White Online

Chapter 106 - Seekers.

A black-haired figure left one of the rooms and ran towards the room Isaac was in.

He opened the door and saw Isaac jumping backward.

''Fuck sake, you scared me!'' Isaac took a deep breath and touched the area where his heart was with his hand, and felt his racing heartbeat.

Darth wryly smiled and quickly closed the door, ''You alright? Baba Yaga was here, wasn't she?''

Isaac nodded and sat down on the hospital bed, ''She couldn't enter the room, must be because of the symbol of a child.''

''That's good to know.'' Darth then saw the tuck tape covering the window, ''Why did you put the tuck tape?''

''I thought it would help in hiding, but it attracted even more attention.'' Isaac scratched his head and continued, ''I followed my fear and thought that covering the window was the safest bet because in some cases it would help me hide better, but it was a mistake.''

Darth scratched his chin and asked, ''What should we do? We don't have all day.''

''Yeah.'' Isaac rubbed his forehead in annoyance, ''I have only around 5 hours remaining; this Bronze VR Helmet is annoying.''

''Don't you have money to buy a better one, or is there another reason?'' Darth asked curiously while looking at the children drawing on the floor.

''I thought spending more money would be a waste.'' Isaac sighed, ''I thought about joining my father's company as an intern, but I am not so sure anymore.''

Darth looked at him and asked, ''So... You planned to quit White Online?''

Isaac shrugged, ''Not sure, but I don't really feel like quitting anymore, but who knows.'' He stood up and continued, ''I will make my decision after the tournament.''

''Tournament?'' Darth frowned, ''What's that?''

Isaac scratched his cheek and grabbed his gun from the ground, ''Nothing, but I hope I win it.''

'Tournament... Hmm.' Darth shrugged and felt like it sounded important, but whenever he tried to link the tournament with White Online, it was like something got locked inside his mind, which made it impossible for him to keep thinking more.

Isaac went to the window and looked around, ''Hmm, I don't think we can leave successfully by using the same path; we need to use different methods.''

''What is your plan?'' Darth asked and opened the door to the bathroom, which showed a sink, toilet, and shower.

''Well... We are only on the first floor.'' Isaac looked outside the window and saw the ground being only 5 meters away from the window, but it wasn't soft ground, instead made of asphalt.

But, he had a hunch that with his newfound physique, that fall isn't a problem, especially for Darth.

Darth left the bathroom and saw Isaac carrying a cabinet, ''What are you doi—'' His words got cut off as Isaac threw the cabinet, which flew straight through the window.


Isaac quickly protected his face as the shrapnels of broken glass flew around him.


Once the cabinet touched the asphalt ground, it got blown into pieces with papers littering the ground.

''Alright...'' Darth looked at the scene with a sweaty face, ''Well... That will definitely attract her attention.''

''Let's hurry!'' Isaac shouted and jumped out of the window. His legs touched the ground, and he didn't even feel a sting of pain.

Darth landed with smooth movements behind him and anxiously looked towards the right, where the entrance of the hospital was located.

Isaac didn't stay still and wait for the Baba Yaga. Instead, he sped up and started running towards the backyard of the hospital.

Darth woke up from his stupor after hearing Isaac running. He quickly followed behind and used his physique to its limits.

He was still amazed that Isaac seemed to have a better Physique than he has, even though he has Stat specially for it!

They hid behind the building. Isaac used it as cover to peek sneakily towards the place with broken cabinet, papers, and pieces of broken glass.

Even after waiting for 5 minutes... She didn't appear.

Isaac frowned and stopped peeking. Darth was anxiously looking at him with a questioning look.

''I think she can't leave the building...'' Isaac guessed with his brows furrowed.

Darth took a breath of relief, ''Great, we have now two weaknesses that can be exploited.''

''But...'' Isaac sat down and pondered, ''What is the point of his test? We can just hide here or in the rooms, and she can't do anything about it.''

''Yeah... There is something weird about this.'' Darth said and tied his shoelaces tighter.

''How much do you know about Baba Yaga?'' Isaac asked while watching Darth tightening his shoelaces.

''A lot.'' Darth said and chuckled, ''I had to do an essay about fairytales in the school.''

''Can you tell me more about her?'' Isaac asked with his face showing his concentration.

''How much do you know about her?'' Darth asked first.

Isaac shook his head, ''Not much, only that she likes to eat children.''

Darth nodded and said, ''She doesn't only like to eat children. She likes to make them work for her first, make them do some small chores, and when their usage has been used, she will eat them, and she is very fond of fat children, so she will eat them instantly.''

Isaac frowned and felt like everything had to do with children, ''Children... Children... Painting...'' He looked towards the ceiling and the fake forest, which was painted, and then he remembered the drawing on the floor of that hospital room...

It was a drawing of a forest with a starry sky.

His eyes opened in realization, ''Maybe... We have to save the children?''

''What do you mean?'' Darth frowned and asked.

Isaac pointed at the sky and said, ''Now I understood things more clearly... The children's chore was to paint the surroundings to Baba Yaga's liking, and it isn't completed yet... The stars are missing.''

''So...'' Darth sighed and continued, ''We are seekers after all.''

Isaac nodded and smiled, ''We have to find the children and get them out of here.''

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