As Rain drifted off to sleep, the chaos he had caused at the fan club continued to ripple throughout the Academy, leaving a trail of confusion and frustration in its wake.

Next day, club members anxiously tried to access their website, only to find themselves locked out, greeted by a malicious virus that wreaked havoc on their devices.

Amidst the dwindling number of members and mounting frustration, huddled conversations filled the club room.

Jessica, a long-time member, furrowed her brow as she attempted to access the website once again. "What's going on? I can't believe we're locked out again. This is so frustrating!"

Sarah, a newer member, glanced at her phone with a perplexed expression. "I just joined a few days ago, and this is not the kind of welcome I expected. How are we supposed to enjoy being part of the club if we can't even access our own website?"

As the members exchanged worried glances, Amy, a tech-savvy member, attempted to troubleshoot the issue. "I've tried everything I can think of, but it seems like this virus is designed to prevent any quick fixes. We need professional help."

Amidst the dwindling number of members and mounting frustration, Arya, the president of the fan club, took charge.

She stood at the front of the club room, her voice filled with determination. "Alright, everyone, listen up! We won't let this setback define us. We'll find a way to overcome this and come back stronger than ever!"

Nods of agreement rippled through the room as club members gathered around Arya, seeking guidance and reassurance. Jessica, stepped forward, her voice filled with concern. "Arya, how did this happen? Do you think someone intentionally sabotaged our website?"

Arya furrowed her brow, contemplating the situation. "It's hard to say for sure, Jessica. But it's clear that this wasn't a mere coincidence."

"I'm going to make it my mission to find out who's responsible for this and ensure they face the consequences." Her voice was filled with killing intent. At the moment, that hacker had became number one enemy of the club. 

Just then, the club's administrator, Mr. Roberts, stepped into the room. His calm presence immediately caught everyone's attention.

"I heard about the issues you've been facing. Don't worry, I'm here to help. We'll get to the bottom of this and restore normalcy."

Relieved, the members gathered around Mr. Roberts as he took charge, his fingers dancing across the keyboard.

With his expertise, he swiftly shut down the compromised website and initiated the creation of a new, more secure platform for the club.

Hours passed as the members anxiously awaited the resolution. Finally, the new website was up and running, prompting a sigh of relief and a round of applause. 

Emily, another longtime member, approached Mr. Roberts with a concerned expression.

"Do you think someone intentionally did this to us? I can't imagine why anyone would want to harm our fan club."

Mr. Roberts nodded, his face serious. "It's hard to say for sure at this point, but given the nature of the virus, it does seem deliberate. I'll investigate further to identify any potential culprits. We won't let this go unnoticed."

As the club members rallied behind Arya, her thoughts turned increasingly vengeful.

The more she delved into the evidence and contemplated the one responsible for hacking their website, the more her mind swirled with thoughts of revenge. 

"He thought he could bring chaos to our club, disrupt our unity. Well, he has awakened a beast within me," Arya muttered to herself, her voice filled with a chilling determination. "He will regret the day he dared to cross us."

Images of the hacker's smug face flashed through Arya's mind, fueling her anger.

She envisioned herself confronting him, exposing his treachery to the world, and making him pay for the havoc he had wreaked upon their beloved fan club.

Word of the incident spread like wildfire throughout the Academy. 


[Unknown Deserted Island] 

Rain blinked his eyes open, slowly emerging from the depths of slumber. Rays of sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow upon his face.

He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the pleasant pull of his muscles awakening from their restful state.

A contented sigh escaped his lips as he luxuriated in the simple pleasure of good sleep. 

As he yawned, a mischievous glimmer danced in Rain's eyes. His mind stirred with anticipation, knowing that there was something he needed to remember, something that had transpired before he slept. 

"What was it?" Rain murmured to himself, furrowing his brow as he tried to grasp onto the fleeting fragments of his dreams. Then, as realization dawned, his face lit up with a mischievous spark.

"Ah, yes! The chaos I caused at the fan club! How could I forget?" A mischievous grin spread across his lips, stretching from ear to ear, as his eyes twinkled with mischief.

As he sat up in bed, he pondered the chaos he had caused. The locked-out website and the virus that plagued their devices amused him.

Rain reveled in the thought of the club members scratching their heads, trying to figure out what went wrong.

"Oh, they must be in for a surprise! Locked out, scratching their heads, wondering what hit them. It's simply too good!"

He couldn't help but chuckle softly, his voice tinged with amusement and a hint of self-satisfaction.

Curiosity piqued, Rain reached for his phone and began scrolling through the forum that had served as the catalyst for his actions.

