The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 118: Bringing up the Past, Part II

Chapter 118: Bringing up the Past, Part II

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED.COM

-Why is he here? Is it because of that day? What do I do? Do I report that he’s here on his own after we looked everywhere for him? He can’t be here to kill me, right? I didn’t even get to restore my penalty from that day. Should I smile back? If I do, maybe he won’t stick that spear into my head.-

Kim Jihan’s mind was racing in panic, but he quickly realized Lee Jiwon was just sitting there, staring at him, and he forced out a smile.

“He…Hello!” Kim Jihan replied in a trembling voice.

“Yeah, it’s good to see you, too. But I’m not sure I’ve come too late.”

“Ah…ha…ha. What do you mean by that?”

“Hm? You offered to take me to your guild master last time.”

Realization struck Kim Jihan hard. He remembered that he had told Lee Jiwon about the Hitman Guild, and about the order to kidnap him, just to avoid taking on a death penalty. Failing a mission and completely spilling his guts to the enemy were completely different, which was why Kim Jihan hadn’t mentioned that part to his guild master. But now that Lee Jiwon was here…

-I’m so screwed!-

Kim Jihan’s face paled. Thanks to his big mouth, the Reaper himself had come knocking at the Hitman Guild’s door. If his guild master found out…Kim Jihan broke out into a cold sweat just thinking about it!

“Take me to your guild master. He wanted to see me so badly that he tried to kidnap me, right? Is he in?” I said to the pale Kim Jihan.


I could see how terrified he was as he trembled and struggled to get his words out. “What, do I have to find him myself?” I stood up and slammed the tip of my spear into the floor. Kim Jihan fell to the floor on his knees and started begging.

“I’ll…I’ll do anything. Just please, please keep what I told you eight months ago a secret from my guild master. If you do this for me, I’ll do whatever you ask!”

“What is this? Are you more afraid of your guild master than you are of me?”

“That’s…not it at all! Of course I fear your power more! But if my guild master finds out that I sold the guild out, then I won’t ever see the light of day for the rest of my life! Please, if you don’t tell him, I’ll serve you as my new master forever!”


“Yes! I’ll be your loyal servant for the rest of my life!”

I couldn’t see any signs that he was lying. While I wasn’t fully ready to believe him, it would also be nice to have an inside man in a guild, even if that guild wasn’t too large.

“Fine, I’ll hold you to that. Now then, where is your guild master?”

“He’s in the basement. The command room is in the basement third sub-floor. It’s where he always receives his reports. He should be there right now.”

“Hmm…okay. I’ll go meet him first, and then I’ll decide what to do with you.”

“Thank…thank you. Oh, there should also be three more of the Specialists that you met last time protecting the command room and the guild master.”

“That doesn’t matter to me.” I stood up to leave. “Oh, that’s right. Do you have a Comm Link?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Give it here.”

“Here you go…”

I grabbed his Comm Link and connected it with mine, putting it under number 4. “Pick up when I call. If you don’t…you know what’ll happen, right?”

“Yes, I understand! I’ll keep it in my ear even when I sleep!”

I left Kim Jihan at the lobby and headed for the elevators. A voice in the back of my head warned me that he could run away, but I didn’t care. If he did, then I could just tell his guild master that he had sold his guild out eight months ago, and they’d take care of the rest.

“It only goes down to B2…” It was probably a security measure. These guys were pretty paranoid. I pushed the B2 button and the elevator quickly took me down.

“Mana Conversion – Lightning. Warrior’s Brave Spirit.”

==[Mana Conversion – Lightning Level 2 has been activated.

Increase ATT by 30%.

Successful attacks have a 20% chance of inflicting Shock.

Increase damage of all Lightning-based attacks by 5,000-25,000.

This skill has no cooldown.]==

==[Warrior’s Brave Spirit Level 1 has been activated.]==

Raising Mana Conversion’s max level from 1 to 2 changed its effects drastically. The skill’s damage output and chance to inflict Shock more than doubled, and it lost its cooldown completely. I could now switch Attributes whenever the need arose.

The elevator quickly arrived at B2. As soon as the doors opened, I saw a large group of devas right outside. They were all part of the Hitman Guild.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“You’re not supposed to be here!”

They all frowned and moved as one. I smiled as I replied, “I’m here to meet your guild master. I don’t care if you get in my way, but know that you’ll all die if you do.” There was no need to be courteous or merciful here. They were all just underlings, and I didn’t have the capacity to care about them.

“Who the fuck does this guy think he is?”

“Take him out! He hasn’t received permission to be here. Deal with him as the manual states!”

“Watery Earth!”

“Powerful Strike!”

“Raging Boar Charge!”

“Fire Arrow!”

About ten-something devas fired off their spells and skills at me. They seemed to be well-trained, as they were careful to not catch one another in the crossfire.

“Judge’s…actually, no.” These guys weren’t worth the one-hour cooldown. I raised my spear and struck the shield warrior charging in. My spear flashed yellow as it clanged against the shield, and it disappeared. I pushed my spear straight into the warrior’s chest.

