was still in the chat.''

Anthony put the fork and knife down to the table and glared at Oliver, ''Apologies, but we would like to catch up with Isaac, so Oliver... I think it's not a good time for a visit.''

''B-But...'' Oliver saw the cold look they gave him, which made him angrier; he anxiously turned his head to look at Amanda, ''Amanda, w-what about the movie night?''

''I think we can do that some other time.'' Amanda shyly twirled her white hair and looked at Isaac, ''I think it's not a good time right now...''

Oliver put the knife on the table with a slam and stood up, ''Alright, then.'' His voice was chilly as his whole gentleman demeanor crumbled to pieces.

''Hmm?'' Amanda tilted her head because of Oliver's sudden outburst.


Everyone turned their heads towards Isaac and saw him standing up as well, ''I will escort Oliver out of the house; I have some stuff to discuss with him.'' He innocently smiled and looked at Oliver while signaling towards the kitchen door.

''I-I will come too!'' Amanda was about to stand, but then Isaac said, ''It's fine, won't take long.''

''O-Oh.'' Amanda sat down with pursed lips.

Isaac opened the kitchen door and kept it open for Oliver.

Oliver stomped out of the kitchen, and Isaac followed behind with a innocent look.

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