Volume 9 Chapter 6 “The Strongest Knight”

Part 1

“He’s a cheat too!”

Inside the cockpit of the Arroganz, I cursed as I chased after the moving demonic armor.

It reminded me of an old man who was called the Black Knight.

The strongest old man in the first game, who could be called the official cheat, challenged the kingdom to battle until he finally became a monster by taking pieces of demonic equipment into his body.

Motivated by loyalty, revenge, and a variety of other motivations, the old man was more troublesome than any opponent I had ever fought.

He’s a troublesome old man who made me aware of death even I had Luxion.

I remembered such an old man because the Guardian Knight of the Empire is even more troublesome than him.

I didn’t realize that the Arroganz, which have improved in performance since then, would be so battered against real demonic armor.

“Luxion, missile!”

[Missiles launched. Master, you have zero missiles left with this.]

Arroganz, fleeing from the demonic armor, opens the hatch of the container on his back and fires six cylindrical missiles.

When Herring saw the six missiles, he made a black longsword appear in his right hand. The buzzing and discharging are apparently due to the fact that the blade is covered with magic.

“You think you can knock out a missile with a sword like that ―― “

As Herring swung his magic-infused blade out to the side, an electric shock spread to the surroundings. Yellow light was released as a longsword slash, and as it discharged and spread, all six missiles exploded.

” ―― You can even do ranged attacks?”

I hadn’t anticipated that a demonic armor with a core would be so troublesome.

Even if his demonic armor is a little stronger, I had defeated the old man black knight, that thought makes me angry at myself for being so naive. In addition, I start to break out in a cold sweat.

[Zero missiles remaining. Rifles and machine guns both relinquished. Battleaxe and scythe were also relinquished. All drones are lost. Master, only the blade remains.]

I had used up most of it in the battle so far, and all that was left was the blade.

“I don’t want to get into melee combat with that guy.”

Arroganz equips the blade, but I can’t picture it beating Herring.

[This is no time for jokes]

“I’m not lying. Oops ?!”

As I was having my usual conversation with Luxion, Herring, who was approaching Arroganz, swung his longsword at me.

If I avoid it, rise and run away, Herring will also chase after me.

The demonic armor that is chasing me spreads its wings and shoots electric shocks as if they were beams from its fingertips.

“I’ll leave the back to you”

[Forced evasion]

Leave some of the control to Luxion to avoid the electric shock.

But some of it grazed the Arroganz, and the shoulder armor was slightly melted.

“Does it melt when electricity gets grazed?!”

[Not a real electric shock, it’s electric generated by magic ―― Emergency Evasion?!”

Luxion interjected a serious commentary, but Herring didn’t give him time for that.

Looking at the video behind us, I can see a number of large spheres of electrical discharge floating around Herring.

When they are released, they will track the Arroganz.

Even if I dodged it, it would change direction and come back, and if it hit me, it was quite powerful. It seems to be so powerful that even the Arroganz can’t withstand more than one shot.

[Master, I request permission to use my main body. If you refuse, I will launch an attack, giving priority to the protection of Master.]

Luxion says he can’t take it anymore, and I start to negotiate with him for one last chance.

“What will happen to the royal capital if your main body tries to defeat the demon armor?”

[The damage is not small]

“Then no ―― is what I said, but if you want to execute it, you’re gonna have to stick with me until the end.”

[What shall we do?]

“It’s my usual move!”

Arroganz changes direction and accelerates towards Herring, who is coming straight at me.

Herring’s demonic armor comes at me without panic, longsword at the ready.

As the two of us closed the distance to decide the match straight away, Arroganz swung his blade down. However, it was easily sliced through by Herring’s discharging longsword.

As if Herring thought this was the end of the battle, he drew his longsword wide and pointed the cutting edge at the chest of the Arroganz ―― at me.

“This is the end”

In the cockpit, I thanked Herring for his kind sweetness.

“You’re going down!”

