The man who had been paddled two hundred times under Minister Chu’s command, coupled with his grievances towards all the forced cultivation, hated him even more. However, this hatred somehow diminished slowly and appreciation began to take its place...

Minister Chu might be a little cruel and strict... But he must be leading us to a bright future.

During this period of time, the performance of the three brigades improved rapidly. A small piece of paper was brought out of Minister Chu’s room. More than ten fifth rank officials’ names were written on it. A great commotion was stirred as they were all spies from Great Zhao Nation.

Upon confirmation of this information, Tie Bu Tian was extremely shocked. He immediately went to check for himself, so as to avoid any wrongful killings. To his dismay, everything was verified with strong pieces of evidence and witnesses were piled up like mountains. The prince was furious beyond words. Once again, the execution ground of Iron Cloud Citadel was covered in blood.

At that moment, all the noble members of Iron Cloud Citadel were feeling extremely insecure!

On the daily basis, the notices on the walls of Iron Cloud Citadel seemed to contain new information. There were usually mention of a certain high ranking official who had been found guilty of such a wicked crime that the punishment was execution and seizure of all his properties.

To ensure that everything was impartial, these cases were judged carefully by Minister Chu. The evidence was abundant and obvious. Everything was kept secure and there was no room for even the slightest bit of ambiguity.

Currently, the name Bu Tian Pavilion was shining as brightly as a midday sun in Iron Cloud Citadel. The people praised them continually while the officials were all feeling uneasy. Even though they were merely hunting down spies and traitors now, who knew when this legendary minister would start to hunt for greedy officials who received bribes?

No one could predict when something like this would happen.

Amongst us officials, how many of us can say with confidence that our bosoms are completely clean? Who has never wiped out bosoms with our hands? Being impartial, having integrity... Motherf*****, are there any good officials like that in this world?

As a result, all the officials began to straighten themselves out without any orders or pre-arrangement. They simply wanted to have a good reputation so that if the Minister had any judgment on them, the least they could say was, "This little official has learned his ways and has, since then, not dared to... Please have mercy..."

There was something that nobody knew of, which was that all the valuables, rare elixirs and precious gems had disappeared mysteriously after they were seized. No one knew of their whereabouts...

The three brigades of Bu Tian Pavilion, comprising of Iron Blood, Fierce Blood, and Heavenly Secret had their names changed to Iron Blood Hall, Fierce Blood Hall, and Heavenly Secret Hall respectively. The reason for the changes in names was because Bu Tian Pavilion had become so crowded with the temptation of gold, silver, and high ranking positions. It was like a rolling snowball that was growing in size.

After just slightly over half a month, the number of members in Bu Tian Pavilion had increased from eighty to one hundred and thirty people, almost half more than the number prior to the cleanse.

Meanwhile, Minister Chu became increasingly mysterious. Initially, with only the original members of Bu Tian Pavilion, Minister Chu would leave his room for a stroll ever so often. However, ever since the new members starting to join, he would instead send Wu Qian Qian to leave his room to hand down orders.

The old members of Bu Tian Pavilion were given specific orders not to mention anything about Minister Chu to anyone... The new members had no clue what Minister Chu looked like.

All they knew about him were simply vague little details heard through from word of mouth.

Apparently, Minister Chu was very young, yet he appeared frail and scholarly.

He had no martial arts knowledge but had such great wisdom that no one could compare. Nothing could escape his keen observation skills... There was no one who dared disrespect him in all of Bu Tian Pavilion...

Nonetheless, these were all rumors without a single piece of evidence for verification... This situation helped put another layer of mystery over the already inexplicable Minister Chu.

On the other hand, the great families and officials of Iron Cloud Nation had begun to name him ’King of Hell Chu’. Whenever King of Hell Chu gave any order, his little demons were sent to retrieve the souls involved. There was bound to be no way to escape if King of Hell Chu had given an order!

During that time, all of Iron Cloud Citadel had a saying, "If the King of Hell wants you dead by midnight, who would dare to keep you alive till four in the morning?" These words were about no one other than Minister Chu.

