Keith could not help but smile as he watched the pair of mother and son nervously looking at him, their bodies shaking a little in fear.

Roy had his head lowered as he half hid behind Fiona, and the young mother was trying to find words to say to him but failed to find them.

She could not even muster up the courage to thank him for saving her life since she understood that he had not done it out of goodwill.

"Pack anything valuable and meaningful to you. You have an hour." He ordered, and they both raised their heads to look at him in surprise.

"Why?" Fiona nervously asked.

She was very uneasy in her heart since she knew that her young and naive son had practically sold her to this mysterious young man, who was not exactly a human by what her son had told her.

However, unlike Roy, she believed that Keith was a very powerful Auror than some God.

She was aware of the existence of Aurors since she had been raised in the Winford Family, who had several Aurors under their ranks. Therefore, she knew a lot more about the world than her son did.

"How do you think people would react if they find you in good health?" He smiled. "Questions will be raised."

The reminder made her feel uneasy, and she understood that they could no longer stay there.


"Do as I say." He cut her off, and her body trembled a little at the authority in his voice.

"Where are we going?" She lowered her head and asked.

"Iceland." He replied, and her eyes widened in surprise because it was the country that she had always yearned to visit but never got a chance to.

Eventually, the mother and son got to work, and since Keith insisted that they don't pack any clothes, they were done packing everything valuable to them within minutes. It was mostly because they did not own a lot of things or anything particularly valuable.

"Done?" Keith asked them, and both of them nodded their heads.

"Can I say goodbye to..."

"No." He cut her off again, and Fiona became even more nervous.

Truth be told, she was very hesitant to go with this man even if he had saved her life. But she had a gut feeling that if he could save her, he could kill her too if they did not hold their end of the deal. She was not worried about her life, but she did not want her child to come into harm's way.

When they arrived downstairs and outside their building, there was no one to be seen anywhere. Which was strange as usually there were a few people still on the streets at this hour of the night.

A black Bentley Bentayga was parked in front of them, and a beautiful Chinese girl was standing there, dressed in strange black clothes that gave the impression that she was a bodyguard of some sort. She looked battle-ready.

"Master." Yingying bowed to him and then Keith climbed into the driver's seat.

Under the scrutinising gaze of his Shadow, the pair of mother and son got into the backseat, and then Yingying sat into the passenger seat before Keith drove off.

Keith smiled when he caught Roy curiously looking around the car. It was the first time he was sitting inside such a car, and by the looks of it, he was very intrigued and interested in it.

He was a child destined to enjoy a life full of luxury, after all, he was blessed with the Will of a certain God of Wealth, just like how Mathew had been blessed with the Will of the Flower Emperor.

A short while later, they arrived at the airstrip at Waterford Airport, and there, a very luxurious and advanced private jet was waiting for them.

Everything was just happening too fast for them, and when they entered the plane, the pair of mother and son saw an enchantingly beautiful girl in a princess dress already sitting inside.

"Master." They heard the girl greet Keith, who planted a kiss on her head and then sat next to her.

No one guided them where to sit, and Fiona grabbed Roy's hand as she walked further inside the plane and sat a little away from Keith and the two ladies who were with him.

Exactly two hours after their take-off from the Waterford Airport, they landed at the Reykjavík–Keflavík Airport, where a few black Range Rovers were waiting for them.

"My Lord!"

The men in black, who were wearing shades even at night time, respectfully bowed to Keith, and their address tensed up Fiona even more.

Keith simply nodded to the men of Hermes and then entered the Range Rover in the front with Minami and drove off.

Fiona then caught another beautiful Asian girl exiting the jet, and the girl did not even spare them a glance as she walked past them and then took the second Range Rover before driving away.

Yingying then urged Fiona and Roy to get inside the third car, and then they drove off as well, heading to who knows where.

When they arrived at the front of the Hotel half an hour later, Fiona and Roy caught two beautiful children exiting the second Range Rover.

Roy was quite curious as the children were younger than him, and they looked quite similar and were of the same height as well.

"Mammy, are they twins?" He asked, and Fiona looked at Yingying, who nodded her head.

