Villain Ch 621. The Godfather

Allen tapped his shoes impatiently under the table, stealing glances at his watch for what felt like the thousandth time. An entire hour had crawled by since the agreed meeting time with Mila, though it seemed like far longer.

He sat stiffly in the plush booth inside FusionBrew Café’s exclusive backroom lounge, reserved only for VIP guests. One of Shea’s broad-shouldered bodyguards, Brad, stood sentinel on Allen’s side, and Vivian, who sat picking at her manicure out of boredom beside him. Brad was Shea’s ruthlessly efficient personal assistant.

The final member of their entourage was posted outside the trendy café’s front entrance, serving as a lookout for Mila’s arrival. His orders were clear – ensure she only brought the one approved guest, her brother Noah, and no unexpected surprises like police or additional security.

If anything seemed suspicious, the guard would signal to Allen through his earpiece and usher them out the back door, escaping unseen before Mila ever set foot inside.

For now, the round table stood empty except for two seats facing each other across its smooth marble surface – one for Allen, and the other reserved for Mila on the opposite side when she finally decided to grace them with her presence. The isolated placement was intentional on Allen’s part, forcing space between them and establishing his position of control over this meeting.

Despite the personal nature of their unfinished business, Allen had ensured the atmosphere maintained an edge of tense formality, like a high-stakes corporate negotiation. “I feel like I’m on the set of The Godfather 5 in here,” Vivian attempted to joke through the strained silence, eyeing the humorless guard flanking them.

Allen simply sniffed in vague amusement. “I did consider having Brad kiss my hand when he arrived. But this is a bit more civilized than two warring street gangs meeting in a parking lot alleyway.”

Before Vivian could reply, Brad’s earpiece crackled sharply. “Luxury sedan pulling up front, matching the description. Standby.” Brad subtly shifted his stance, ready to relay updates to Allen at a moment’s notice.

The car door swung, a signal of a new arrival. The bodyguard’s sharp gaze sliced through the small crowd—and then narrowed dangerously at the two tall figures trailing behind Mila.

The first bodyguard murmured low into his discreet mic, “Confirming visual on target female and two unidentified males.”

Mila lifted her chin, though her face seemed pale underneath the oversized designer sunglasses perched on her head. The two men behind her were unfamiliar—likely businessmen based on their well-tailored suits. The taller one with salt-and-pepper hair scrutinized the scene suspiciously before leaning down to mutter something to Mila through gritted teeth.

Neither appeared outwardly dangerous, but their stern expressions suggested intense displeasure at this detour.

“Intercept them and confirm identities before letting them through,” Brad instructed the earpieced bodyguard up front, after getting the update that Mila had arrived with two mystery men.

The guard quickly moved into position, blocking the entrance just as Mila attempted to breeze past pulling the two unfamiliar men along by the elbows.

“Excuse me, hold on a moment please,” the bodyguard stated, hand raised. “There seems to be some confusion. My understanding was that Ms. Mila would be arriving only with her brother.”

The taller man glared in annoyance. “Well, your understanding is clearly mistaken,” he snapped. “I’m Noah, Mila’s brother and the other one is my business partner. Now what exactly is the meaning of all this?”

Mila cringed under Noah’s burning stare. She had already endured a blistering tirade from him back in the vehicle about how her impulsiveness could undermine everything they’d worked on for the company. This humiliating interrogation by security was now salt in the wound.

The bodyguard nodded but maintained his unmoving blockade. “My apologies, but Mr. Grayblight explicitly agreed to two guests only, so I will need to obtain authorization before I can allow additional visitors.”

He relayed the update to Brad via earpiece. “Ms. Mila claims one male is her brother, Noah, the other is a business partner. She wants entry for both,” the bodyguard out front discretely reported into his mic. “Requesting permission on how to proceed.”

Inside the cafe’s sleek, Brad subtly pressed two fingers to his earpiece, listening closely before angling slightly away from the table to update Allen.

“One of them introduced themselves as her brother plus an unknown male escort who seemed to be some sort of business associate. I advised them they are restricted entry until you approve otherwise.”

Allen pursed his lips, staring silently ahead for several taut moments. Just like Mila to brazenly flout their agreed terms at the last minute.

“Feel free to toss whichever useless hanger-on she dragged uninvited,” Vivian quipped snidely from Allen’s side. “Serves her right to squirm a little for pulling this crap.”

Rubbing his chin contemplatively, Allen finally gave a slow nod. “Actually…let all three through for now if they wish. I won’t be deprived of the satisfaction of dismissing the plus-ones myself once they’re inside and comfortable.”

He signaled approval to Brad, who promptly relayed the order to the bodyguard that all three guests were cleared to enter when ready.

Within moments, approaching footsteps could be heard descending the polished concrete stairs into the sunken lounge. Mila appeared first, hovering unsurely in her sleek navy sheath dress – designer, no doubt, yet still failing to earn even a passing glance from Allen. Her gaze held a pleading, almost desperate edge as she sought out his eyes, only to be met with cool detachment.

The two men close behind were studies in contrast. One who shared Mila’s strong jawline and espresso eyes was her brother, Noah. He wore a serious expression as he took in the dim, lavish space and hovering guards.

In contrast, the taller escort had an entitled air about him, his sharp gaze seemingly analyzing and calculating the value of everything it swept over. His nice-cut suit and platinum watch seemed deliberate power signals chosen to impress. S~eaʀᴄh the nôvel_Fire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“James, Noah…” Mila faltered unsteadily as all eyes swiveled to assess her unplanned entourage . “This is, uh…Allen Grayblight.”

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