Way of the Knights

Chapter 887: Laughing Dragon's Divinity

Chapter 887: Laughing Dragon’s Divinity

“…yes, this is it!”

“This is it but…it’s not enough.”

Raven a momentary epiphany earlier so he rushed back to the throne room and did his best to take advantage of the momentary inspiration he had.

The result was progress which definitely made him happy, but like he said earlier, it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. Still, it’s progress.

By now, that inspiration took him one-step closer to his goal. He figured out the outline of the path he should take, one that he can guarantee to work. There is a need to flesh out the finer details of the path but since the outer-shell is made, it’s only a matter of time.

Now, while its true that Raven could just consume some supplements like the other that will push him to the state of enlightenment, Raven didn’t do so because of one simple reason.

It won’t work.

Sure, if he took the same supplements, he will really enter the state of enlightenment but even then, nothing will come out of it cause what he seeks doesn’t exist. At least not yet…

The road that leads to the Realm Beyond Divinity doesn’t exist. Even the Heavenly Law Order doesn’t have that path available right now. What use is there seeking it if it doesn’t exist.

What he follows is the path of a Trailblazer, should he ever succeed, he’ll be the first of his kind to do so. Only then will this path be available for the rest. This is what was going to happen.

And this is also why this is so difficult, there’s literally nothing guaranteed in this pursuit. What is there are mere clues that people before him figure out on their own, even then it isn’t certain if any of it will work. Which is also the reason why comparing discoveries with other people is inadvisable.

Hell, even the known theory that only those who grasp the essence of Chaos may be able to succeed is nothing more than a theory as well. Nothing’s proven so far so Raven had to figure it all by himself.

This is the challenge that he willingly took since success means that he’ll be able to truly protect his home.

Thankfully, he had been blessed with an inspiration earlier which lead him to figuring out the path forward. Again, it isn’t much but to him, this is already more than enough. He figure out the rest on his own.

Just like that, Raven’s brief relaxation was cut short.

Before he knew it, he was back at it again, playing with sigils and simulations. What’s different is that at least he has a clue where to start from now on.

With all this talk about an inspiration and such, it begs the question: What exactly did Raven gain from it?

Well, it’s simple. The Path of the Absolute.

It’s a bit difficult to explain in words but in simple terms, it’s combining Order and Chaos. He figured that if managed to do this, the path towards the unattainable realm will appear before him.

Still, doing this will be a lot harder than saying it.

Order and Chaos cannot simply just mix. This was already established before. If this happens, there will be a mass extinction and everything will revert back to Nothingness.

This alone, poses a frightening consequence in failure.

Additionally, if Raven was supposed to find a way to have these to polar opposites combined into one, he had to understand what they are down to the tip of their roots. A rather time consuming process.

It has to be known that even though a few years had passed since Raven became the Divine Knight of Chaos and received its inheritance, he’s still discovering new things about it to this very day. And now you’re telling him that he also needs to study how Order works? That’s just too much even for a man of his caliber.

And don’t forget, this is all theoretical knowledge. At most, all he could do is to simulate the results of his future discoveries until he eventually succeeds. Even then, the success will just strictly be in a simulation, it’ll still be unknown if he could replicate this in reality and actually make it work.

Suffice to say, Raven’s still very far off from reaching his goals. This will require him a very long time of dedicated research, hell he might even seclude himself longer than his team just so that he make a decent progress with this.

“Still, this is fine.” He murmured to himself, “At least some light has been shed for the path forward. I’ll just slowly grasp my way forward, there’s no need to rush.”

Raven calmed down and felt the rush dissipate from his body. Haste makes waste. There’s no need to lose his mind over this. He was confident that he’ll reach that realm.

For now, time is on his side. It would be for the best if he doesn’t waste it, yes. But it doesn’t mean that he should force his way forward. That will only do more harm than good.


A sudden fluctuation distracted him and returned his focus back to his team.

The fluctuation came from Laughing Dragon. He raised a brow and saw that his subordinate’s aura was becoming slightly unstable.

“Is he about to- oh! I guess he is…” Raven smiled and waved his hand.

The seals around the throne room converged around Laughing Dragon, covering him in a massive formation. Said formation sealed up the fluctuations he was releasing so as to not disturb the rest with his impeding breakthrough.

Yes, after a whole year of closed-door seclusion, the first one to breakthrough to the Divine Knight Stage was Laughing Dragon.

The famous intel-hound was already hovering in air. His fat body released loud rumbling similar to that of a Dragon’s Roar.

Raven watched as Laughing Dragon slowly reverted back to his real form – a Dragon Hybrid.

Laughing Dragon doesn’t really look like it. Normally, he looks so average that he doesn’t leave any profound impression to people. He’s only famous because he was known to smell gossips and conspiracies from worlds away which he often exposes on his tabloids and articles back at the Oriental Dragon Group.

In truth, Laughing Dragon is one of the few humans who were genuinely a hybrid of man and a dragon. As far as Raven knows, Laughing Dragon was legit because he was born out of wedlock between a human mother and a dragon father.

Unlike others who were injected with obscene amounts of Dragon Blood and survived the process, Laughing Dragon was a natural and Laughing Dragon is his actual name, not his title.

Many people doesn’t know this fact about him, it wasn’t that Laughing Dragon kept it a secret, his profile is available for everyone’s view. It’s either they don’t know or they don’t believe it.

‘Well, seeing as how there’s a huge-ass Dragon right in front of me. I’d say he wasn’t lying.’ Raven chuckled to himself.

Laughing Dragon’s true form follows the shape of an Earth Dragon – the one that has four limbs, wings, horns, and long tail. His scales were golden as well as his irises. His claws were white and definitely sharp enough to cut space easily. He carried an aura of a True Dragon despite being half-human.

Apparently, this is what he’s hiding beneath all of that fat. Who could’ve known?

Anyways, Raven could feel the Divinity oozing out of his body. It carried the grandness and domineering aura of a dragon which undoubtedly is tied to the Divinity he condensed for himself.

Gone was Empyrean Laughing Dragon. Now, it’d be more apt to call him Divine Dragon, his title shall be the Divine Knight of Dragons since he condensed the Draconic Divinity.

After his breakthrough, Laughing Dragon curled his large body and closed his eyes. No, he wasn’t sleeping, he was consolidating his realm. It takes massive amounts of focus to do so, therefore he cannot be interrupted.

Raven looked at the rest of his team and saw that they were still in trance. That was good, at least Laughing Dragon’s breakthrough didn’t disturb them in this critical juncture.

Days passed by and Ravens stood guard, waiting for Laughing Dragon to consolidate is strength. By the end of the fifth day, he opened his eyes and the first thing he searched for was Raven.

He reverted back to his human form, only now, he wasn’t fat anymore. He looked just like a wizened old man.

“Well?” Raven scrutinized him, “Should I be calling you Divine Dragon now?”

“You jest, Young Lord.” He replied with a hearty laugh while caressing his beard. “Though, that does sound nice but in the end, I’m still the same old Laughing Dragon.”

He clasped his hand and bowed curtly to Raven.

“Thank you for this opportunity Young Lord. I promise that I will do my part at the upcoming war.”

“You’re very welcome, Laughing Dragon. I’m glad that you’re on my side.” Raven smiled at him. “But before we talk about the war, you should have some well-earned rest. You’ve been in seclusion for a whole year, go on.”

“Thank you, Young Lord. I’ll excuse myself now.”

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