Making our way back to the [Rig], Shen walked impatiently beside me as we crossed over from the scrapyard back to the cleaner port area. Looking at our new recruit, the oohs and ahhs that she was giving as we walked were both adorable and alarming. Did this mean that she literally hadn't left the scrapyard for her entire life?

"It's been so long since I've been here!" Shen wondrously intoned, her books haphazardly tucked underneath her arms as she gawked at the ships at sea. "A lot's changed, huh."

"How so?"

"For one, there weren't this many scrapped boats floating out there back in the day," Shen curiously replied. "The place also wasn't as dirty as this. It's almost like I'm walking through some parts of the scrapyard right now."


I raised an eyebrow at what I just heard. I guess this place was both cleaner and more prosperous back in the day. Then again, war does that to most nations, especially to the smaller settlements that were caught in the crossfire. Maybe in another time, this place would be bustling with fishing boats and merchants from all across this world. Maybe this kid wouldn't be living in a scrapyard all alone somehow, with seemingly nobody but herself to take care of her. I would've asked where her parents were, but that would've just been stupid to ask of someone that was clearly an orphan.

"Woah... This is massive, stranger!"

I smirked as we stood right in front of our [Rig]. There were a few changes since I last saw it. For one, the hull didn't look low resolution in some places anymore, and the paint on it seemed to shimmer against the waves now. The part where its name was supposed to be was still glitched out, however. I wonder if that'll change pretty soon.

"Well, we're kind of important people," I chuckled as I ushered her in. "I also haven't told you my name, haven't I."

"Does it even matter?! You get ta ride a boat this massive!" Shen rudely replied with all of her childish confidence. "I haven't even seen something this big!"

"Like I said, we're pretty important people," I sighed in amusement. "Now come along. We have to let you meet the crew."

Letting me lead her in, Shen was gasping and gawking the whole way through the [Rig] as we made our way to the bridge. Looking around, it didn't seem like Shizu and the rest did much in terms of changing the entire thing. Maybe they just sat by and waited for me to return? I wouldn't put it past Guidance to at least let the princess rest after subjecting her to another vomiting session. That was probably unhealthy for Shizu in the long run, now that I thought about it.


To my side, it was too late when I noticed Shen squeeze her way past me as we entered the bridge. The kid was practically jumping for joy as she stared at the entire room, taking in all the fancy equipment that she'd be working with in the foreseeable future even as the rest all looked at me like I had just done something stupid.

Which, in hindsight, they were probably right.

"You're back," Shade offhandedly greeted. "And you brought a kid with you."

"Hey now, that kid's gonna be our mechanic," I chuckled. "I'm sure I made the right decision in bringing her along. We need someone to fix this thing up in the long term, and getting someone with potential would suit that just fine."

"I see!" Maruki declared with his usual volume. "An investment of sorts, yes?!"

"Yep," I smiled. "I can see it already. That girl's gonna be an amazing mechanic if we treat her right."

Looking on, I couldn't help but keep smiling as her adorableness just shot through the roof with each smile she cracked. There was just something about seeing kids happy that could tug at any person's heartstrings. I guess that was my big brother instincts kicking in.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

To the side, Shizu stood dumbfounded as she watched the girl flit around the room, her eyes sparkling with energy as a smile etched itself onto her face. Meanwhile, Guidance just looked at me like I just made the wrong decision.


"This..." Shade sighed. "Can you at least introduce us to our new member?"

"Fair," I nodded before turning to Shen. "Can you come here for a sec?"

"Wha- Oh sure!"

Practically bouncing off the walls, Shen eventually stood beside me with all of the bravado and confidence she showed me when we first met. With her chest puffed out and a smug smile on her face, I cracked out another smile as I introduced her.

"This is Shen. I found her in the scrapyard, and she's gonna be our new mechanic," I casually stated.

"I see that, but does she have what it takes?"

I took note of Shade's more tolerant tone as I nodded, "I saw to her skill myself. She made an engine out of scrap with just her wrench alone."

"Yep!" Shen proudly intoned, fishing out the rusty wrench off her side and twirling it in her hand. "With my trusty wrench, I can fix anything!"

I stared at the crew as I gauged their reactions. Shade was obviously still skeptical, although not as much anymore, I feel. Maruki just stood at attention, while Shizu was practically grinning as she clapped in excitement. Guidance, on the other hand, kept looking at me even after all this time.

I guess she really wanted to talk to me.

"We're gonna get along just fine~" Shizu beamed, her own childlike energy coming to the fore as she grabbed Shen's hand. "You can fix anything, right?!"

"O-Of course!" Shen stuttered, a slight blush forming on her cheeks despite her bravado. "If I can get my wrench on it, I can Fixit!"

I blinked at the scene in front of me. Somehow, a radiant halo of chaotic energy seemed to form the longer Shen and Shizu stared at each other's eyes. By the sidelines, Shade simply shook his head beside Maruki, the latter still content in standing guard against a nonexistent threat.

For some reason, I feel like I've just unleashed something new into this world.

"Moriya, we need to talk."


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