A day of seclusion was all it took him to finally step into the True Profound Realm. But as he opened his blue eyes, there was no joy in them. There was just determination and sorrow, which stemmed from his envy and weakness.

Taking a deep breath, Kylian stood up and stretched his limbs, and as he looked around, he found the maid he had accepted as his bedwarmer setting up the table with breakfast.

He had jumped on her in a hazy mind, driven by his lust, and thankfully, she was not bad in his eyes and was quite a diligent maid.

"Thank you." He smiled and said, feeling content in his heart when he watched her blush slightly.

Kylian was tempted to pick her up and take her inside the bathroom with him, but when his eyes inadvertently looked at the clock, he sighed in his heart.

It was well past 8 am, and the morning exercises in the Sect were over. It was the second day he had missed it, and he knew that his absence was not going to reflect well on his already compromised image.

Deciding to make some amends and see his father, Kylian sat down at the breakfast table after washing up.

He ate his meal, lost in his thoughts, and for the first time in his life, watching someone take care of him, serve him, and ask if he needed anything more, made him feel grateful.

"I will be out and won't be returning before nightfall. You can go and visit your children, Mina."

"Thank you, Master." His maid gratefully bowed to him and then proceeded to clean the table.

She had told him that she had two children with her late husband, both boys, and they were 10 and 8 respectively.

They were not too young, but they were still young enough to need her presence in their lives, and Mina had requested him, nearly begged him in tears to not make her give up on her children.

Even if she had not asked it, he was not a cruel man who would keep a mother away from her children, and it was at that moment he finally reflected on his actions and regretted them a little.

But being as lustful as he was, he proceeded to initiate another round of passion, making her cry in ecstasy and giving her the most pleasurable night of her life.

He always took great pride in being good enough that no girl would be able to resist him in bed, and he loved listening to their ecstatic cries as he made them forget all about their past or present lovers.

When he stepped outside his cottage, Kylian was in a lot better mood, and he started walking towards his Mother's place.

It was a great feeling to be greeted by everyone on his way, but then he frowned a little when he came across someone who did not even bother to glance at him.

He stopped and turned around to look at the girl who had just walked past him, and he frowned because she was wearing a veil on her face.

"Excuse me." He did not know why he did it, but he still called out to her and smiled a little when she stopped and turned to look at him.

"Yes?" It was a sweet yet indifferent voice, and even though she was wearing a veil, Kylian could make out that she was very beautiful and bore the same features of the Dusk family that he possessed.

"I am Kylian Dusk." He gave his name as he walked over to her, and smiled that she did not feel bothered by it. "May I ask why you are wearing a Veil in the Sect? It is against the rules."

"The rules don't apply to me, Young Master Kylian. You are welcome to take this matter to Sect Master. No, please, excuse me." Gina lightly said and then turned around to continue walking to her Grandfather's compound.

"May I ask your name?" He hopefully asked as he watched her leave, but frowned when she did not even reply to him.

Out of curiosity, he tried to see through her strength, and his heart skipped a beat when he realised that his powers did not work on her.

"Who was she?" He asked the boy who had been standing a few feet away, keeping his head lowered in respect.

"She's Elder Zola's Granddaughter, Young Master Kylian." The boy respectfully answered him and then excused himself.

Kylian was surprised by those words and then an amused smile crept on his face.

His father had spoken to him about Elder Zola's granddaughter, and he knew that his family wanted him to marry her.

At first, he had not commented on it and had been against the idea, but now that he had seen for himself that she was a beautiful maiden with an inborn pride in her bones, he was quite tempted by her.

The guards outside his father's compound frowned slightly at seeing him coming over, but they did not step in to stop him.

"Good morning, Young Master Kylian." A servant stepped forward and greeted him. "Do you wish to see Sect Master?"

"Yes. Is father busy?"

"He is in his study, Young Master. But he is open to taking visitors." The old man informed him and then led him straight to the back of the compound without letting him enter it.

Kylian knew exactly why he had done this. It was to stop him from entering the house where his Step-Mother, brother and his sister resided.

Without anyone telling him, he knew that it was Hadrian's instructions, and Kylian could not wait to meet his brother again in a battle to teach him a lesson.

The servant stopped when they reached the study and Kylian walked past him, proceeding to knock on the door.


"Kylian, Father. May I come in?" He politely said and obediently bore the silence that ensued.

It was nearly three minutes later that his father asked him to come in, and he entered the study, closing the door behind him.

"Yes?" Gerald glanced at his son before looking back at the book in his hand, and Kylian knew very well that he was only reading it so that he does not have to look at him.

