Chapter 102: The Next Phase Part I


As soon as we returned to Cairo, I threw a party to thank the Myth Guild for helping me during the past month. The party lasted five days and cost me 10,000,000 golden rings. The Myth Guild really was a large guild. Once the party gained traction, it didn’t take long for all of the members to attend. At end of the fifth day, Shin and Ebonene offered to pay for the party instead, but I had turned them down. I wanted to accept, but I threw the party and I had promised to pay for it all. Besides, I could afford that much now.

“Meh, it was all put to good use. I received much more from them; it’s the least I could do,” I said to myself, half-convincingly.

My first stop after the five-day party was none other than Khufu’s Pyramid dungeon. I had no time to rest if I wanted to make up a month’s worth of EXP.

“Well, that month definitely wasn’t a waste. Item check.”


[Lush Greenery of the Great Forest (Rank 8)

There once existed a great forest known as Cagil Forest. The trees of this forest were so tall that they touched the sky. A master craftsman spent his entire life in Cagil Forest and crafted a cuirass filled with the powers of the forest. The cuirass was forged from the lumber from the forest’s trees and the fires stoked from the coals of the forest’s trees. The cuirass truly holds the essence of the Cagil Forest. This essence of the forest exudes an aura of reverence and domination.

Increase all stats by 100 points

Increase VIT by 400

Increase Penetration Resistance by 88

Decrease incoming CRIT damage by 125%

Increase Earth Attribute effectiveness by 40%

Once equipped, every time HP is lowered by 10%, DEF and MDEF are doubled for 10 seconds.

Once equipped, regenerate HP by 1000 per second

Durability: 785,000/785,000

DEF 2850, MDEF 1950]


It seemed a bit of a waste that it had high VIT, but at least it raised something.

“Well, VIT is important to a fighter class like me.”

Happy with everything I had, I continued to hunt monsters nonstop. I was lucky to be able to hunt in Egypt’s dungeons, if I took the number of dungeons in Egypt and their ranks. They were way better than Korea’s four low-grades and one mid-grade. Egypt even had a high-grade dungeon in Alexandria, which was also controlled by the Myth Guild.

The Myth Guild gave me its permission to hunt there, but my level was only at 355. My abilities were much higher compared to my level, but it was still too low. The average level to train in a mid-grade dungeon was 700, whether it was solo or with a small party.

Only then and with decent equips and items would most people begin to hunt at high-grade dungeons, and even then usually with parties, small or large. That was the difference between high and mid-grade dungeons.

“It’s not like I can’t hunt in a high-grade, but I can still easily gain a few levels in a mid-grade dungeon. I may as well go as far as I can here before moving on.” The EXP I was gaining right now definitely wasn’t slow.

Switching my Mana Conversion to Fire also made killing the undead monsters much easier now. They all fell before me after just two hits. I was still getting stronger by the day.

Sunghoon and a hundred members of Assault team 1 had come along to hunt as well. They wanted to prove themselves, it seemed.

Not even an hour in, Sunghoon kept telling me that he always knew I was a monster, but could never get over it, no matter how times he saw me fight. The assault team members began to apologize to me, saying that they had insulted me behind my back out of jealousy because their guild master was paying too much attention to me, and begged me for my forgiveness.

At first, I didn’t want to take them with me, but relented at Ebonene’s request. He told me that they were the pillars of the Myth Guild, and just didn’t know how to judge people properly. He asked me to open their eyes for them, and so I showed them. I showed them how I normally hunted.

An hour later, we ended up going our separate ways. It was impossible for them to gain enough EXP with me cutting and slashing my way through the monsters in a couple of hits. I could easily clear a horde of monsters, and there would be none left for them. They also couldn’t catch up whenever I moved on to another horde.

“We’ll just… hunt over there.”

“I’m going… to go with them, master.”

I might have put in too much effort, thanks to what Ebonene told me. It was fun, too. In the past, these monsters wouldn’t have even flinched at my attacks, but now, I was mopping the floor with them.

As I watched them walk away with slumped shoulders, I wondered to myself if I had gone overboard, but shrugged it off and went back to hunting. I just wanted to kill as many monsters as I could. I hacked and slashed my way through the entire floor, cutting down hordes and hordes of monsters in my way. I spent almost the entire day doing that and when I finally felt a little tired, I went to a safe zone set up by the Myth Guild to rest. I met the assault team as they made their way out. They seemed a bit friendlier towards me now, to the point it was almost uncomfortable.

