"I am sorry, Master." Inside a study, a tall young black man apologetically stood in front of his Master, whose mere gaze rooted him in his place with gravity acting several times stronger on him.

"You wasted six months." Keith coldly spoke, and Zor's body trembled before he dropped to his knees.

Even though his body ached terribly, he did not dare to utter a cry or raise his head.

"You should have been at the Peak of True Profound Realm by now. And here you are, still stuck in the Late Stage after spending the last six months riding whores all over Asia."

Zor's body trembled again, and a wave of shame washed over him. He was a little over-confident and thought that he would advance to the Peak of True Profound Realm in a month or two, but it did not happen.

| He always felt like he would reach the peak any moment now, which was why he did not concentrate on Cultivation. But now, he stood before Keith, having failed in a simple task that was given to him when he had asked for a vacation.

"Stand up."

He heard the command and fought gravity as he stood back up on his trembling legs.

"Ahhh!!!" Zor screamed in immense pain when Keith suddenly appeared in front of him and clawed his chest.

There was no great force behind the attack, but Zor felt like all the cells in his body were burning in agony, and his wails would have woken up the entire neighbourhood had Keith not been blocking the sounds from travelling out.

For the next half hour, Zor kept shaking and writhing on the ground like a dying fish, and his throat had now gone hoarse after all the crying.

Just when he thought that the pain would never stop, he felt his Aura Nodes madly start refining Aura, and within a few minutes, his body was covered in a brown coat of light.

"Congratulations on stepping into the Peak of True Profound Realm, Zor." Keith lightly said as he poured himself some Cloud's Blood Wine. "Get up and go wash your face." He coldly commanded, and Zor immediately got up and walked into the restroom.

He came out a couple of minutes later, still wincing at the pain that jolted through his body from time to time.

"If you fail in your commitment to me again, you will feel this same pain again, but only in your balls."

"I won't disappoint you again, Master." He fearfully promised and then sat down when Keith gestured him to.

Zor took a sip of the wine that was offered to him, and his nerves finally relaxed a little.

"Show me how much you have improved in your Ability."

"Master." Acknowledging the command, he put the glass down and utilised his Esper Powers.

Under Keith's eyes, Zor started ageing at a drastic rate until he looked like someone who was too ancient, with his skin kissing his skeleton, just waiting for death. And then he started de-ageing, getting younger until he was a young boy in his early teens.

Zor then returned to his normal age and looked at the image of a man on the tablet Keith handed to him.

It was a Caucasian man in his early fifties, quite healthy, and Zor started transforming his body to the man's image. He could not do it completely, as his skin still stayed dark brown, but he had managed to shape his face in the image of his target.

His Esper ability was Shape-Shifting, and though he could already do a lot, Keith knew that Zor had a long way to go before fully unlocking his true potential.

"You have improved." He nodded, and Zor finally felt a little relieved in his heart.

"Who's this man, Master?" He asked as he looked at the details of the person on the tablet.

"Jacob Frost. A famous Baker in the city, and one of your Targets." Keith leaned back in his seat and waited for Zor to scroll through the details before coming across the image and information about a Young lady. "Penelope Jones. She's the daughter of the City's Deputy Mayor."

"She attends his Baking Class at weekends." Zor nodded. "What's the task?"

"I want Jacob caught for sexually assaulting her. And I need it recorded as well."

Zor nodded his head and looked at the girl again. She was quite beautiful, and he felt quite tempted by her.

"When do you need it done?"

"You have two weeks."

"Does he need to do it or..."

"As long as it is Jacob who is caught by the Police, you can do whatever you want with the girl."

"Thank you, Master." He smiled.

"Iris will transfer the details of the Targets to you. Go."

Zor nodded his head and stood up, and after finishing his glass of wine, he deeply bowed to Keith before leaving the room.

"Master." Iseul's voice sounded out in his ear.


"Mathew is on his way. His butler Albert and two bodyguards are with him."


"She will arrive in a few minutes."

"Alright." He nodded and then got up to head to his room.

He had received Zoey's text in the morning. She was searching for an excuse to see him, and after she learned that he was now living in this Mansion, she expressed her willingness to come over and help him decorate the place.

Keith saw right through her excuse, but simply invited her to come over, and the excited girl texted right away that she will be there in an hour.

Mathew Frost too had learned about him moving into this mansion. And as he had expected, the Child of Destiny contacted him through the Golden Galaxy Casino, asking for a meeting.

This place was a little too special to his target, Maria, and if there was no System Quest, Mathew would have simply given up on approaching him for this home.

Keith was the last person he wanted to meet nowadays.

Unfortunately for him, he was in for another round of humiliation.