As he read through the discussions, he noticed there were many posts about this topic. 

"Complaints won't save them now! They'll be searching for answers, trying to regain control, while I sit back and watch the chaos unfold.

With an exaggerated shrug, Rain raised an eyebrow and wagged his finger in the air. 

As he stood up from the bed, Rain's body swayed with a jaunty rhythm, his movements light. He tousled his own hair, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes reflecting his delight in the unexpected turn of events.

"Let them wonder who dared challenge their precious fan club. Little do they know, it was me all along! I wonder what will they think it was me." 

"Still, I'm glad their activities will be on hold for a while," Rain remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

He contemplated the temporary pause he had brought to the fan club.

"Finally, a breather from their never-ending fan club frenzy. It's nice to have a moment of calm amidst the chaos."

A soft smile played on his lips as he imagined the club members, their usual routines disrupted and their planned activities put on hold.

He relished in the idea of them scrambling to find a solution, their minds filled with confusion and frustration.

"This unexpected twist will surely give them pause. A chance to reassess and maybe even discover new interests." Rain thought. With this, he wanted to halt the progress of that fan club (cult). 

"Perhaps they'll realize there's more to life than just their fan club. Maybe they'll explore new passions, forge new connections outside of their comfort zone." He tilted his head, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he pondered the potential impact of the interruption.

A sense of contentment washed over Rain as he contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead for the club members during this unforeseen break. 

"It would be great if this club will disband. But it's almost impossible. After a while, their activities will continue," Rain mused, a touch of resignation in his voice. He knew that despite the temporary pause he had caused, the fan club would eventually find a way to bounce back.

"It's like a pesky mosquito. Swat it away for a moment, but it always manages to come back buzzing."

He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he recognized the tenacity of the club members and their unwavering dedication.

"They're a determined bunch, I'll give them that."

As he thought about the situation, Rain envisioned the club members attempting to access their locked-out website, their brows furrowed in confusion. 

However, he knew that his interference would not last indefinitely.

"Eventually, someone will intervene, some administrator or tech-savvy genius. They'll swoop in like a hero and save the day."

He imagined the administrators frantically working behind the scenes, tirelessly shutting down the old website and creating a new, more secure one for the club. 

"They'll find a solution, no doubt. The club will be back on its feet, stronger than ever."

Though disappointed by this realization, Rain couldn't help but admire the resilience of the fan club.

In a way, he respected their determination to overcome any obstacle in their path.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted. But all good things must come to an end, even temporary chaos."

With a wistful sigh, Rain straightened his posture and prepared himself for the eventual return of the fan club's activities. 

After thinking for a while, Rain's mind drifted to the information he had gathered from the academy forum the previous day.

It was a peculiar observation that had been nagging at him.

There were some changes regarding Kaya and Emma. They were not involved into the plot as much as they were supposed to be. 

When Rain found this, he was surprised. 

Emma and Kaya, the supposed heroines of the story, seem to be fading into the background. 

A furrow formed on his forehead as he contemplated the situation.

He had expected the two characters to play a central role in the storyline, their presence guiding his journey through the academy. Yet, something seemed off.

"It's as if their importance is diminishing. They're becoming mere background figures in the story."

A mix of curiosity and confusion washed over him as he realized that other characters such as Arya were starting to take on more prominent roles. 

He couldn't help but wonder about the implications of this shift. Was it a coincidence, or was there a deeper reason behind the diminishing presence of the once-prominent heroines?

"This isn't because of me. Looks like there were some hidden details in the plot," Rain thought, his brow furrowing slightly with intrigue. The thought that there might be more to the story than what met the eye piqued his curiosity.

He knew that only the system held the answers to his questions, but his lack of authority prevented him from seeking those answers directly.

"Still, it would be fun to see the different plot," Rain mused, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. 

"It's like turning the pages of a book, uncertain of what lies ahead, yet missing the familiar faces that once held sway over the narrative," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and nostalgia.

With a skip in his step, Rain made his way to the mirror, the excitement evident in his demeanor. He stood before his reflection, a handsome face staring back at him, beaming with amusement and a slight twinkle in his eyes.

As Rain stood before the mirror, his gaze lingered on his reflection. Something seemed different, something that caught his attention.

He couldn't help but notice the subtle changes that had taken place in his own physical appearance.

A faint smile played on his lips as he observed his body, noting the small but noticeable improvements that had come from his daily physical training.

His muscles seemed more defined, his posture straighter, and a newfound strength emanated from within.

"All those hours at the gym are paying off." A satisfied smirk tugged at his lips as he turned to the side, examining his overall physique.

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