“Gak! My…my shield…” The warrior couldn’t finish his sentence, and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

“He just broke through his shield in a single hit!”

“If the shield disappeared like that, then it must have reached its limit from one hit…”

The once-confident guards stopped in their tracks. I, on the other hand, had no intention of standing there and charged in between them. I began swinging my spear and slashed at them like a hurricane, the tip of my spear flashing yellow almost every time.

-Is this the effect of the 9% increase?-

I had plenty of equips that raised my CRIT chance significantly before I got the King-Emperor’s Commitment, but if my attacks were going off this often, then the 9% must have nearly maxed out my CRIT chance.

“Stop…stop him!”

“Attack! His attack power is high! That just means his HP and DEF have to be low!”

“This is our home turf! Just hold out until Jiwon gets here!”

However, the guards began to panic as their comrades all fell in one hit. Even if the enemy were strong, no deva should fall that easily. Then, amid the confusion, someone called out, “Lee…Lee Jiwon?”


“It’s…it’s him! It’s Lee Jiwon! Look carefully! Fuck! It’s actually him!” The Hitman guild members who had been in the guild longer than a year knew exactly who Lee Jiwon was. They had been ordered by their guild master to flip Seoul over to find him.

The remaining five guards quickly threw down their weapons when they realized it was me.

“What? You’re giving up already?”

“We can’t…not with you…”

Soon, the other guards on the basement second floor came running to find out what the commotion was about.

“What’s going on here?”

“Who has the balls to invade us?”

However, once they realized it was me, they hesitated to take another step. I turned to look at the newcomers and told them the same thing I told the others. “I’m here to meet your guild master. I don’t care if you try to get in my way. Just be prepared to pay the consequences.” I turned back around and began walking forward for the stairs leading to the basement third floor. There were more guards as I passed through, but no one stopped me. Over a hundred of them watched as I walked down the stairs.

The third floor was completely different than the second floor. The room I entered looked like the lobby of a ritzy hotel. The floor was covered in fancy decorations, and I could see expensive sofas and tables here and there.

On one of sofas a man was seated with his back to me. “Did you take care of the intruder?” he asked without turning around.

I didn’t reply and instead walked up to him.

“Huh?” Feeling something was off, the man quickly turned around. We recognized each other in an instant.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Specialist.” I greeted him with a smile.


I raised my spear and stabbed down at his chest. The Specialist quickly raised his daggers to block the attack, but my spear broke through them and impaled him.

“Gahh!” The force of the attack threw him over the sofa and he rolled a few feet on the floor. He quickly got back up, however, and called out, “Gah…Help!”

A door opened at his cry for help, and a man and a woman came out. “What’s going on here?”

“Shit! Lee Jiwon?” They must have been the other Specialists Kim Jihan had mentioned.

Just then, someone else opened a pair of large doors in the middle of the opposite wall, and yet another man walked out.


“I take it you’re the guild master.” I could tell he was in charge of this place.

“Get…get him!” At the guild master’s orders, the other Specialists charged at me.

“Earth Armor, Earth’s Touch!”

“Razor Wind Storm!”

“Judge’s Gavel,” I said in a low voice as they shouted out their skills. I charged in at the man who encased himself in an armor of stone and slammed my spear down on him.

The spearhead sliced completely through the rocky armor, crumbling it to pebbles. The man stopped dead in his tracks and vanished.

I raised my arm to protect my eyes from the huge gust of wind that blew at me. Once it passed, I charged at the lone woman. She stumbled back as I came closer. “He’s a fucking monster! Raging Razor Wind Storm!”

She formed multiple cyclones of sharp wind that came right at me, but I wasn’t going to stand there like an idiot and get hit.

“Blink 1.” I zoomed past the cyclones and was suddenly behind the woman.

“He’s behind you! Look out!” the fallen Specialist yelled out, but it was too late.

I raised my spear and stabbed her through the back.


==[Your opponent has been struck by Powerful Shock. 100,000 points of damage has been inflicted. For three seconds, your opponent’s movement speed, attack speed, DEF and MDEF are lowered by 80%.]==

Powerful Shock went off when I didn’t need it to, but at least it did. I pulled my spear back out and stabbed her once more. She fell to her knees before vanishing.

I ignored the guild master who had his mouth open in shock and walked over to the Specialist on the floor.

“Ha…you were already a monster when I first met you, but I see you’ve become much more!”

“Is that supposed to be compliment?”

“Yeah, it is. The highest of all compliments.”

“Thanks. I’ll send you off painlessly as possible in return.” I stabbed my spear down, the tip of my spear flashing yellow as it impaled him.

“Gah!” the Specialist shouted in pain before disappearing.

The large lobby was now eerily quiet.

“Now we have a chance to talk without any interruptions.”

“So…you…” The guild master struggled to find his words.

“Calm down. We have plenty of time.” I walked over to him, put my arm around his shoulders and led him inside his office. I sat down on the sofa inside and propped my feet up on the table.

“Let’s talk,” the guild master said as he remained standing, trembling in place.

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