There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns.

Chapter 50: Evolution of the First Floor

Hob and Gob emptied their buckets and Delta eyed the discarded potato peelings, holey socks, empty cans, and more than a few candy wrappers. The other bucket had the usual collections.

“Did you go into the city?” she asked, waiting to hear the goblin’s story before getting upset. Gob shook his head.

“Deo! Found us and gave us stuff. He said he’d come back soon,” the goblin grinned, happy to have found some loophole in getting things from the village without actually breaking any of Delta’s rules.

Deo... the thing Delta never planned for and most likely could never hope to do so.

“That’s fine, great work!” Delta praised, tasting day old potatoes and just a sliver of chocolate.

Poor Chocolate added to the menu!

Potato added to the menu!

Smelly sock added to the menu! ...t-thank you! smells...different.

Delta looked down at the cheerful goblins, both eagerly talking about the next harvest. On a whim, she opened Gob’s menu.

Gob: Goblin (Contracted)

A young goblin who survived a goblin hunting camp. He is the brother to Hob. He finds purpose and pride in gathering for the dungeon. He spots things more than Hob but lacks the strength to carry as much as Hob.

Equipped: Wooden Sword. Wooden armour and helmet

Class: 75% ???

Evolution: 22% Goblin thug. Goblin Archer. ???

I know Gob can do it!

Delta blinked.

A class and an evolution?

Classes were a thing? She knew Cois was a pyromancer but that seemed more like power and a title to go with it. Her contracted monsters could gain a class... or was it all her monsters? Delta closed the menu and pondered as the goblins ran off.

“What’s the difference between a class and an evolution? Oh, better question, do real people have classes or is this another dungeon thing?” she asked the empty air and then smiled at the nearby wall.

“You can stop hiding and answer, I know you’re dying to,” she called. Nu shimmered into view with a sad ding.

I thought you weren’t paying attention...but yes, I would very much like to show off how smart I am.

Delta rolled her eyes but just waited as Nu came closer.

Classes are mantles one can wear around themselves to increase ability and growth in that area. It differs from Evolution because with evolving, the being itself becomes the class instead of the class gradually shaping and enhancing the person. One could say they are almost two ends of a road in which one can travel. People outside may have them, it does seem it’s highly rare from the information I have gleaned from the visitors thus far. Rare as they must set their entire being into one such area and very few people can live, dream, eat, love, weep, and cherish something enough to give that type of devotion over spreading out and enjoying all of life’s gifts.

Delta could see that but then pointed down the hall at her gobs.

“And them? They have both going on,” she pointed out and Nu hesitated as he thought of an answer.

Mostly because they are goblins. Simple-minded living is what they excel at since they tend not to last long in the outside world. Classes would be rather easy for them.Evolution is simply inherited from their monster side. I’ve never seen a wild monster gain both at the same time though. Renny, as you could see, has a very strong Mime power. That is mostly from a class. You could no easier tear the mime from Renny than his ghoulness. Come with me.

Nu turned and floated down the hall. Delta followed easy enough.

“So monsters can do both... can people do both? Can people evolve?” she pondered and Nu chimed with interest.

Evolution is something that one can or cannot do. Anyone with enough will can earn a class if they truly desire it. Evolution is not a thing one can just work at. It is build into a person... so if people could evolve, they must utterly change themselves, be part-other, or become a creature of carnage, death, and hate to rival a monster. Well... that would be normal people. I have no clue on Dungeon contract people... we should test this somehow.

Delta decided she didn’t like the way Nu’s box was humming so she silently decided to stall contracting anything on the next floor she made until she was absolutely sure it deserved to be there. It was a valuable power and Delta have been a little... how would you say... trigger happy.

Nu slowed and moved into the secret passage where the soft ambient drumming echoed out.

This should offer more information on your questions.

Nu said as they stood before Greater Mushy, his wicked thorned tentacles tapping, plucking and clanging various things in a melody only know to itself.

“Hey! Sounds great, have you got a name for it?” Delta grinned at the mushroom. It paused then waved a vine in a negative way.

“Well, if you ever throw a concert, let me have a front row seat,” she asked seriously and the mushroom slowed then hesitantly nodded. Greater Mushy began a new tune.

It was slow but had a few spread out high notes on the tiny lyre Delta had made for him. It was pretty nice and Delta hummed along as she opened the menu.

Greater Mushroom(Great Mushy):

An evolved mushroom spitter that due to the dungeon’s nice nature has never killed anyone. After a long time of boredom, it began to use music as a way to pass the time. It has become quite good.

