Way of the Knights

Chapter 938: Final Blow

Chapter 938: Final Blow

The following six months was hellish for the Abyssals. 

The Crimson Affliction was cruel. At this point, all of them were infected by it, making it harder for them to breathe or even function normally. It wasn’t as lethal as most were expecting since it didn’t kill right away, in fact it even seems weaker than before but it did make their lives miserable since they never felt well. 

At this point, nobody was even bothering to search for a cure. All efforts in researching was gone with the wind, most of those who’s even able to start an effort were effectively crippled by the disease so what’s the use? 

Food is scarce, illness plagued the lands, endless gloom filled the streets, oh how the might Abyssals have fallen. All of it was due to their hubris. 

The resentment was piled as high as a mountain. Everyone stopped worshipping the God Emperor at this point since they blamed him for subjecting them to this torment. 

If it wasn’t for his arrogance and greed, humans wouldn’t have come and make them miserable. Everything was the God Emperor’s fault. 

The lost of faith was even visible at the streets. At every corner of the roads, there will be someone who will curse the God Emperor out loud, there were words written in the walls of buildings, and the statues of the God Emperor was desecrated and defiled. 

Nobody believes in him anymore. All that’s left is boundless resentment and hate. 

That being said, though their situation was horrible, they found out that even just for a bit, their situation was settling down. No, it’s not improving since all of them are sick but the chaos that’s happening all around Paradise were slowly but surely disappearing. 

They’ve discovered that humans aren’t attacking them as much as before. Which made them believe that as long as they behaved and keep themselves hidden, they will be safe from certain death. 

And surprisingly, this seems to be working just fine. 

So long as they bowed their heads down and kept a low-profile, danger wouldn’t come to them.

Knowing this, some of the Abyssals fled to the far reaches of Paradise and isolated themselves in there. They planned on waiting until the war against humanity subsided before re-joining the civilization, if there’s still a civilization after that. 

Unfortunately, this plan was doomed to fail since the very beginning. 

Humanity never had any plans on sparing the Abyssals. 

At the dawn of the sixth month after General Grimm’s death, a large fleet suddenly greeted the Abyssals. Every single one of the Abyssals felt their arrival and witnessed their entrance to their air space.

A massive formation of ships that stretches as far as the eyes could see. It represented strength, dignity and glory. It was humanity’s fleet, arriving to deliver the final verdict to then Abyssals. 

The moment they saw the fleet, all of them instantly knew that it’s all over. 

Some knelt to the ground and already looked dead. Some just sighed and returned inside their homes to wait for their fates. Some laughed maniacally and ended their own lives while others just cried and begged for mercy, even prostrating before the incoming fleet. 

The Grand Fleet hovered above Paradise. What followed next is Luna’s emergence at the helm of the leading ship, which also happens to be the largest one. 

Luna was garbed in a pure white and gold armor, standing and majestic at the edge of the ship, bearing the Dawn Council’s flag which is attached to the tip of her spear. 

She was beautiful, ethereal and godly. Her brilliance was unparalleled at this very moment, even the sun couldn’t be compared to her. 

“Abyssals. We, the Human Race, have arrived. You lot have nowhere to go anymore. I suggest that you remain there and patiently wait for your deaths to arrive.”

“So long as you don’t resist, I promise you that my soldiers will grant you a swift and merciful death. Test us and we wouldn’t mind showing the sheer disparity between us.”

“After what happened to you all, I hope you understand that my words aren’t an empty threat. Understand that you all had this coming the moment you decided to reach what’s beyond you to begin with.” 

“I’ve said what I need to say. No matter what happens next, we will be victorious!”

After declaring that, Luna tilted her spear forward and immediately, a large swarm of humans exited their ships and started pouring down to Paradise. 

Flashes of colorful lights descended, all bearing Dawn Council’s flags. 

Killing intent suppressed the entirety of Paradise. It was so thick that it’s almost leaking out of reality. 