Arroganz’s right arm slams his fist into Herring’s chest. The blow, which is supposed to be quite powerful, doesn’t seem to do much damage to the demonic armor.

Herring must have thought this was a last desperate attempt.

However, when Arroganz’s right fist glowed red, a full-powered shockwave slammed directly into the inside of the demonic armor.


At Luxion’s words, the demonic armor was blown backward in a great circle and fell straight down.

Perhaps because Herring was losing consciousness, all of the guided missiles popped and disappeared with a large explosion and electric shock.

But I knew I’d failed when I saw Herring’s demonic armor, still intact and falling.

“Even though I hit it with all my strength, it’s still holding its form!”

There was no enemy that hadn’t been shattered by the shockwave of Arroganz so far, and I was impatient and terrified of Herring.

Surely the attack went through, but there was no telling when it would wake up and attack us.

I tried to bring Arroganz closer to Herring to give chase, but I thought I saw a light on the edge of the monitor.

When I turned my attention in that direction, I saw a pale, white, glowing barrier being deployed by Livia at the school.

“What happened?”

I asked Luxion to confirm, but the communication failure had delayed the transmission of information.

[There have been riots in various areas of the royal capital. A group of what appear to be sky pirates have also raided the academy.]

“! Let’s get back immediately”

[Can not do that]

I was momentarily pissed off when Luxion refused, but I noticed right away and had Arroganz move back.

The electric shock released by Herring passes over the place where Arroganz was floating before.

Herring’s demonic armor was cracked on the surface, but it was working fine.

“That’s too sturdy, isn’t it”

However, Herring was also in pain and his breathing was ragged.

“That’s my line. But you, who repeatedly use artificial intelligence to kill, will be defeated here, for Mia’s sake.”

Herring holds up his longsword, and I wait for him.

“Don’t be ridiculous! You’re the one who pulled the strings behind the scenes and got them to kill people using the pieces of the demonic armor!”

“―― What are you talking about? I’m not doing anything”

As we were arguing, the shout of Kurosuke, not Herring, came from the demonic armor.

[Buddy! The academy’s in trouble! There’s an airship there?!]

“W-What ?!”

Herring was wary of me, but did not release his longsword stance.

[We have to hurry, or Mia!]

“I know! But I can’t show my back to this guy.”

I couldn’t defeat him, but he seemed to have taken some damage.

I take a deep breath, then suggest to Herring.

“Oi, here’s the deal. I want to go back to the academy now.”

Herring doesn’t respond, but I keep talking.

“It’s a temporary cease-fire. You have people you want to protect, don’t you? I have people I want to go back and rescue there.”

After a short pause, Herring released his stance.

” ―― Fine. But I’m going to do what I want.”

With that, he spread his wings and Herring flew to the academy.

“Do what you want”

I also turn my Arroganz towards the academy, but Luxion is raging.

[Are you insane? You can’t make a deal with demon armor. They’ll betray you.]

“You’re persistent, too. If we save everyone, I’ll keep you company as much as I can later, so be patient.”

[ ―― Very well. Don’t forget that word.]

“If I remember. ―― Bring out Schwert.”

As I stepped on the pedal and accelerated, the situation at the school gradually became visible.


Part 2

Inside the airship.

Gabino was breaking out in a cold sweat in front of the barrier that no matter how many times he continued to fire, he could not break it.

“Deploying such a powerful barrier over such a large area? I-Is she a monster?”

A female student who seemed to be deploying a barrier alone on the roof of the student dormitory appeared to Gabino to be a monster in human form.

That’s how impossible it was, and it was happening right in front of his eyes.

The soldier who was watching the Fiend Knight shouted as he looked through his binoculars.

“Sir, we have Fiend Knight and an unidentified aircraft approaching!”

” ―― We’re out of time, huh?”

Gabino closed his eyes once, and after a few seconds, he opened them with the decision.

“Keep firing! I’ll prepare to launch the Demon Knight.” (Note: Now I feel it’s a little strange to use Demon or Evil. But I think Magic is less fit with the appearance. What do you think?)


