The World Online

Chapter 983 - Country War System

Chapter 983 – Country War System

The first eight updates mainly targeted the Lord gamemode, while the next four were related to the adventure gamemode players.

(9) Pushing out equipment binding system.

Due to the heavy price of adventure gamemode players reviving, especially after all their equipment was dropped and unable to be picked up, dying was a huge loss to players, and it had started to affect game balance.

Gaia decided to push out the equipment binding system at this time. As long as they spent a tenth of the evaluated value of the equipment, they would be able to soul bind the item so that they would not drop it even if they died.

The evaluation of the equipment was naturally done by the system.

To the higher end players, this update was definitely a blessing because it bought them some insurance.

(10) Pushing out special pill systems.

This update was similarly to compensate adventure gamemode players. Gaia would throw in some special quests in the underground world, and they would have chances to obtain experience pills, cultivation pills, and the like.

When reincarnated players used such pills, they could swiftly raise their levels and cultivation to reduce their cultivation time.

It was said that there was a way out for everything. Gaia obviously did not want to be too vicious. Even if adventure gamemode players unfortunately died, they would be able to rise up once more with the help of pills.

From these two updates, Ouyang Shuo could feel that Gaia was setting up a base for a large scale global war. Only be reducing the costs of reviving would it be able to ignite the passion of adventure gamemode players in fighting country wars.

(11) World martial arts competition.

In the last round of system update, to fulfil players’ desires to PK, Gaia had pushed out the arena. Now, it had pushed out a more intense world martial arts competition.

This was a world competition.

From the 5th year onward, there would be one competition every year. In the 1st half of the year, the imperial cities, including capital cities, would act as regions to decide the top 10 players.

These top 10 players would be given the title of top 10 experts of the imperial city as well as relevant rewards. The title had specialties, and the rewards were Dark Gold Rank items as the base, and there was a low chance of obtaining Platinum Rank items.

Those who got first place would definitely obtain a platinum item.

The autumn season would have the country as a region, and the top 10 of the imperial cities would all gather and fight a new round of PK to decide the top 10 of the country.

This round of rewards would have platinum items as the base, and there would be a small chance of obtaining a low rank God Weapon. The number one person would definitely obtain a low rank God Weapon.

If a country only had one imperial city and no Capital City, this round would automatically merge with the previous round.

In the winter season, the top 10 of each country would gather and have a final battle to decide the top 10 in the world.

Each one of the 10 would obtain a low rank God Weapon. First place would definitely obtain a mid-rank God Weapon. If they were lucky, they might even directly obtain a top-grade God Weapon.

More importantly, the world’s best does not only reward one person, but even the entire country with honor points. As a result, adventure gamemode players had a chance to bring honor to their country like the Lord gamemode players.

When this update was released, be it the guild overlord, those secluded in the mountains, or the wanderers, none of them would be unable to resist the temptation.

As they say, there’s no second place in martial arts.

The competition between adventure gamemode players was competitive. Now, Gaia even gave them a chance to earn fame, pushing the competition between cultivators to the peak.

Ouyang Shuo was more interested in why Gaia had pushed this update out.

Maybe Gaia was already preparing for Planet Hope. In that encyclopedia, Ouyang Shuo saw the strong beings on Planet Hope. As a result, they needed a batch of heroes to lead the way.

People would always worship the strong in times of chaos.

(12) Pushing out grandmaster recognition system.

Gaia focused on fairness. The previous three updates were for combat occupation players. Toward the work occupation players that were higher in number, Gaia would naturally pay attention to them.

The so-called grandmaster recognition was as such: once a work occupation player broke through the bottleneck, the player would obtain the relevant title and rewards.

The rewards were comparable to that of a country’s top 10. When one broke through, one would be able to get it.

As for the highest God Rank, the rewards would be at the world’s top 10 level. The first person would even receive a special prize.

Gaia was really clearheaded. Although the combat occupation players were glamourous, the ones truly supporting the foundation of the game were the silent work occupation players.

Even when they arrived at Planet Hope, with 10 years of training, they could display all that they had learned; especially those grandmaster rank talents. Even on Planet Hope, they would still be really famous.

After looking at the new round of system updates, Ouyang Shuo’s felt really complicated. He stood at a high place now, so he could understand the reasons of Gaia.