That being said, Humanity didn’t rush in their operations. They descended in a decent pace. They didn’t let out throes of rage or determination. They just all wore a solemn expression. 

They were strangely quiet even after their descent. They moved in a disciplined fashion and apprehended the Abyssals that they came in contact with. 

The army operated like Luna said. So long as the Abyssals didn’t resist, they were given a swift and merciful death. But for those who tried to resist, they were subjected into a horrible torture which was displayed to everyone to set an example. 

No stones were left unturned. It didn’t matter where the Abyssals hid or how far they ran away, Humanity still knew where they were and caught up to them. 

At this point, everyone already understood what’s happening…

Humanity isn’t waging a war anymore.

War’s done. They already won. What’s happening right now is just a clean-up duty. 

The Abyssals could no longer fight. They’ve lost. Miserably too, at that. They never stood a chance. Everything they tried failed. Humanity just took it slow to minimize their army’s casualties and make it easier to finish the Abyssals.

They came to land the killing blow and end them once and for all. That’s all there is too it. 

At this point, resistance is really futile. The Abyssals will never be able to escape this fate. The moment they came close to Divine Realm, their death sentence was already decided. All that is left is the execution. 

Atop of the God’s Tower, Augustus saw this all happened with rage-filled eyes in a particularly humbling position. With his face firmly planted on the ground and with Raven grabbing a fistful of his hair to force him to watch how Humanity dealt the final blow to everything he owned.

If looks could only kill, Humanity would’ve died thousands of times already. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. 

“See that woman over there? The one standing at the helm of the biggest ship? That’s my wife right there! Isn’t she gorgeous? So perfect and valiant! Oh, I’m so lucky to have her.”

“Ooh! Ooh! Look! That girl over there! The one wearing a violet armor with a purple cloud on her waist? Yeah, that’s out daughter. Isn’t she just the cutest? She’s our treasure you know? Daddy’s little princess.” 

This is probably the worst part of Augustus’ torment, listening to Raven be a doting husband and father. 

“Go get ’em, Princess! Go! Stab ’em to death, yeah that’s right! Uh huh!”

“Yes, my little princess. Slash them in half! Good stance! Your teachers would be proud!”

And just because Raven knew that the God Emperor hates this, that enough reason for him to keep going. At this point, annoying this guy had become his favorite past time. 

However, beneath Raven’s teasing, his eyes remained vigilant. His vision encompassed the entirety of Paradise, watching over Humanity very closely. 

He’s counting how many casualties they’re having even at this point. He’s also making sure to pay attention to those who are doing well since rewards are due after they returned home. 

“Yeah, if this just continue like this. They would be done before this day ends.” He said, then looked at the God Emperor: “Everything that you claimed as yours will disappear. Isn’t that great?”

Augustus trembled in unparalleled rage. He truly couldn’t take this. His heart bled, not because he watched as his own people died but because all of his assets were damaged beyond repair and there’s no more slaves that will fix them. 

All of his belongings were now thrashed beyond recognition. Everything was wasted, turned into hot garbage. All without him being able to do anything to stop it. 

“But…this is a bit boring isn’t it?” Raven stated with mirth on his voice. “Everybody gets to have fun while the two of us are stuck here with each other. That’s rather unfortunate isn’t it? God Emperor?” 

Augustus just glared at him. He already knows that this guy is plotting something again.

“Oh, come on. Don’t look at me like that. I’m sure you’d love my suggestion. Just listen will you?” Raven then cleared his throat and continued:

“I’ll expand this domain to cover this entire tower. I’ll also make it transparent so that everyone could see what’s happening.”

“We will fight each other for real this time. I’d even let you borrow power from the Forbidden Ultima Core to make things fair.”

“If you win, then you can do whatever you want with me and humanity since I’m the only one who can stop you. But if I win, I will force you to watch how I dismantle everything you ever had.”

“So? What do you say?” 

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