Way of the Knights

Chapter 935: Grimm's Broadcast

Chapter 935: Grimm’s Broadcast

In only a span of a year, the Abyssals were reduced to mere shells of their former glory. 

Paradise had seen it’s gravest state ever since they decided to conquer Humanity. Before, its streets are filled with glory, pride and wealth. The atmosphere was grim yet majestic at the same. There’s a subtle sharpness behind the realm’s beauty stemming from the sheer might the Abyssal Race held. 

Now though…

There’s nothing but sickness and lament around. The Crimson Affliction dealt a devastating blow to their general populace, add the fact that they noticed it too late and the situation swiftly went out of hand. 

The resources they have are spread thin and wide, half of it was dedicated to the on-going war while the other half was dedicated on holding to the remaining structure of their society. 

At least 80% of their people had fallen ill. Even the healers that are trying to combat the mysterious illness by researching a cure weren’t spared from it. Every effort they poured onto their research were ultimately for nothing. They can’t figure out how to cure the illness and the more they suffered, the more desperate they got. 

Even the soldiers who were participating in the war weren’t spared, in fact the illness seems to target them specifically since if someone from their ranks caught the disease, they will instantly be crippled by its effects, effectively releasing them from duty. 

There some dumb assess who tried to keep it as a secret which caused even more damage since they passed it on to someone else too. 

The situation is truly grim and none of them could understand how it happened. They thought that since their evolution, they were no longer susceptible to any kind of illnesses. That’s what their Emperor told them and for the longest of time, they believed that too but what’s this all about? How come a horrific pandemic came out of nowhere? And why can’t they combat it? 

It wasn’t just that either…

On top of the Crimson Affliction, their food is running out too. The Abyssals are starting to starve because most of their plantations and factories got targeted. 

Most of the transportation lines were destroyed which effectively slowed down the food distribution. It takes weeks if not months to deliver rations from one place to the other, and that isn’t even including the possibility that the transporters might get attacked along the way. 

To make things worse, it seems that their nature is also starting to be exhausted. Their crops are still growing but it’s obviously slower, plus the harvest isn’t great. It takes them tons of resources to expedite the growth of food but the return isn’t as much as they’ve spent. 

Slowly but surely, they were being drained. As each day passed, the atmosphere turned gloomier and gloomier. 

There’s tension everywhere. It will only take the tiniest spark to lit up the fuse and for this whole situation to get completely out of hand. 

General Grimm was not having a good time.

Even though only a year passed since the caught news of the affliction, he looked as if he aged a 1000 years. There’s an ever-present frown on his face, his shoulders are always slumped and exhaustion was obvious on each of his movement. 

He has been holding out for so long and he doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to take it. 

Everything went wrong ever since they decided to invade Humans and he’s deeply regretting it now. Had he known that something like this will happen, he would’ve convinced the God Emperor to never dare. 

Alas, that’s not possible. 

He will never admit this out loud but he deeply missed Skroll. It’s not because he cared for the guy or anything, no. He misses him because if he’s here, this would’ve been his problem not his. 

If Skroll was here, he could’ve fled way earlier. Unfortunately, Skroll isn’t showing himself anymore. He’s most likely dead. Grimm wouldn’t be surprised if that turns out to be true. 

As for what he’s going to do next well…who knows?

At this point, he doesn’t even had the energy to put up a fight anymore. 

So what if they’ve located the enemy base? Unlike their side, the enemy side has every side of their defenses manned and nobody can pass through that isn’t a human. 

Every attempt of invasion was met with extreme prejudice. They can’t even take a good look of what’s behind the wall since those who made it that far, died before they can say anything. 

7 out of 10 squads he sends away will never return. The lucky three could only give him minimal intel and it’s just not worth it. 

On top of all this, he’s being stretched in all sides. Due to the God Emperor’s absence, he’s the one in charge and therefore, has to be the one to shoulder the blame. 

From the families of fallen, to the families dying because of the illness. The council pressuring him to bring results to ease their people and with them being equally useless, Grimm really can’t take it anymore. 

He can’t even remember how he got up this morning. Did he even sleep at all to begin with? Honestly, he’s just so tired and he just wants everything to end soon. 

He asked himself why he’s even doing all of this. None of this was his fault, he didn’t want any of this to begin with. He just wanted a quiet life, away from all conflicts if that’s possible. He wanted a way out. He doesn’t want to suffer like this. 

But at the same time, he also understand why it has to be him. He’s the one with experience and his close connection with the God Emperor practically sealed his fate. He can’t escape this. Plus, he has to answer to his people at least. 

He’s resolved to doing everything he can to at least give them a way out and more importantly, give himself a chance. 

Grimm swore that after this, he’s done. This is the last time that he’ll be the God Emperor’s puppet. He had dedicated most of his life to his duty already, he’ll be retiring after this since he really can’t go on anymore. 

Today, he planned to make a bold move. 

Despite the chaos that ensued so far and the morale being so low, he still thinks that there is a chance for them to recover. 

Today, he planned on broadcasting his image to everyone, much like how the God Emperor does it. 

Although his image isn’t as splendid as the God Emperor, he still held some prestige and reputation amongst the people. 

He planned on being transparent to them. He will truthfully explain their current situation and will seriously convince everyone to unite their forces so that they can survive this trying times. 

The moment is already upon him. The stage is set and his speech is already prepared. He’s ready to do his all to make something meaningful before he leaves. 

When he gave out his signal, the broadcast started.

“Citizens of Paradise, most of you probably already know who I am but to those who don’t, I am General Grimm, right hand man of the God Emperor and the one in-charge of the current war efforts.”

Grimm adjusted his uniform and continued: “I know you all aren’t expecting me out of all people to show up for today’s broadcast. I know you all are waiting for the God Emperor to appear and appease every concern that you have.” 

“Unfortunately for us, that won’t be happening soon. Why? Because the God Emperor is currently fighting against a formidable enemy and he can’t extricate himself out of that fight since only him can keep the horrible enemy in-check.”

“We’re at war. I won’t hide that from you. I figured that everyone should know that by now. Back then we are so used to us being the ultimate winners and being so strong that our enemies are helpless against us. However, I’m afraid that right now, we’ve met our match.” 

“The Human Race proved stronger than we thought. Their defenses are tough and they employed cruel tactics to bring us down.”

“They ransacked our food supplies and killed our people. I’d even suspect that they are behind the cruel illness that had spread around recently.” 

Grimm took a deep breath and said: “They are strong. But I believe that we are stronger.”

“The very fact that they used these dishonorable tactics to damage us and lower our morale is already a clear proof of my statement.” 

“My people, don’t lose faith for I am with you. Right now, we already discovered where their home is and we’re very close in defeating them.”

“Unlike us, Humans aren’t Immortals. They can’t regenerate flesh as swiftly as we could and they can’t be reincarnated like we could. Once they die, that’s it.”

“Our situation might look horrible right now but I promise you that everything will get better. It will take sometime but ultimately, our enemies will fall before us like others did. You only need to have faith in our strength.” 

“Hoh…those are some big words you have right there.” 


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