"They are Ruru and Riku, and they will be staying with the two of you for the next year," Yingying informed them before leading them inside the Hotel.

"Are they your Master's children?" Fiona mustered up some courage and asked.

"No. They are like you." The girl replied, which made the young mother a little uneasy in her heart.

However, when they entered the hotel and arrived at the main lobby, they were immediately distracted by the atmosphere and the surroundings.

The place was simply too luxurious, and even Fiona could not help but look around.

They then entered a lift and arrived at the topmost floor, where they were led inside a very luxurious suite.

Ruru and Riku gave Fiona and Roy a curious glance, especially Roy, but then they both took their eyes off him and obediently sat down on the couch as if waiting for something.

Yingying did not guide them on anything and simply left them alone in the suite, closing the door behind her as she left.

It took a minute before Fiona finally felt relieved for the first time since they had left their apartment back in Waterford.

She grabbed Roy's hand and decided to approach the twins.

"Hello." She spoke to them, and the two curiously looked at her and just nodded their heads. "I am Fiona, and this is my son, Roy." She introduced herself as she drew her hand forward to the twins.



They gave her their names but did not shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ruru, Riku." Fiona smiled as she found them a little too cute, and did not mind that they refused to shake her hand.

She sat down on the couch adjacent to them and then smiled as she watched the twins curiously look at them.

"May I ask where you are from?" She asked, and the two of them gave her a confused look before the young girl spoke in a language she could not understand. "You don't speak English?" She guessed, and a while later, she became certain that they could not understand her.

Fiona was a little alarmed when both Ruru and Riku shot up on their feet all of a sudden and looked towards the door.

But she soon understood why they did it as soon as Keith entered the room together with his three beautiful companions.

Behind him was a group of waiters and attendants with their dinner, and they started setting up the dining table.

Seeing so much food on the table and the appetising aroma that oozed out of it, Roy salivated, and then nervously looked at Keith, who was looking at him with a smile.

"They will be staying with you from now on. Make friends with the boy." He turned to the Hubo Twins and spoke to them in Persian.

"Yes, Master." Riku bowed to him, accepting his command.

"Go sit at the table." He said, and then both Ruru and Riku walked over to the dining table to take their seats.

Keith turned to look at the pair of mother and son before his eyes settled on Fiona.

"You will address me as Master from now on." He told her, which made her body tremble in nervousness. "Forget all about the people you know in your life other than the ones who surround you now because you will not be seeing them again."

"Yes..." Fiona nodded to him, keeping her head lowered.

"This is Yingying, my Shadow." He pointed at the said girl, who nodded to the mother and son. "This is Isuel, my assistant." He introduced them to the second girl, who unlike before, smiled brightly at them.

"Heya!" She greeted them.

"Hello..." Fiona did not know why she felt very uncomfortable under Iseul's eyes, and then she turned to look at Minami, feeling amazed at her beauty and a little envious too.

"This is Minami. She's my daughter." Keith told her, and Fiona immediately paled a little and took her eyes off the said girl, bowing to her.

"My lady." She greeted her, and Minami nodded to her.

Fiona was very nervous right now. She did not have good experience with the people of the Noble Families, and she had always had to suffer at the hands of her Mistress and her former Master's daughters, who started disliking her when she was accepted as their father's lover.

She was subconsciously very apprehensive of Minami now that she had learned that she was her Master's daughter.

Though Keith did not look old enough to be a father of a girl who looked to be around 18 years of age, since she had determined that he was a very powerful Auror, she had guessed that his true age was likely more than what it appeared.

"Let's eat," Keith said and then turned around to walk to the table.

Fiona was very nervous to even sit at the same table but had to sit down when Keith nodded to her.

She debated if she should get up and serve him, but Minami was already at it, happily serving Keith his meal.

It was a strange sight for her, but as soon she tasted the food, which was more delightful and delicious than anything she had in over a decade, her nerves relaxed a lot.

Roy was not too shy once he started on the meal, and just like the Hubo Twins, he happily ate to his fill.

It was unlike any meal he had in his life, and he just found it a little too delicious.

And in the back of his mind, a subconscious thought took root that he always wanted to eat the finest of the foods.

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