I wolfed down the rest of my sandwich before hopping to my feet, skipping towards Unerolia who looked entirely disappointed to give her a high five as a way of subbing myself in.

Carlas’s eyes widened and pointed a finger at me, “You! I know you! You were the one at the camp!”

I frowned at him, “Er… Yes? Didn’t you already see me the other day when Une– Ahem… Lady Unerolia went to confront the both of you that day?”

“Wait… You were there? Why… Who… Who are you?”

Huh? Did he seriously not see me at all?

I mean… I was wearing the mask but that should have been a pretty obvious indicator for him on who I was right? He should have been able to recognise me just from me having the mask.

Hmm… I guess the fact that he was being questioned by his boss’s boss might have occupied most of his attention and he didn’t even notice the people behind Unerolia?

Then again, I suppose that Unerolia really was commanding the attention of the room back then so that was understandable.

I gestured towards the people that were still around the picnic mat, “Are you still not able to make an educated guess?”

He looked in Mother’s direction and frowned, his brows knitted together in concentration.

It took him at least a good long minute before he finally spoke, “You’re… From some noble family?”

I stared at him for a good few seconds, utterly surprised that this was the answer he had come up with after that long.

Katsuki suddenly appeared beside me to whisper, “Mistress… Not everyone knows of us outside of the area around the Capital City… Especially when they do not care or take note of politics.”

Ah… Ok…

Damn it, I can’t believe I fell into the stereotypical ‘don’t you know who I am’ type of character! I’m so embarrassed…

Good thing Katsuki helped me out there so I’m definitely giving her pats later~

Just to avoid embarrassing myself even more, I leaned over to her and whispered, “If I were to tell him that I’m from the Nilm Family, would he understand?”

“I believe there is a ten percent chance of him recognising the name, Mistress.”

Ok then screw that, there’s no point.

I cleared my throat and turned back to him, “Hmm hmm~ Yes, that’s right. I am from a noble family. And guess what? You tried to burn me alive, didn’t you? You tricked me into that building and then set it on fire just to try and kill me didn’t you?”

“Yeah? So? You’re just some no name slut from a minor–“

The next thing I knew, a gust of wind had blown past me and the figure of Carlas disappeared.


I looked around to hear screaming coming from above and I looked up to see him all the way up in the sky.

Since when did he fly up there?

That was when I saw another figure flying towards him from the side while blasting out fire behind them to smash into him, sending the guy crashing back down into the sand.

The ball of fire revealed itself to be Katsuki as she pulled up the battered man to slam him into the sand once more before kicking him away.

While he was still airborne, she reappeared in his flight path to smash her knee into the guy’s face, sending him flying up again.

Err… Err… [Heal]?

I wasn’t sure if that was enough so I kept using the [heal] spell on the guy constantly just to keep him alive as Katsuki continued to beat him up.

She flew straight towards him as a ball of fire once again and I got to see her smash her fist into the side of his face to throw him to the side in the air.

Damn… Katsuki really isn’t holding back this time…

She then grabbed him by the neck and dove straight to the ground which made me worry a little since I was afraid she couldn’t stop herself and was planning to die with him when she released him from her grasp before spinning to point her feet towards the ground and let out a blast of fire that drastically slowed her down.

The guy crashed face first into the sand and I thought he was dead until he let out a pained groan to show from within the sand.

Either my magic managed to keep him alive or Katsuki had dived without the intention of killing him from the start.

I thought she was done until Katsuki dropped the rest of the way to smash her heel on top of the poor guy’s head, causing his entire head to sink into the sand until he was buried up to his neck.

Katsuki took a moment to smoothen out her skirt before grabbing him by his ankles to pull him out of the sand, lifting the guy up above her head onto slam him back down on the ground.

“Mistress?” She called out to me, her hand still holding on to that guy’s ankle.

“Eh? What is it, Katsuki?”

“May I trouble Mistress to heal him again?”

Oh! Right! Err… [Heal]!

I continued casting the spell until he was completely healed, the guy shaking himself awake.

“What… Why…”

He didn’t even finish his words before Katsuki flung him up into the sky again before leaping up with a blast of fire while he flailed his arms around pathetically in the air.

Katsuki shot past him until she was just slightly above him, my Inugami maid hovering in the air for a moment before the fire she was controlling intensified below her feet.

She then spun in the air, turning herself into a flame wheel before she descended right as Carlas reached the apex of his flight, which just so happened to result in him having both his legs spread wide open with his crotch facing the sky.

I realised what was going to happen but I couldn’t look away as Katsuki did a double flaming hammer kick right into the poor guy’s crotch.

I’m not sure if it was just my imagination but I think I heard a loud crack all the way from down here before it was followed by a high pitched scream that was steadily getting louder and louder as he fell back towards the ground.

I hopped a few steps back and the guy crashed back down into the sand again, this time throwing up a miniature sand cloud as he did so and causing a crater to form at where he had landed.

I blew the sand cloud away with a quick cast of [Breeze] to reveal the guy rolling around in the sand while clutching at his burning and bleeding crotch.

Ouch… I even had to wince at that sight.

I don’t know if I can heal you of that one dude…

As though knowing my predicament, Mother appeared beside me and let out a giggle, “Ufufufu~ It seems like little Katsuki went a little overboard~”

You call that a little overboard? I will admit that was cool as heck and it’s so rare to see Katsuki actually being that violent. But I think we’ve gone way past just ‘a little’ overboard don’t you think?

Mother raised her hand and light shone over the guy, completely healing him back to perfect health.

Oh nice, Mother managed to heal him perfectly.

She then raised her hand again and the guy’s body glowed again.

She moved her hand up and Carlas got lifted up in the air, staying there for a moment.

“Fufu… This person said my little one was a slut didn’t he?”

Er… Mother? What are you doing?

“Fufu… Ufufufu… Ufufufufufu~ He really did say that didn’t he? Fufufufufu~”

Mother, you are scaring me a little…

Without warning, she started swinging her hand up and down wildly, which of course made the poor guy start slamming down repeatedly on the sand to mirror her hand movements.

Just saying, Mother was really moving her hand really fast to the point that her arm had become a blur so the guy was also being slammed at the same speed as that.

The crater was getting bigger and another sand cloud had formed because of the impacts, forcing me to step away from there.

Mother? Umm… Are you sure you’re not killing him by doing that.

I then realised that the Ragnus guy had crawled all the way to Unerolia who was watching the entire scene with a satisfied face to grovel at her feet.

“Please forgive me, Mistress! I won’t do it ever again! Please don’t do that to me! I will serve you for all my life!”

What even is going on here right now?

I then felt a tug on my arm and I turned to see Katsuki had returned to my side looking like she hadn’t just punched the guy around.

“Mistress? Cookie?”

Wahhh! I love you Katsuki! Gimme gimme! Om nom nom nom~

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