Griffin City, the former Royal Capital of the Kingdom of Morzar, which existed before it fell and was assimilated into the Netherian Federation back in 1425, was now the capital of the Morzar Province of Netheria.

It was a city rich in culture and heritage and was one of the Cultural Capitals of the country. And it was here that the Imperial School of Medicine existed, which was built back in 1767 as one of the sister schools to the Royal Medical School of Austria, and it was still under the direct Administration of the Royal Medical Association.

The University was built on the outskirts of the City, quite close to the Orisis Lake and the Zenza Forest.

Since its inception back in 1767, the University Town had been expanding, and now, it had an ever-so-busy market as well as several high-rising buildings, some of which were the new Hostels of the University.

It was a famous tourist spot too, which was why there were several Hotels in the Town, and then a housing society existed right next to the Orisis Lake, which was called the Gryphon Society and was one of the most prized lands of the country and so outrageously expensive that only the ridiculously rich or very powerful could afford to live there.

Last year, someone bought the last remaining and one of the most prized plots, and now, a gorgeous mansion stood there with a perfect, elevated, and unhindered view of the Lake.

It was very early in the morning when the gates of the newly built mansion opened, and a series of luxurious cars entered it.

"Isn't that the design Amelia built last year?" Kiara exited the driving seat of her latest Mclaren Artura 313, and curiously looked at the beautiful mansion.

"Yes." Keith smiled at her as he got out of his Pagani Moonshade and then lazily stretched his arms.

"So it was not for a Mansion in Noxville." She understandably nodded her head and then turned to smile at him. "Have you named it yet?"


"I will think one for it!" She told him and then happily grabbed Minami's hand, who had just stepped out of the cosmic grey Mclaren.

Yingying and Iseul parked their cars in the garage and then entered the house together with their Master.

It was just five of them who had come here.

Ingrid and Ingvild were made to stay at the Manor with the rest of the girls, and Keith did it because he wanted to give the two sisters some more time with each other.

The older Carmilla Princess was just like a mother around her little sister, and ever since the day Keith brought Ingvild back to her, she had been busy teaching her little sister everything she knew and was even learning new things together with her.

Everyone at the Manor had tried to poke some fun at her, but Ingrid did not care and did not stop her motherly care for her younger sister.

It was so obvious that she was trying to make up for all the time that they had been separated, but she was also keen on spending time with her to discover some of their newfound powers, which unbeknownst to them were all thanks to Keith.

"Brother!" Kiara came excitedly running downstairs, and Keith smiled at her as he accepted her in his arms. "I want the third Master Bedroom!" She told him and was elated when he nodded his head.

"It's yours."

"Thank you!" She immediately tip-toed and kissed him, savouring his taste before she reluctantly let go. "You don't have to go to the University today, right?" She hopefully asked.

"We have four days before the next Semester starts." He informed her and laughed at the excitement in her eyes. "Let's go for horseriding after breakfast." He suggested and received another enthusiastic kiss in reply.

"I will go get ready!" She said right before she picked up her suitcases and rushed into her room.

Minami, Iseul, and Yingying picked their rooms as well, and Kiara, after she had gotten ready, made a call to the Goldsmith Twins, who had returned to Mystich City to stay a couple of weeks with their family before they would come to here to live with them.

On the call, she showed the Twins all the rooms of the Mansion and then asked them which one they wanted, and the Twins did take their time.

Keith had to wait for fifteen minutes at the breakfast table when Kiara joined them after making her calls back home.

"Can we explore the University Town in the evening?" She requested, already knowing that he was not going to say no.

"Yes." He smiled.

"You can bring your girlfriend too!" She giggled.

"She's not my girlfriend." He chuckled and then sipped some water. "And she does not know I am here and that I will have joined the University. I plan on keeping it a surprise."

"Aww... How romantic!" She teased him, but he was not someone who could be teased like this. "You haven't told us much about her." She suddenly voiced her curiosity, and when he did not answer her, she turned to look at Iseul, knowing that Keith's Iris would know about her.

"She's very beautiful," Iseul told her and glanced at Keith.

He did not stop her from revealing things about Kashish, so she smiled at Kiara and told her some important things about the daughter of the Mir Family.

"She's twenty years old, raven hair, ice-blue eyes, an Auror in the True Profound Realm, and she is very talented in Medicine," Iseul told them. "Kashish was nine years old when her parents were killed after their enemies risked everything to harm the Mir Family. Since then, she has been raised by her grandfather, who had suffered grievous injuries in the war that resulted after the death of her parents. She cares a lot about her old man, and a major reason why she is a great Aura Doctor is that she had been looking for a way to cure her grandfather and save him from his death."

"Oh..." Kiara was no longer smiling and was very seriously listening to the story of the girl who was going to become a part of their family.

"She has been studying Medicine diligently ever since her childhood, and two years ago, she, together with her great-grandfather, Eshin, who is the Grand Elder of the Mir Family, came to Austria to meet some renowned doctors of the Royal Medical Association," Iseul informed them. "It was the Mir Family's last bet before they would have to lower themselves to their great rivals, the Arya, if they wanted to save her grandfather's life."

"And you were there at that time?" Kiara turned to Keith and asked.

"Not really." He smiled. "But I had been expecting them." He vaguely said and nodded to Iseul to continue.

"The Doctors at the Royal Medical Association could not give them the promise they needed. The state of her grandfather was beyond saving. Kashish was already expecting it, but she had still not lost hope, and out of a favour that the Austrian Royal Family owed the Mir, they told them about Master." Iseul smiled as it was all planned by Keith, but it was not something that she was going to reveal. "Kashish and Eshin waited nine days before Master arrived at the Royal Medical School with Princess Avriel, and it was then that they met and the girl managed to convince Master to save her grandfather by begging him on her knees. She also has a younger brother, whose name is Harud, who was named after their Grandfather."

"I see." Kiara sighed and then looked at her brother. "What did you make her promise?"

"Nothing." He told her, taking her by surprise.



"Really?" She asked again, and he could only chuckle at her words.

"I did not make her promise me anything. But she was very grateful to me after I saved her grandfather, and she promised she would do anything if I ever asked her for something."

"And here I was thinking she was smart." She giggled.

"It is hard to resist my charm." He shrugged, making her giggle some more.

"She very filial and caring, isn't she?"

"She is, but only to those who matter to her." He smiled. "Also, she's very smart, thirsty for knowledge, and she is very talented in both Cultivation and Medicine. She's quite special."

"Twenty years old and already in True Profound Realm. She is indeed special." Kiara nodded her head, and Keith smiled in his heart.

"Interestingly, she has never paid her Cultivation any attention." He revealed, and all the girls turned to look at him in surprise.


"Yes." He nodded. "She has only spent her life studying medicine."

"Then..." Kiara was about to say something when a thought crossed her mind. "She has a Special Physique?" She guessed.

"Yes." He nodded to her.

"So that's why you want her." His little sister looked him in the eyes, but then mischievously smiled. "Or is she really that beautiful to catch your attention?"

"Both." He admitted.

"I would love to meet her!" Kiara was suddenly quite excited to meet Kashish and wanted to see for herself how special and beautiful the girl truly was. "But I will have to wait, right?"

"You will meet her after a few days." Keith nodded. "Finish up for your breakfast now. We have to reach the Equestrian Club by 9 am."

"Okay!" Kiara happily smiled and proceeded to finish her meal.

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