And so, I spent the next two months hunting and didn’t even come up to the surface once during the whole time.

“Open Stats Menu!”

==[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 426 Death count: 0



“Ha…426, eh?” My level went up by more than 70 in two months. To anyone else, that was an insanely quick, but it was still quite a ways from my goal.

“I’m going to need to work harder for another month.” My goal was to reach 450. I promised myself that I wouldn’t leave the dungeon until then. It was to learn a skill that required 3 skill points!

I didn’t fall behind at all when I fought against Toh and Wanhu, but during the whole time I was in Macau, I really wanted a one-shot skill and an AoE skill. But since I could only learn one for now, I decided to learn a one-shot skill.

“If I had one, I could have killed Toh in an instant!”

My skills were nothing to laugh at, but they were too few and Heel Kick was my only active skill. The rest were passives. It was my intention to have more passives than actives, but it just made me want a strong, one shot skill more.

“I should delete Heel Kick.” My spear increased my attack range, rendering my Heel Kick almost useless. I could use the skill point I got back from deleting it and the 2 skill points I would have from reaching level 450 and learn Judge’s Gavel. As far as I knew, it was the strongest melee skill that was always a critical hit and boosted critical damage.

“Now that I think about it, all of the useful skills all cost 2 to 3 skill points. To think that the Shaman Ko skill cost only 1…” Besides my Unrivaled skill, all of the skills I learned were pretty expensive.

Because my normal attack damage was high, I had no use for minor skills. My normal attacks probably inflicted more damage than normal devas’ skills. It just made me want a powerful skill that could kill any opponent in front of me in one hit. I wanted something more reliable than Powerful Shock, and it didn’t matter if the cooldown was long. I could deal with that.

“Alright. My goal for now is 450. I’ll reach it within the month! Then, I’ll go back to Korea and get some pork belly with some garlic and…mmm…” I was really getting tired of Bread and Drink now.

“Naahh!! EXP! Give me more EXP!”

I once again charged at the hordes of undead, while shouting about EXP. Members of the Myth Guild who were hunting nearby looked at me weirdly and inched away from me. These days, many of them were getting tired of my enthusiasm towards hunting.


A month later…

I finally received the message I was waiting for.

==[You have gained a level.]==

I finally reached level 450. “Yeeeeees!!!” I was so happy that I found myself on my knees with my arms stretched out, shouting at the dungeon’s ceiling. It took three long months. I had to push down my desires to eat, sleep, and play all I wanted to and focused on gaining 95 levels for three whole months.

“Ah…finally. It was fun, though. Open Stats Menu!” If I didn’t find this fun, there was no way I could last this long in the dungeon.

==[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 450 Death Count: 0

Title: Earth’s First Deva

HP: 5,794,700/5,794,700 MP: 202,700/202,700

Strength: 9,400 + 429 Agility: 5,300 Vitality: 8,009

Willpower: 1,967 Intelligence: 1,897

Unassigned Stat Points: 1,900 + 276

Fatigue: 27

Special Effects: Luck Boost (X+1), immune to all Status effects, Dungeon Seeker 6 points

Physical Attack: 37,254 Physical Defense: 14,504

Magical Attack: 7,241 Magical Defense: 7,832]==

I giggled when I saw the fruits of my labor.

“I’ll put Shaman Ko’s stats to STR and set it to 10,100, and put the leftover 300 points into AGI.”

My STR was now together 11,705 altogether, and my AGI was now at 5,600.

“Time to go!” This was only the beginning.

Once I got to Seoul, I was going to take care of my skills and then go to the Gnosis Guild and finally find out about Lee Kang Chan. I could use the information guild in Egypt, but it was probably easier to use the Gnosis Guild to find a fellow Korean. They could also find out about him without his knowledge.

“But there’s one thing more important than all of that!” I left the dungeon with a spring in my step and a sparkle in my eyes.

“BBQ, kimchi stew, egg rolls, spicy chicken stew, sweet and sour pork…mmmm! Wait for me, Korea!” I ran for the dungeon entrance, ignoring the hordes of undead.

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