Evolution: Unlocked due to the evolution of two or more advance mushrooms!



??? special evolution!

Class: 36%

If Devina and Great Mushy were to combined their musical talents... I would very much like that!

Great Mushy has both as well...

“If he got a bard class and evolved into musical mushy, would he be...twice as strong?” Delta asked, head buzzing with curiosity.

Interesting, isn’t it? I suspect the free will you give to all you create is what is causing this fascinating anomaly. The will to be who you wish... and the origin of a dungeon to allow for sheer change. Potent but ultimately a gamble. We cannot force someone to love something nor can we halt the natural growth of their monster side.

“That’s fine... I mean, it’s up to me to make this dungeon safe so the monsters can just focus on themselves,” she reminded him and hummed Great Mushy’s song some more.

Then I eagerly await what you will do next. In fact, the first floor does need some improvements to make it overall a lot better. We have the basics, now we need the proper touches... hm... I will be right back. Cois has finally decided to head to the second floor to help me out with Devina’s...issue. Please, do carry on.

Nu blinked away and Delta raised one eyebrow.

“I never know what’s going on in my own dungeon...” she muttered and waved goodbye to the musical fungi.

“Devina did seem a little distracted when she evolved... I wonder if she’ll be able to get a class... Hm, what if she got the Witch Doctor’s class on top of already being a Witch Doctor monster? Would she be a witch-witch doctor-doctor?” Delta asked herself and the idea made her head hurt a little.

“I miss the days when building new rooms were all I had to get confused over,” she smiled fondly, having no real idea on how much time had actually passed.

She could have build a rudimentary clock if she tried hard enough or asked for one from Durence but she honestly didn’t want to torment herself by the time when she was happy to float from task to task.

Knowing how long she had been a dungeon core wouldn’t make any difference. It would only depress her.

“Good thing there is no ‘Delta Menu’,” she laughed and an orange box appeared.

Delta “Dungeon Core”

Mana: 40/90

DP: 75

Floors: 2

Total monsters: 15

Available contract offers: 0

Total number of kills: 17


Mushroom Queen: Devour and eat many dangerous mushrooms then grow your own!

Employer: You get a contract! You get a contract! Everyone gets a contract!

First Floor Developer: You maxed out the total rooms on the first floor.

Dungeon of Love: Foster and embrace people as something more than food.

Dungeon of Punishing Jokes: The dungeon has taught her monsters terrible jokes

Mothering Nature: Grow a lot of nature related items and monsters.

Captain Hook: Create a respectful fishing spot!

Corruptor: Infect the system and Menu with life.

?ӣ|!: Survived...

)”0s: Refused to fade!


Delta swallowed back a noise that definitely didn’t convey confidence.

“I...should really know better to speak before I think,” she muttered as she dismissed the screen. Delta looked down at the ground.

She could get upset at the harsh reminder of what she had lost or she could get her head screwed on right and get to work. Delta chose wisely and walked forward with a cheerful smile.Numb walked past and Delta bent down to speak to him.

“Where are you off too?” she asked and Numb looked serious.

“To lift with Rale! Must be stronk like Deo!” he bellowed and rushed off with tiny rocks under his arms.

“Stronk is... one word to describe that kid,” she admitted.

“Scary as hell is another,” she added and entered the spider room a moment later. Deciding to work from the front to the back.

It hadn’t changed much other than the spiders learning about monarchy and taking turns to be the royal leader for an hour or so.

Currently, it was King Gustaweb, the first of his name, ruling. He had just taken over from Queen Silklegs.

“Heyo!” she called and all the spiders waved in greeting from the berry bush where the ‘throne’ was.

She hummed as the spiders all took turns serving their new ruler, doing dances or facing each other in berry swinging contest or even balancing on the tripwire. Very medieval but Delta would allow it because they were cute. She opened the menu with interest.

  • Spider Room:
    • Upgrade Spiders: Locked
    • Upgrade the total number of spiders that can be in the room. 5 DP
    • Restore trap after the dungeon is empty. PUR
    • Make Spiders’ more durable and less likely to die. 10 DP
    • Make a great amount of Berries wilt with each spider that dies. PUR
    • Make the berries plumper and enriched with mana. Makes them good for eating and recovering strength but too many will upset the stomach. 10 DP
    • If enough spiders are killed to wilt the entire bush spawn the optional ghost miniboss “Spidergeist” who will disappear when the spiders respawn. 20 DP

“The heck is a Spidergeist?” Delta muttered and shrugged. It sounded like first room protection fi nothing else and she couldn’t really upgrade the spiders yet so...