When Gabino looks back and gives an order, his subordinates look nervous and see him off.

As he walked down the hallway, Gabino took a pair of black gloves out of his pocket and put them on both hands.

It is a tool to prevent the demonic armor from capturing you by any chance, and thanks to this tool, you can handle the pieces of the demonic armor with peace of mind.

A room on the way from the bridge to the hangar.

Gabino stopped there and knocked on the door.

“Holy Knight-dono, it’s your turn.”

Gabino called out with concern for the other, and there was an immediate response.

A young man opens the door and appears.

He has a muscular, well-trained body and is dressed in the white knight’s uniform of the Holy Kingdom of Rachel.

The young man with a calm expression and narrow eyes smiled when he saw Gabino.

“So it’s finally my turn.”

Her tone of voice is calm, and her mild-mannered personality is well expressed.

“Yes. It is time to show the power of the holy knight.”

In a reverent manner, Gabino led the holy knight to the hangar.

“I apologize deeply. We’ve been ordered to send out the Holy Knight-dono.”

“I don’t mind. That’s my job. By the way ―― “

The young man’s narrow eyes widened, and anger flashed through his calm tone.

” ―― What about the fiend knight? Is His Majesty’s enemy alive and well?”

Gabino apologized to the holy knight and gave a brief report on the current situation.

“He’s alive and well. Approaching our location now.”

The thin-eyed young man looked at the ceiling as he walked and put his fist to his chest.

“I must thank Heaven for giving me the opportunity to defeat His Majesty’s enemies.”

When they came to the hangar, there were soldiers dressed as sky pirates waiting for them.

Everyone saluted the Holy Knight.

The holy knight took off his knight’s jacket, folded it neatly, and handed it to a nearby soldier.

“Please give it back to His Majesty. And said that I’ve done my job well ―― in addition, handling it carefully.”

Gavino approaches the young man, who is humble and kind to mere soldiers, with a piece of demonic armor.

“Holy Knight-dono”


Without hesitation, Gabino thrust a sharp piece of demonic armor into the chest of the young man who had closed his eyes.

Blood spurts out, and the young man opens his eyes and starts to suffer, spitting blood from his mouth.

Gradually, however, he became calmer.

“Oh! So this is the test to become a holy knight? To all the holy knights of the past, from now on, I too will be one of the heroes ―― Kaha!”

As he spat out the black liquid from his mouth, the young man’s body was enveloped in the black liquid.

Gradually, the figure was wrapped in piercing armor, and the appearance became perfect demonic armor.

A distinctive feature would be the weaponry that the fine-looking young man excelled at.

It was a three-pronged spear called a trident.

His figure with the spear was majestic.

But such demon knights are disposable.

The reason why Gabino and the soldiers call the fine young man a holy knight and give him preferential treatment is because he accepts the pieces of the demonic armor with the understanding that he will die.

These holy knights are also excellent knights who have been strictly trained.

They are specially trained personnel to control the pieces of demonic armor, and once they are on the battlefield, they are overwhelmingly powerful.

And it was the holy knights of the Holy Kingdom of Rachel who would die when the battle was over.

That’s why Gabino and the soldiers were in awe of the Holy Knight.

A tearful Gabino applauded the fine eyed young man who had been beautifully demonized.

“It’s a wonderful figure. It’s the most beautiful armor I have seen in recent years.”

The young man who had become a demon armor replied with the same humble attitude as before.

“I’m glad to hear that. However, fulfilling our duties is what makes us holy knights. Let’s get the head of the fiend knight and offer it before His Majesty. Then I will go.”

“Ha! Open the hatch!”

As Gabino saluted, the Holy Knight’s demonic armor sprouted bat wings and flew out through the open hangar hatch.

As he flew away, the soldiers cheered loudly.


Part 3

Herring was getting impatient.

He was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his aching body was forcing him to fly.

It was Brave who was worried about his condition.

