Chapter 900: Godling?

His wealth, his friends, his home…his family…

Old Finn lost it all. Even his pitiful life was nearly taken away from him.

Unexpectedly though, he survived. He later woke up, extremely weak and frail but alive. He had lost a lot of blood and muscle mass reducing him to what he currently looks like.

He was picked up by some random group of outsiders and was taken to their base. There, Old Finn personally saw how miserable the lives of outsiders.

The curse was broken which is a good news but then again, Old Finn was truly unlucky. Due to his current living conditions and state, it didn’t really matter anymore.

From the moment he woke up in the Outer Worlds until this very moment, he had never felt satiated. There’s little to eat and drink here, everything tastes bland. Everything was so gloomy and miserable that Old Finn eventually lost all sense of hope.

He just clung on to his pitiful life. Treating it punishment for everything he had done.

It wasn’t until he experienced this kind of life that he realized just how privileged he was back then. Had he known that he’s going to end up this way, he would’ve politely stayed at home and savored all the good things he had.

He should’ve told his parents how much they mean to him and how lucky he was to have them.

Alas, everything is too late.

All of this…are just regrets of a dying man.

Everything has lost its meaning. There’s nothing left for him here.

And so, gradually, Old Finn released whatever hold he has left in this life. Nothing matters to him anymore. He accepted his fate and allowed himself to sunk to whatever he was heading.

As for what afterlife has in store for him? Old Finn truly couldn’t care less.

Nothing matters to him anymore. Nothing…

Well…he says this but it seems that fate has other plans in store for him. Honestly, he just can’t really catch a break now, huh?

Unaware of how much time has passed since his consciousness faded, Old Finn felt a strong pull…a jolt which returned him back to the present.

Felt a burning sensation deep within him which grew as time passes.

Old Finn has no idea what’s happening and honestly, he started feeling afraid, confused and scared.

This heat inside of him continued to burn stronger. So much so that he started panicking…

He can feel this…which is strange but he truly can. He wasn’t hallucinating. He guessed that his brows were probably furrowed at this point because the burning sensation was growing stronger and its hurting him.

As time passed, the fear just grew increasingly strong. Old Finn found it strange that he can feel his body shaking and struggling from whatever this is. He could feel a deep seated irritation stemming from the depths of his being.

He felt like he was a cornered beast, desperately trying to find a way to survive.

At this point, the burning sensation was so strong that he felt like he was being burned alive. The pain seeped through his marrows and deep to his soul.

He couldn’t help but to release a low grumble of discomfort, which awfully sounded like a threatening growl in his perspective.


More time passed and eventually, the sensation grew so strong to the point that Old Finn couldn’t take it anymore.

This was torture for him.

He could feel himself thrashing around. Trying his best to escape the pain. He felt constricted and suppressed. He didn’t like it. He’s so irritated and angry that he wanted to destroy everything around him.

As time passed by, his struggles turned increasingly violent. At one point, Old Finn heard a loud sound of a glass breaking and chains shattering.

His vision was then filled with endless white.

Much to his surprise, he actually knew that his eyes were open. He could feel his vision adjusting to the light and when it did, he was filled with shock.

He looked around and saw that he’s in a room that he couldn’t recognize. He’s surrounded with pods containing a wriggling mass within.

Old Finn looked down and saw arms that were not his…at least, not the one he remembered having yet for some reason, it was moving according to his commands.

He saw that his skin was pitch black. The arms he’s looking at were muscular and filled with so much strength. It has scales which released a glossy sheen, the nails were sharp and looked extremely dangerous.

‘These are…my arms?’ He muttered to himself.

He then looked at the rest of his body and saw that it followed the same motif. He skin was pitch black with scales, underneath it was a strong bundle of flesh bursting with power.

‘Oh damn! I changed a lot down there too!’ He exclaimed upon seeing his new and improved manly tool.

He peeled his gaze away from it and looked around him once more. It seems that he’s in some sort of a pod too much like the others however he broke free from it.

Old Finn reached down and picked up a piece of broken glass. He then used it as a mirror to see what he currently looks like and once again, he was shocked.

His face looked like just the youthful version of his, only with a charred skin and red eyes with yellow vertical slit in the middle. He looked hauntingly awesome. His hair was black too but glossy and his body was swollen.

That being said, this confused him still…

What on earth happened to him?

In the end, he resorted to his memories. Trying to figure out what brought on these changes.

He then recalled what transpired before his supposed ‘death’ and finally, everything starts making sense to him.

His current appearance bears so much resemblance to the ones that killed the ship’s crew and abducted him!

Their words before he was taken away finally started making sense to him. It seems that the reason why they didn’t kill him right away is because, apparently he has the potential to be turned just like them, meaning that they were the ones who did this to him.

‘I’m…not human anymore.’ He thought to himself.

Strangely enough, it was weird to admit that he didn’t mind this one bit.

Granted, he has no idea what he has become. All he could tell is that he transformed and he’s no longer the weak and frail Old Finn of the past.

The surging strength coursing through his veins made this very obvious to him.

To be able to feel this strong and powerful was awesome. Finneas felt like he could fucking fly if he wants to. It is such an addicting feeling.

“Oh, it seems that your awake.”

Finn looked around and saw an unfamiliar dude walking towards him with a smile om his face. Finn was on alert but the man didn’t seem to mind.

“My name is Skroll, do you have a name that I can use?”



“Yeah, Finneas. Finn is fine too.”

“Alright, Finn. Nice to meet you.” The dude smiled to him. “How do you feel?”

“Different.” Finn replied truthfully.

“I figured.” The man nodded as he pulled out a seat out of nowhere and sat close to him. “Well, you gotta get used to that. After all, you’re far from what you previously were from now on.”

“Yes…but uh, Skroll? What…what happened to him? Why am I…like this?” Finn wasn’t entirely sure what to ask but he asked it anyway.

Luckily for him, it seems that Skroll was used to this.

“In all sense of form, it’s simple really. You’re reborn. Just like me, and everyone else on this ship, you are now a Godling.”


“Yes.” Skroll nodded, “That what we call ourselves. We are Gods, Finn. It’s our birthright. We are destined to be at the seat of power throughout the whole realms. This is etched to the very fiber of our being.”

“Previously, you were just a mere mortal. But because you posses the potential of a God, we took you in and used our ways to nurture your Godhood, turning you into what you are right now.”

“You’re still young though. An infant Godling. As time goes on, your Godhood will continue to manifest until you eventually come into terms of your true identity.”

“Wow…that is um…a lot, to take in.”

“I know.” Skroll sympathetically nodded, “I was once like you too you know. Take it easy. No need to rush. You’ll eventually get used to this. For now, how about we get you out of there and get you dressed, although your body looks fine, you’re still buck naked you know.”

Finn could feel himself getting flustered, which made Skroll laugh heartily.

“It’s fine, you can admire your body more later. More importantly, you have to get out of there or else you’ll miss out on a great feast prepared for your birth.”

“…did you just say, a feast?”

Skroll looked at him with a knowing gaze and nodded:

“Yes. A feast, prepared just for you. All that’s missing, is your presence.”

Finn’s eyes glowed in splendor as he stood up abruptly and said:

“Let’s go then!”

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