Keith could have refused to meet him, but there was no fun in doing such. Seeing the frustration as he was told that this place was not for sale was going to be quite fun. And since Zoey was going to be present too, he was sure that Mathew's heart would bleed at their meeting.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed in a simple pair of pants and a casual shirt, he arrived in the lounge where Zoey was sitting, chatting happily with Iseul.

"Master Demiliore!" She smiled when she saw him come over and stood up.

"Miss Zoey." He approached her and then grabbed her hand before planting a kiss on her knuckles. "You look lovely today."

"Thank you." She blushed and lowered her head, feeling a little at a loss when he let go of her hand and sat next to Iseul.

"You showed her around the place?"

"Zoey has been here before." Iseul smiled at him.

"Lady Wellington hosted a pasty here last year, and I attended it with my Mother. It's a beautiful home, Master Demiliore," She informed him.

"Thank you." He smiled at her. "Don't you have a class today?"

"I do..." She pulled her tongue and then told him how she skipped the class to come here. "But you have already refurbished the place. I don't think there is anything I can help with now." She sighed.

"It is fine. I did not call you over for that." He smiled at her. "You will show me around the city today."

His words surprised her, but then an infectious smile appeared on her face.

"Of course, Master Demiliore." She immediately stood up.

"Not now." He chuckled. "Heir Oscar is coming over for a meeting with me. We will leave after that."

"Mathew?" She frowned as she sat back on the sofa. "What is it about?" The question had only left her mouth before she realised that she should not be asking questions about Business. "I am sorry. I was just curious."

"It is fine." He smiled at her. "And I don't really know what it is about. They have a request, and I refused to hear a request over the call so I invited them over to ask me about it face-to-face."

Zoey nodded her head and then changed the topic, telling him about all the beautiful places in the city.

"Have you been to Mystich University Campus?"


"You will love it then!" She promised him. "It is one of the most beautiful Campuses in the country."

"So I have heard." Keith nodded to her and kept chatting with her for the next half an hour.

"Master." Iseul, who had left the two of them alone at some point, returned to the lounge. "Heir Oscar is here."

"I see."

He nodded and then stood up before smiling at Zoey.



"It is fine. Come." He grabbed her hand and then led her to the drawing room where Mathew and Albert were sitting.

A maid, who came with this house, was serving the guests tea when he entered the room.

"Master Demiliore." Both Mathew and Albert stood up and bowed to him, and the former frowned when he caught him holding Zoey's hand. "Miss Alvarez." He greeted her, but the green-eyed girl just nodded her head.

"Take a seat, Heir Oscar." Keith sat down and then smiled at his guests. He had deliberately pulled Zoey to sit quite close to him, and in his heart, he was smiling at the uncomfortable expression of Mathew. "So tell me, what request do you have?"

Seeing him going straight to business unnerved Mathew a little. It would have been better if they talked about it over call, but Keith has sent them a message that if they had any requests, they should come and meet him face-to-face.

"Our apologies for taking your time, Master Demiliore," Albert spoke as he found his Young Master a little flustered. "For several years, Master Oscar had been seeking this house that you own now, but Wellingtons had never been keen on selling this place." He carefully chose his words. "We just wanted to inquire if you had any intentions of selling it to us."

"And why is your Master not here?" He lightly asked, which made Mathew frown.

"He does not know that we have come here, Master Demiliore," Albert informed him. "Young Master wants to gift this place to his grandfather on his coming birthday..."

"Oh." Keith smiled and then turned to look at Mathew. "I thought Mr. Frost wanted to gift this place to Maria Valeca. After all, he's quite infatuated with her."

His words froze Mathew, and even Albert, who was staying composed, could not help but feel a chill up his spine.

"Why do you say so, Master Demiliore..."

Keith glanced into Albert's eyes and the old man froze as he felt like hundreds of needles were digging into his skin.

"I don't like to be lied to." He coldly said, and Albert immediately lowered his head.

"My apologies, Master Demiliore..."

"You can take your leave after finishing the tea." He cut him off. "My house is not for sale." He simply said and then stood up, leaving the room.

Mathew just sat there looking at Keith and Zoey leave. He had seen how Keith had not let go of Zoey's hand even for a moment, and she seemed quite happy with it.

The refusal to sell this place did not surprise him much, but he still felt humiliated.

"Let's go." Keeping his anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, he simply stood up to leave, and Albert followed after him.

The old man sighed as he looked at the back of his Young Master. He did not know why, but he had a premonition that the Oscar Family would meet an end because of Mathew.

His Young Master had nothing but girls on his mind, and it was bound to lead him into trouble.

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