[Buddy, just hang in there a little longer]

“I know, Kurosuke”

[I said, call me Brave! My buddy and Mia call me Kurosuke or Buu-kun, isn’t that terrible!]

Herring called his partner, the demonic core [Brave], Kurosuke.

He continues to use it because it is easy for him to call.

“I’ll think about it after we save Mia”

[You’re right. We have to help Mia now.]

What loomed in front of him was a glowing white barrier that covered the school.

“Cover the whole school, is that the kingdom’s new weapon?”

Barrier ―― There are basically two ways to generate barriers: people can deploy them with magic, or they can use a device to deploy magic stones as fuel.

One person could not deploy a large barrier, and using the device would consume a large amount of magic stones.

Even so, the amount of magic stones consumed would be tremendous if it were to envelop the school.

It was hard for Herring to believe that they had gone to the trouble of preparing a barrier that would envelop the school.

Herring’s wrong perception was corrected by his partner, Brave.

[You’re wrong, buddy. It’s that woman. She’s setting up a barrier of this size on the roof all by herself.]

The eyes of the demonic armor expand to show Livia deploying a barrier on the rooftop.

“You’re lying, right?! No, I see. She’s from the first work.”

[Buddy, we can’t get in until we break that]

In order for the two of them to get close to the school, they would have to break through the barrier of Livia.

However, doing so would break the barrier that protects the school.

“Send a signal to temporarily cancel――”

As Herring said this, he held his chest in intense pain.

“――Is it no?”

(Damn. The attack of the Fiend Knight previously is)

The shockwave released by the Arroganz had indeed caused significant damage to Herring.

As a result, Herring’s demonic armor falls in front of the school.

[Buddy?! I knew I should’ve killed those guys!]

” ―― We had no proof.”

[Naive. You’re so naive, buddy! Those artificial intelligences will do just about anything! And of course, the fiend knight who uses it is a coward!]

“I do regret it a little. If I have done it sooner ―― “

Herring’s demonic armor was on one knee on the ground, and as he managed to get up, the barrier in front of him was pierced by someone.

The barrier, which had so far repelled the bullets, instantly cracked and shattered from where it had been pierced.

A single demonic armor landed in front of Herring, who for a moment did not understand what had happened.

Immediately, Brave mentions the identity of the enemy.

[He’s controlling a piece of demonic armor. Buddy, he’s a holy knight of the Holy Kingdom.]

Herring was in pain as he looked up at the other person.

“Why are Rachel people in such a place?”

The demonic armor in front of Herring, whose breathing is erratic, thrusts its spear into the ground and intimidates him.

“I don’t hear that there are any other Demon Knight beside me. And I don’t think you’re a holy knight either. What are you?”

“What are you guys from Rachel doing here?”

Herring’s question seemed to make the other party uncomfortable.

He seems to be a person who has a fragment of demonic armor in his body, and his mind is becoming unstable.

“I’m asking you a question. However, you won’t be able to fight properly in such a tattered state. It’s impossible for someone who isn’t a holy knight to handle demonic armor. The fake should just leave the piece of demonic armor behind, and disappear.”

Herring looked up at the Holy Knight’s demonic armor and laughed in amazement.

“A fake is a terrible thing to be called. What should we do, Kurosuke?”

[You make fun of me. If my buddy and I were at our best, you’d be a shredded mess in an instant!]

Kurosuke is furious at being treated like a fake by a holy knight who only has a piece of demonic armor.

However, his partner, Herring, was unable to move properly.

Brave himself had taken quite a bit of damage, and also had a reason for not being able to take it seriously at the moment.

The Holy Knight’s demonic armor holds a trident and points it at Herring.

“I’ll take your piece of demonic armor”

Herring is about to give up and get serious, but a little before he can make a decision, he hears a voice in the sky.

“Victory goes to one who makes the first move!”

It was Leon’s voice that was heard, and at the same time, thin red light poured down on the Holy Knight’s demonic armor one after another.

The holy knight’s demonic armor, whose surface is burned by the light, looks up at the sky as he releases his stance, leaving Herring unable to move.