“Are they quickening the preparations for Planet Hope?” Ouyang Shuo muttered, “What dangers hide in that mysterious planet to make Gaia treat it so seriously?”

No one could reply to him.

At this very moment, another System Notification sounded out.

“World Notification: at this point, Earth Online has run for four years, and the game will release its 4th information piece, Empire Expedition. Please go online to the forums to take a look.”


Ouyang Shuo took in a deep breath, “The country war era has truly arrived!”

The previous attacks on Morocco and Somalia were just Great Xia alone. The release of this information piece meant that Gaia was going to direct the era of a full scale country war.

Ouyang Shuo excitedly took a look at the relevant settings.

First, Gaia started a country war month concept.

From the 5th year onward, the 6th month would be listed as a country war month.

First, only in this month could one enjoy the buffs from the country honor points.

Great Xia had taken down Singapore, Morocco, and Somalia, which earned China 30 honor points. As a result, they could choose 30% of a stat to buff, which was really amazing.

Secondly, only during this month would borders that were hard to cross become smooth.

With Great Xia and Annan as an example, the stone mountain ranges that stretched for miles were impossible to cross. In the 6th month, this would miraculously become smooth.

This alone made Ouyang Shuo determined to deal with Annan before the 5th year 6th month. He needed to do this in case Annan jumped out to seek chaos during the country war periods to sneak attack Great Xia.

Ouyang Shuo did not intend to make use of the convenience of the country war month to attack Annan.

As they say, ‘One must use your good steel on a sword.’ In the first country war month, with the minds of the Chinese, they would definitely aim at Japan.

Thirdly, only in the country war month could one enjoy the increased in merit points obtained.

Different from when Great Xia attacked Morocco, a true country war was one where everyone in the country participated. It was a huge battle, so there were battle contribution point settings.

Be it killing generals or providing support, Gaia would tabulate it and give each person a contribution point value after the end of the battle.

The global war contribution point and battle contribution point uses were similar. Lords could use these points to exchange for merit points or to revive dead soldiers. On the other hand, adventure gamemode players could use it to make up for reviving or exchange the points for items.

The country war commerce city would be filled with dazzling amounts of items.

One could say that after a country war, the winning country would have a huge feast and celebration.

During the country war month, players would enjoy a 50% contribution point boost. This alone meant that no country would dumb enough to choose to start war at any other time.

Gaia was trying to make the 6th month a time that was purely filled with country wars. It wanted people to prepare for the country war at other times instead of country wars taking up the entire year.

Secondly, the country war leader setting had floated to the surface.

Each country needed to choose a country war leader before the country war month to represent the country. The country war leader would decide the country war targets, the strategy, choose buff types, and command the entire war.

On the forums, Gaia specifically listed the power and duties of the leader.

The first thought that came to mind was that a good leader could lead them to victory easily, while a bad one would drag them to the depths of hell.

Then how would the leader be chosen? Easy.

Gaia would open up a voting system. Each person had one vote, and the voting period would end on the 5th month, 1st day. Whoever had the most votes would be the leader.

If this was two years ago, Ouyang Shuo might not win against Di Chen, but now Ouyang Shuo was really confident.

Of course, if Ouyang Shuo tried to start an internal conflict with the Yanhuang Alliance at this time, it would give them the moral high ground and the outcome might be different.

Lastly, there would be the country weapon.

The changes in history meant that the weapon was different in this life compared to the last. Based on the latest settings, each country would have a basic country weapon.

For every 100 country’s honor points, one more country weapon would be born.

Apart from special cases, this meant that one had to wipe out 10 countries to obtain two country weapons. In all likelihood, even when the game ended, there would not be many countries with two country weapons.

China’s basic country weapon was the top of the top 10 swords – the Xuanyuan Sword. This sword was not a secret and was held by the Yellow Emperor.

When the Fire Emperor and the Yellow Emperor came to congratulate Great Xia for establishing their country, the two tribes were not a secret anymore.

Even so, no one dared to target the sword.

Interestingly, Gaia said that if the leader was able to wield the country weapon out to battle, they would obtain a country war buff.

This was a huge test to the leaders of the country war, and it was something that Ouyang Shuo was not confident about.

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