As word of Minister Chu spread, everyone who heard them simply nodded in agreement. It seemed as if these words were an actual reflection of how they truly felt...

King of Hell Chu... Was indeed the King of Hell! What’s more, if the actual King of Hell had called upon a soul, a doctor might have been able to keep that person alive for just a few more days. However, if King of Hell Chu were the one who gave the order... You would barely even be able to drag that person’s life for even just fifteen minutes more.

King of Hell Chu was even more powerful than the actual King of Hell...

These rumors spread like wildfire. When the people of Bu Tian Pavilion heard of this nickname, they immediately said to themselves, "Oh God! Who was the genius that came up with such a perfect title?"

Minister Chu stayed in his room every day. From time to time, he would give out orders for some souls to be nabbed. Those whose names were written down were basically dead meat. While the King of Hell only asked for one soul at a time, Minister Chu would always give orders for the entire family to be executed at once and for the entire estate to be seized. Additionally, some others would be implicated if they were related to the case as well...

His door... Appeared gloomy and dreadful to everyone, even if it was in broad daylight. Some people even said this about his room, "The world of the living is on the outside of that door. One step into that room and you will be in the netherworld." Those who heard this could only agree...

Minister Chu’s office was the mysterious palace of the King of Hell!

From then on, everyone in Bu Tian Pavilion referred to Minister Chu as ’King of Hell’. They believed that he was truly worthy of such a title. Truth be told, he actually glorified the title...

"Hey, have you seen the King of Hell today?"

"No, the King of Hell rarely makes any appearance."

"There, the King of Hell has just sent out another order for souls..."

"One order had already been sent out this morning. The Soul Demoness brought out the order and gave it to the Dark Reaper..."

The ’Dark Reaper’ was actually former Pavilion Lord of Bu Tian Pavilion and leader of Fierce Blood Brigade. At present, he was Lord of Fierce Blood Hall, Official Cheng Zi Ang!

Even a stunning beauty like Wu Qian Qian was given the nickname ’Soul Demoness’ because her assignment was to be the deliverer of Chu Yang’s orders... Although Wu Qian Qian had always been gentle, people started to become worried whenever they saw Soul Demoness. This was because there were more rumors of King of Hell Chu, inciting fear in the hearts of those who heard these rumors.

"Motherf*****, the King of Hell hasn’t killed enough yet?"

"How could the King of Hell ever kill enough? Are you kidding?"

"Ahhh... What does the King of Hell look like?"

"The King of Hell... Do you wish for me to die with you? Just shut your mouth..."

"Just give me a brief introduction..."

"In short, in the best scenario, an ordinary person would be scared to death if he sees the King of Hell..." The person who shared this rumor had never seen ’King of Hell Chu’ personally but had no qualms in spinning his own tale.

"Scared to death... in the best scenario? What about the worst case scenario?"

"Worst case... Their souls would fly out of their bodies on the spot. They might not be able to reincarnate ever again. It happens very often..."

"Motherf*****! That terrifying?"

"Yes. Afterall, he is the King of Hell..."

Consequently, the rumors spread far and wide. The further these rumors spread, the more inaccurate they became. The King of Hell began to sound fiercer. In less than a month, the name King of Hell Chu had established a great reputation within Iron Cloud Citadel!

Faced with these rumors, King of Hell Chu could not just sit idly and not pay any attention to them... The moment these rumors starting to spread like wildfire, Chu Yang immediately sent out an order, "Send people to pour more oil on the fire and quickly spread this rumor further. Make it even fiercer... Let everyone know about it; the direr the better..."

Thereafter, King of Hell Chu custom-made a terrifying mask, appearing a few times in Bu Tian Pavilion. It had a blue face with yellow fangs, filled with a demonic aura. Even in broad daylight, the sight of him caused people to almost wet their pants...

As time went by, besides the people he knew, the older members who had seen Chu Yang before became confused. Gradually, they forgot what Chu Yang used to look like and only recognized the cold-blooded, ruthless, and blood-thirsty King of Hell Chu...

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