When the Holy Knight’s demonic armor saw the enemy in the sky above, it became enraged and roared like a beast.

“Fiend Kniiiight!!”

In the sky was the Arroganz with Leon aboard, whose backs had been changed from containers to wings.

The glow of the Arroganz’s red visors in the darkness of the night seemed eerie to Herring.

The way he fought against him and showed his strength made Herring break out in a cold sweat for the second time.

“He still has a hidden trick?”


Part 4

Livia, whose barrier had been breached by the demonic armor, looked up from the rooftop at the Arroganz who had appeared.

With her right fist on her chest, she felt a sense of relief at the sight of Arroganz carrying Schwert on his back.

“Leon-san came”

She felt relieved to see Arroganz, and at the same time, she felt pathetic.

“I was saved again by Leon-san, wasn’t I.”

Originally, she would have liked to have tried harder, but in the end, she was both happy and frustrated that Leon had saved her.

When she made up her mind to work harder, Arroganz turned his gaze to her once.

However, he quickly returns his gaze to the enemy.

“Leon-san ―― Please take care of the rest.”


Part 5

When I came to the school, somehow the number of demonic armor had increased to two.

Herring is on one knee on the ground, and the demonic armor with the spear is looking at us and shouting something about fiend.

“I’m so famous”

[I don’t care how well-known Master is, let’s continue to destroy the two demonic armors. The main body is already waiting in the sky above the school. All we have to do is wait for Master’s orders. Please give me permission to fire the main cannon!]

With the increase in the number of demonic armor, Luxion, who wants to annihilate the two of them together without leaving a single speck of dust, has been bothering me since a while ago.

“Are you stupid? If you use your main gun here, the school will be damaged as well.”

[You want to leave them like this?]

With a flick of the control stick, a large sword jumps out from the backpack that has Schwert.

Arroganz grabs it with his right hand.

“For now, I’d like to take out the one with the spear.”

As I pointed the tip of my greatsword at the spear-carrying demonic armor on the ground, I made Arroganz gesture with his left hand to come up.

Perhaps taking the gesture as a provocation, a demonic armor holding a spear spread its wings and soared up.

“Fiend Knight, you will pay for what you’ve done. I will present your head before our Majesty!”

The demonic armor that holds the trident in the sky is slender and purple in color compared to Herring’s.

“Another different type of demonic armor. Having a core is troublesome.”

Luxion, who was analyzing the data, determines that the enemy’s demonic armor does not have a core.

[This one is a human with demonic armor embedded. The fact that he can move so much with demonic armor must be a kind of talent or the result of special training.]

“If I were him, I would definitely refuse”

[That’s a wise decision for someone like Master.]

Our voices were heard by the demonic armor in front of us, as we conversed with each other in a carefree manner in front of the enemy.

Perhaps he was offended, he charged at me with his trident.

“I am a holy knight! I am the chosen holy knight! I will not bow down to an evil being like you!”


Part 6

Someone ran up to Herring’s demonic armor as it fell.

It was Mia, who had run out without listening to Marie and the others’ warning.

The moment Livia’s barrier was breached and she saw Herring’s demonic armor, she was already running.

Marie is chasing after Mia.

“Wait a minute! You’re not supposed to overexert your body!”

Mia approached the demonic armor without looking back and hugged it without fear.

She cried at the sight of her own guardian knight in tatters.

“Knight-sama! Why are you wounded so badly?”

Mia was crying, and Herring was soothing her with reassurance in a pained voice.

“It’s dangerous here, stay back.”

“I don’t want to! You said you’d stay with me forever!”

“I’ll be back properly”

As Herring continues to talk in a troubled voice, Marie arrives.

The five idiots who had come to protect Erika also appeared behind her.

The five idiots are holding their weapons and are wary of Herring.

Greg, with his rifle in hand, cautions Marie and Erika not to step forward.