She purchased it.

The room went a little odd as an unfelt wind brushed the webs aside. Delta looked around the room as all the spiders, including the king, began to do some circular dance with two of their legs up in the air.

Delta followed dancing to the roof of the room.

There, almost impossible see due to the thing’s body being almost transparent and surrounded by white webs, was a spider that easily dwarfed anything else in the room. Maybe just under the height of a goblin but easily bigger on the sides, it uncurled its large eight see-through legs as if testing them.

It’s only colour, the eight glowing red eyes like stars on a white sky...peered right at her.

Delta froze and then the spider closed its eyes then vanished. she couldn’t see it. She knew it was there, due to funky dungeon core senses but she couldn’t see it! Delta whipped her head around, stuck in some gripping fear-paralysis. Then, right next to her face, 8 red eyes opened and blinked at her.

She screeched and fled the room to the great amusement of all the spiders who fell to the floor curling in laughter.


The Spidergeist watched her go then moved to the top of the room, heavy with sleep...heavy until needed... or it was her turn to be the queen.

They would call her Queen Muffet. The song the creator was singing with joy in the distance, so loud and piercing, told of such a spider. It would be her title.


“More music...” Delta whispered to the Great Mushy as she hid in the secret passage. A familiar tune picked up and Delta shivered.

“Itsy Bitsy isn’t so itsy... trust me,” she said with a sigh.

The mushroom seemed to judge her and she glowered at him.

“I have fears and they’re perfectly rational when they go from thumb size to ‘can eat my dog’ size,” she defended herself and the tune turned faster.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m going but skip the spider songs, I don’t even know how you know I leaking onto your playlist?” she asked, worried and the fungi just played on. She looked up at the glowmoss for help but they did naught but glow with merriment.

“Guess I’ll go upgrade the storeroom while I’m here,” she said and the door opened of its own accord and she walked through into storeroom.

A single Star Shroom gave the room some wonderful atmosphere. She frowned as while this room had a mana vent... it lacked any of her usual oomph. It was just a front for her secret door.

That didn’t make Delta happy so she rolled her sleeves, the orange-tinted shirt creasing.

“First off...” she grinned and zapped a table into existence.

“Would the good sirs and ladies enjoy some refreshments?” she asked no one and made a wooden plate with a bunch ham sandwiches set into a pyramid pattern. Next, she set a bowl of berries and apples next to it.

With a laugh, she formed a clay jug with fresh water. Feeling cheeky, she dropped a few berries into it to give the water some flavour. Another clay bowl formed with some sparrow eggs, fresh and ready to be cooked if needed. Then as a added bonus, a plate of sliced mushrooms.

All in all, the charge was only 15 mana and that made her stop.

“Open the menu,” she requested and the Storeroom menu appeared with a flourish.


Bonus: All simplistic and material items cost 50% less when spawned in this room. As long as it’s simple and handy to a curious adventurer, it is cheaper! This is due to the mana vent. All rooms built over a mana vent gain a passive bonus.

  • Keep all food fresh until removed from its container. 5 DP
  • Make all food rot if all food is taken more than needed or by greed. 10 DP
  • Allow simple foods to automatically be added to the buffet table. 8 DP
  • Spawn a unique monster ‘Merry’ to allow the challenge ‘Cheesing the Chase’ to be challenged by adventurers. 15 DP

Delta eyed the last one with a narrow glare.

“No way. First it was Bob... then it was the giant spider! You think I’m just going to gamble on this random monster and challenge to make my cooler...more interesting...pantry worth...seeing,” Delta trailed off.

There was a beat of silence and she fidgeted.

“It's a terrible idea,” she stated bluntly and her finger smashed into the option.

“I mean, if I admit it then I can’t be told I was wrong,” she said brightly and the room felt the same until Delta looked down a brown mouse wriggling free of the berry bowl.

It squeaked and twitched its nose.

“Aww...” Delta said with a coo and then the mouse jumped, sending apples rolling as it went wild exploring it’s new home. It jumped on to a shelve and the thing wobbled as if the mouse was being chased by some hurricane. The shelf toppled and the next one followed. The mouse went soaring and the table unended, sending the food splattering across the wall.

Delta screamed as she chased the demon, swatting at it before it made more of a mess.

She never saw the tiny box appear.

Room reset in 5 minutes. Challenge set: Catch Merry before all Merry hell breaks loose. Did I do that right? Delta? I hope I did that right...


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