
Chapter 149: Killing the Golden Serpent

Chapter 149: Killing the Golden Serpent

Xiao Nanfeng unleashed a field of slaughter, killing all the sea serpents wherever he went. He took down half of their number by himself, causing the rest of the sea serpents to flee as he drew near.

The two golden serpents who had been attacking Zhao Yuanjiao had also noticed Xiao Nanfeng. They stared at him with naked hatred.

"I'll continue attacking Zhao Yuanjiao. Go eat that brat!" one golden serpent cried out.

"Got it." The other golden serpent flew toward Xiao Nanfeng.

Xiao Nanfeng had been paying careful attention to the two golden serpents as he fought. When he saw one of them heading his way, he took a deep breath.

"Senior Brother, you have to run! That's a Spiritsong-realm golden serpent!" Ye Dafu cried out.

"Run? None of you will be able to run now. I'll eat you all!" the golden serpent roared.

Xiao Nanfeng waved a hand, sending a bolt of golden light flying out toward the golden serpent. Enraged, the serpent leapt up and bit down on that golden light, crushing it between its teeth.

"This—isn't a relic?!" The golden serpent felt a measure of unease, but it was too late. A huge construct of sword energy descended from the heavens and smashed into its maw.

The golden serpent was sent flying in a shower of blood.

"You dare consume a talisman for the Immortal's Destruction?" Even Xiao Nanfeng was taken aback, but he quickly prepared for yet another blow.

The golden serpent, bleeding from its head, arduously clambered back up. By then, however, another burst of golden light had appeared overhead. As Xiao Nanfeng's talisman glowed, another sword slash descended from the heavens.

"No!" the golden serpent howled.

The barrier of spiritual qi that it erected with its wounded body was blown apart as the sword slash from Immortal's Destruction pierced through its skull and cleaved significant portions of flesh off its body.

Before the serpent recovered, another blue slash struck precisely where the last attack had.

Xiao Nanfeng's divine undying blade unleashed tremendous power before the golden serpent was able to muster a defense, beheading it in a rain of blood. Even as it died, the golden serpent couldn't believe that it had lost to an Ascension-realm foe.

All the Taiqing disciples gasped, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"He can kill a Spiritsong-realm spirit...?"

"It's only been half a year. How did he get so strong?!"

The cultivators were shocked; the sea serpents were terrified. They all looked toward the other golden serpent.

"Die!" Zhao Yuanjiao roared.

"No!" the other golden serpent shrieked.

Zhao Yuanjiao's sword pierced through the other golden serpent's head, blowing it up. The serpent died instantly.

With their two leaders defeated, the remaining sea serpents tried to flee toward the valley in terror.

"Hold it!" the Taiqing disciples cried out, giving chase at once.

"Stay!" Zhao Yuanjiao shouted. "Get your injuries treated first!"

Only then did the Taiqing disciples stop short, sheathing their swords and gathering around Zhao Yuanjiao.

Zhao Yuanjiao himself fell to the ground, his face still a mess of black and purple. The venom hadn't been completely purged from his body. Even so, he didn't rush to get it treated. He gaped at Xiao Nanfeng, who was walking over.

"Do you need me to help tend to your injuries, Senior Brother Zhao?" Xiao Nanfeng frowned.

Zhao Yuanjiao stared at Xiao Nanfeng, a complicated expression flitting through his eyes. "You made me waste so much effort on you."

"Sorry?" Xiao Nanfeng raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Your name is Xiao Nanfeng—you're General Xiao's son!" Zhao Yuanjiao cried out.

Xiao Nanfeng's eyes widened. How had Zhao Yuanjiao learned of his identity?

Everyone stared at Xiao Nanfeng in confusion.

"Zhao Yuanjiao, are you crazy? When did Senior Brother Xiao lie to you? He said his name was Nanfeng, and it is!" Ye Dafu exclaimed.

Everyone turned to Zhao Yuanjiao. Indeed, there didn't seem to be a problem. So what if Xiao Nanfeng's surname was Xiao?

Zhao Yuanjiao continued to glare at Xiao Nanfeng, ignoring Ye Dafu. He seemed particularly frustrated.

"Ye Dafu's right. My name is Nanfeng. Why are you making such a fuss about this?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"If you had stated your real name, I wouldn't have mistaken you for a demonic spy! Do you know how much manpower I devoted to investigating you?!"

Zhao Yuanjiao thought that Xiao Nanfeng was a highly placed demonic spy and had put a great deal of effort into figuring out his background. When the truth was revealed, however, he realized that all his effort had gone to waste.

"You've uncovered my identity?" Xiao Nanfeng exclaimed.

Zhao Yuanjiao snorted in anger.

"Zhao Yuanjiao, Senior Brother Nanfeng has just saved your life. Shouldn't you be thankful to him instead? If he hadn't been able to get here in time, you would be dead!" Ye Dafu shouted.

Thus reminded, the Taiqing disciples who had been trapped on the island turned to Xiao Nanfeng and bowed deeply. "Thank you, Senior Brother Nanfeng."

Zhao Yuanjiao still glared at Xiao Nanfeng in outrage. He didn't thank Xiao Nanfeng, but his enmity had vanished.

"Ye Dafu, I trust that you can handle matters here. I'll return and come back with the juniors on our ship," Xiao Nanfeng instructed.

"Senior Brother, we can handle it! You don't have to deal with the hassle," a group of junior disciples immediately volunteered.

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head. "Only I can dismantle the Immortal's Destruction. Just wait here for a moment."

"Understood!" the disciples replied.

Zhao Yuanjiao sat cross-legged in meditation as he attempted to purge the poison from his body. He watched on as Xiao Nanfeng left, curious about the surprising growth in Xiao Nanfeng's cultivation, but he was prideful enough that he could hardly ask Xiao Nanfeng about it. He could only glance at him coldly.

Xiao Nanfeng left the island and swam through the ocean until he reached a hidden cove by a cliff, then waited patiently.

Very quickly, a huge head bobbed out of the water—it was Croak.

"Nanfeng, that was a big fight back there on the island! Why didn't you ask us to help?"

"They were just a few small snakes. I could handle them easily, so there's no need to trouble you. Croak, thank you for following behind me." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"No need for thanks. Right, You Jiu and Warble are still by that island back there. You Jiu seems concerned about your junior disciples and said he would watch over the Immortal's Destruction for you. Do you want to call him over?"

"No, it's not necessary. I do have a task I need to trouble you all with, though," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

Croak cocked its head.

"Did you see the group of sea serpents that escaped from the island?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"Of course! I ate a few, too. But they weren't as tasty as your cooking. When will you make a feast for me again?" Croak drooled as it spoke.

"Once everything's settled, I'll whip up a feast. I'll even get the best chef I know to help me out." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"Great, great!" Croak croaked excitedly.

"You don't have to follow me anymore. Track these serpents and see where they're headed. I suspect that it'll be dangerous, so be careful. Don't attack them or expose yourselves. Once you find their lair, have You Jiu lead you back to me. He knows how to contact me."

"Got it!"

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