“Stay away from him, both of you. We’ve had enough of their rampages for one day. Be ready to run away at a moment’s notice.”

At Greg’s words, Marie grabbed Erika’s hand and distanced herself from the demonic armor.

Everyone distanced themselves from Herring, and as they readied their weapons, only Mia stood up for him.

Standing in front of Herring, she spread her arms and shouted.

“The Knight-sama of Mia never do anything terrible!”

Seeing Mia standing in front of him, defending herself, Herring instructs Brave.

“Enough. Kurosuke, release the demonic armor.”

[Are you sure, buddy?]

“It’s more dangerous to stay here. I want to evacuate as soon as possible. Because I doubt I’ll be able to fight for a while.”

Brave releases the demonic armor, and in an instant, the armor disappears and Herring’s figure appears.

His clothes were tattered and he had wounds and was bleeding.

Mia hugged him and supported him as he seemed to be in pain.


Herring smiled at the teary-eyed Mia as he nodded his head.

“I’m sorry to have worried you. Let’s just get moving. It’s dangerous here.”

As Herring tries to evacuate with Mia, Marie leads the way.

“Then come over here”


Part 7

Marie, who was heading to the evacuation site with all of them, lent a hand to Herring, who was fully wounded.

(It’s amazing that this guy can fight aniki and get away with this. He must be really strong)

The five idiots are complaining from behind as they see Marie lending a hand to Herring.

“What is that man?”

“He’s such a brazen guy, asking for Marie-san’s shoulder”

Next to an angry Julius, Jilk is being sarcastic.

The other three looked blatantly displeased, but Marie ignored them.

Herring, who had heard their conversation, was apologetic to Marie.

“I’m sorry. Mia’s body isn’t strong.”

Mia, who was following behind, was being supported by Erika.

Marie speaks to Herring in a whisper so that no one can hear it.

“What is your purpose?”

“――What do you mean?”

Herring was wary, and Marie knew instinctively that he had something to hide.

“If you make any strange moves, those five won’t be able to keep quiet. Mia-chan is important, right?”

Herring turns his head away from Marie.

Seeing that, Marie was a little curious.

“I’m not going to do anything. Instead, I’d like to know why you’re doing this. What do you intend to do in the kingdom?”

A question to Herring, who is under a lot of suspicion for serial murders and other things.

But Herring was acting strangely.

“It’s for Mia’s sake. She’s never been this weak in the body before. The only clue to save her is in the kingdom, so I followed her.”

“That’s why you’re doing that?”

“―― Doing that?”

Marie asks a straightforward question.

“There’s been a series of murders in the royal capital. You’re involved, aren’t you?”

Marie had heard from Leon that he had seen a suspicious Herring at the scene.

Besides, the fact that he was carrying demonic armor was too suspicious from Marie’s point of view.

Herring responds with some surprise when Marie expresses her suspicion.

“I just did an investigation.”


When Marie is surprised, she hears the sound of someone falling from behind her.

When she turned around, she saw that Erika had fallen with Mia, unable to support her.


Herring shakes off Marie and runs over to Mia, and Brave appears as well.

[Mia, breathe in slowly]

What Brave released were red particles――It was a magic element.

As she inhaled it, Mia’s pale face returned to a healthy color.

“Thank you, Buu-kun”

[My name is Brave! It’s okay for now, but you’ll have to call me Brave. I beg you!]

“Even though Buu-kun is cute”

Seeing Mia’s pained smile, Herring was truly relieved.

(Are they really bad guys?)

To Marie, the three of them didn’t look like villains.

This time, however, Erika, who was standing beside the three of them, began to suffer.

She was struggling to breathe with her hand over her mouth.

Seeing his sister in pain, Julius runs over to her and rubs her back.

“Erika?! Are you still having problems with your health?”

Erica shakes her head at Julius, who is worried.

“No, it’s okay. ―― I just got a little painful. I’m just lacking in exercise, Onii-sama.”

“I hope so”

As Julius is relieved, Jilk walks up to him.