"I am sorry, Father." He kept all his dissatisfaction away and did what he came here to do.

"For what?"

"For being overconfident, being disrespectful to my older brother, and for jeopardising the health of my mother." He answered, keeping his head lowered.

"Have you visited your mother?" Gerald put the book away and leaned back in the chair, taking a good look at his son.

"No, Father." Kylian lightly said, and the sorrow in his answer was not a lie.

"She was asking for you. You must go and see her next."

"Yes, Father." He nodded his head and then waited for his father to say something to him.

"Are you happy with your new bedwarmer, Kylian?"

The question disturbed him a little, but he kept his head lowered and nodded.

"My apologies, Father."

"Do not touch another .aid in the family and the Sect. The consequences will be dire, Kylian. This place has its traditions and codes, and they will not change for anyone."

For some reason, those words made him uncomfortable and he finally raised his head to look at his father.

"I saw a young lady on my way here. She was wearing a veil, Father."

"Your cousin, Ginara Dusk." Gerald nodded to him and sighed in disappointment at how his son had reacted to his words. "Are you pointing out to me that there is someone who is not abiding by the codes, Kylian?" He asked and then without waiting for an answer, clarified things to him. "She is not a normal subject of the Sect. Zola accepted her as his personal disciple when she was only three years old, and she has his permission to wear a veil when she steps out of her Family Compound."

Kylian felt a little embarrassed now for speaking about it and then took a deep breath.

"She's beautiful, Father." He meaningfully said and frowned when he watched his father sigh again in disappointment.

"She belongs to another man now, Kylian. Zola never accepted my proposal and refused to give her hand in marriage to you." Gerald clearly told him and frowned when he saw rage sparkle in Kylian's eyes.

"Who's the man?"

"That's not your concern, Kylian. And I won't tolerate any stupidity by you on this matter."

"It is Hadrian, isn't it?" He let out an angry chuckle. "He must have come to you to ask for her so that I can not get her. Right, Father?"

Gerald stayed silent at his son's words, watching the change in his expression and the rage in his eyes that contained animosity towards his own blood.

"It is not your brother whom she belongs to, Kylian." He lightly said.


Kylian, who was about to shout something, surprisedly looked at his father after those words.

"Who is it?" He impatiently asked, regaining his confidence that he could convince Elder Zola to change his mind.

"I warn you, Kylian. You must not do anything stupid..." Gerald's words were cut short when he suddenly saw his son's Aura spread out and shroud all of his body, announcing to him that he had stepped into the True Profound Realm.

There was a trace of joy in his eyes at the revelation, but then there was more disappointment.

"I forbid you from approaching Zola and Gina, Kylian. Congratulations on stepping into the next Realm. You may go now. Don't keep your mother waiting."

Kylian was at a loss for words after what he heard and just stayed in his place for a good few minutes, still keeping his body shrouded in his Aura.

"I thought you would be happy, Father." He lowered his head as he recalled his Aura inside his body, and his voice contained hints of indifference.

"I am happy for you, Son. But I am not happy about what you have in your mind." Gerald sighed and stood up.

The old man walked towards his son and placed his hand on his shoulder, patting him.

"You are talented, Kylian. Perhaps the most talented person I have seen in my life when it comes to Cultivation." He smiled. "But it does not mean that you can do everything you want by justifying your actions with your strength and talent. There are things that one needs to respect if one wants to be respected in the world, and respecting someone's choice is one of them."

Kylian frowned at those words.

"She did not want me?"

"No. Ginara refused to marry you, but she agreed to belong to the man her grandfather picked for her."

"Who is it, Father?" He asked again, and Gerald took his hand off his shoulder.

"You disappoint me, Kylian."

"I just want to know who her choice is, Father."

Gerald clenched his fist and held back the urge to punch his son right in his guts to teach him a lesson, but he could feel that he was already too late to correct his wrongdoings.

Only life could teach any lessons to Kylian now, and as someone who had lived and seen the world better, he knew that his son, despite all his talent, would suffer because of his overconfidence and lust.

Yes, Gerald believed that his son was now lusting after Ginara, and it was something he had to put a stop to.

"She is now Master Demiliore's maid, Kylian. She belongs to him." He told him and then turned to look him in the eyes. Ignoring his son's shock, he continued, "And if you dare to do anything that harms the Sect's relationship with Master Demiliore, I will denounce you as my son and you will be exiled, Kylian. Understood?"

Kylian was far too lost in his envy to understand what his father was worried about, and without answering him, he walked out of the study to head back to his cottage.

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