“Your Highness, the fighting is over at the dormitory. Shall we continue on our way to the royal palace as planned?”

Julius looks up at the airship, which is firing all of its bullets and moving away from the scene.

“You’re right. There’s a lot of noise outside, so we’re going to head to the royal palace ―― “

While Marie and her group are discussing their future plans, Ange and the others arrive from the student dormitory with Creare.

Then Creare noticed Brave and screamed.

“IYaAAaaAAaAAaa! Everyone, get away from that thing!”

All of them were startled by Creare’s sudden loud shout, and the robots gathered around her, pointing their weapons at Brave.

Marie, thinking that this was going to turn into a battle, stepped in front of Creare.

“Wait! We don’t have to fight right now.”

[Marie-chan. ―― that thing is]

“You understand, right, Creare”

From Creare’s reaction, Marie thought that she had avoided the battle, but she soon realized that she had been shallow.

Marie had underestimated the artificial intelligence’s hatred of demonic armor.

[Right ―― Marie-chan has been fooled by them, haven’t you? Don’t worry. I’ll save you right away.]

The robots had one eye glowing suspiciously, pointing their muzzle at Brave, ready to fire at any moment.

When Brave saw that, he did not remain silent.

[As I thought, AI is the worst! I’ll never be able to cooperate with them!]

Brave moves into a fighting stance, but someone appears to stop Creare.

“Stop it, you idiot!”

Ange, who smacked Creare with the hilt of the machine gun she was carrying, took care of the situation.

[C-Cruel! I’m for the sake of everyone! For the sake of humanity, these guys!]

“We must hurry to the royal palace. There are fires breaking out all over the royal capital.”

Something is going on. Creare reluctantly agrees with Ange, who decides to go to the royal palace to find out what it is.

[――When Master comes back, I will definitely make him disappear.]

Turning her blue lens to Brave, Creare seemed not to have given up yet.

Ange lets out a sigh.

“Check if the students are safe first. You can do that much now, can’t you?”

[If it’s just that much ―― A-Ara? Ararara?!]

Creare suddenly shuts up and starts spinning around on the spot.

When everyone was looking at her wondering what emotion she was expressing, Creare spoke in a shaky voice. Apparently, a problem has arisen.

[―― I can’t find Finley-chan]

Ange held her forehead in her hands and looked up at the sky.

In the sky above, Leon’s Arroganz was leaving the academy while battling the demonic armor.


Part 8

“The enemy of the Holy Kingdom of Rachel will be defeated by me, the Holy Knight!”

Fighting against the demonic armor that was attacking me, wielding a trident, I had the Arroganz keep their distance.

A series of tracking lasers was released from the docked and carried Schwert. When the arcing lines of light hit the demonic armor, they burned the purple surface and turned red.

However, the laser didn’t do much damage, just a slight melting of the spot.

Even so, we didn’t feel as sad as we did when we fought Herring.

“After fire, ice, and lightning, what kind of magic does purple use? Wind or earth, I think??”

As I’m thinking about what kind of long-range attack he possesses, Luxion accuses me, not liking my attitude.

[Why don’t you fight more seriously?]

“I’m tired of being beaten to a pulp by the Knight of the Empire.”

[Because you’re careless]

“He’s a cheat, stronger than the old black knight. I thought I was going to die a few times.”

[Because you cut corners in your training on a daily basis, you repeatedly fail in critical situations.]

“I’m reflecting on it.”

[I don’t have a lot of battle data, but I’d say Herring has the best armor performance. However, the black knight is superior in terms of pilot performance.]

“I won, didn’t I? I’m so lucky.”

[The lucky ones don’t come close to dying more than once.]

While continuing our futile conversation, we are running away from the demonic armor that is chasing us.

Arroganz is flying backward, so it is facing the demon armor. In other words, they are facing each other. The fact that we were running away from him in this state must have made him even more annoyed.

“Are you taunting the Holy Knight, Fiend Knight!”

The demon armor with the furious trident has one or two more flesh eyes on its surface.

“You’re a man who has no resistance to ridicule.”

[He is becoming unstable. The monster’s skin is coming off.]

It seems that even Luxion stirred things up, which made the demon armor even more bloodthirsty. The armor begins to pulsate as I begin to see what looks like veins in the armor.

“I am the Holy Knight! The Sword of the Holy King! Rachel’s ―― Hero ―― “

A whirlpool of water was generated from the point of the trident, which was sharpened and shot towards the Arroganz.

Quickly avoiding it, I was disappointed that my prediction was wrong.

“This time it’s water. My guess was wrong.”

[What are you playing during the battle? Master, the analysis results are out.]

A serious Luxion informs me of the results of the analysis and the situation.

[In terms of performance, it is far inferior to demonic armor with a core. Also, the magic attack was only used when there were signs of being out of control. Neither the aircraft nor the pilot is a threat.]

[In other words, he’s an easy opponent?]

[―― And we have completed guiding him to a place where there will be no damage to the royal capital.]

“Then let’s get serious”

I gripped the control stick and leaned forward, blowing the burner of the Schwert further to increase the distance between me and the demonic armor.

As Arroganz points to the demonic armor with his left hand, Schwert fires a homing laser with all his might.

Each of them was a thicker laser than the one before. As they attacked the armor one after another, they pierced through the armor plate and began to burn the inside.


The pained demon armor deployed barriers for protection, but the lasers penetrated easily.

Luxion is in the cockpit, its red lenses glowing.

[It’s no use. The analysis said it was finished. You’re already finished.]

I thank the demonic armor.

“Thanks for following me all the way”

While being burned by the laser, the demon armor swung its trident and fired a series of lances made of water. Arroganz avoided such attacks that lacked speed, power, or anything else, with plenty of leeways.

“W-What are?”

He didn’t think he had been lured in, perhaps he hadn’t been aware of the trap, but the demon armor was flustered.

“It would have been a problem if you had continued to rampage through the academy and the capital, so I had to escape. It wasn’t hard to beat you, though.”

Luxion, who joins in the fun, gives the finishing blow to the opponent.

[There was also the purpose of collecting data. But ―― Your data wasn’t useful. It was the weakest demonic armor we’ve ever met.]

Luxion, who hates demonic armor, deliberately tells him the result.

As a result, the other party became even more enraged and seemed to have become mentally unstable.

The figure, which had barely retained its human form, swelled up from the inside and became a monster.

“Don’t make fun of MEEEEE!!”

The swollen figure of the demon armor has become a mass of stubby flesh.

A large meat eye had formed on the surface and was glaring at Arroganz with bloodshot eyes. Black liquid flowed from them like tears.

“Let’s finish this. Blast it with everything we’ve got.”

[It’s too much work]

The Arroganz charged into the demonic armor and thrust the greatsword held in his hand deep into the enemy.

As we approached, a number of tentacles appeared on the surface of the demonic armor and entangled around Arroganz, but they were all burned by the laser.

As I flicked the trigger on the control stick with my finger, Luxion uttered the usual line.


As Arroganz’s hands turned red, it was transmitted to the great sword, staining the blade red. The demon armor screamed as it radiated heat.


Luxion cut off the cries of the demonic armor as if it were a child, and the inside of the cockpit became quiet.

The only thing visible on the monitor was the wailing demon armor, but soon the lump of flesh burst into pieces in the sky.

Blood and flesh splattered all around me, and I confirmed that I had defeated him, and I blamed Luxion for his selfish actions.

“Why did you cut the audio? And did you really need that last ridicule? You went to all that trouble to make him look like a monster.”

Luxion, pointing his red lens at me, replies in a blunt tone.

[I decided that the monster form would be less mentally stressful for Master. Also, the audio cut was just a clever way to make it less deafening.]

“You’re really…”

A free guy, I was about to continue, but I stopped myself.

He has a bad attitude, but I guess he made a decision out of concern for me.

“Let’s get back”

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