The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 75: Night of he hungry wolves - overwhelmed

Chapter 75: Night of he hungry wolves - overwhelmed


Cranberry blinked completely taken by surprise.

When Zombie had thrown away the body of the captive, she was still firmly holding on to the wolf's head...

Which caused those two parts of the werewolf to separate...

The red-haired girl looked up, away from the now lifeless eyes of the severed head she wanted to interrogate and saw her servant basically flying at the werewolf that loudly threatened her just a second ago.

As for the Zombie, he used the strong kick skill in succession with the acrobatic skill to gain a borderline insane amount of speed and lounged at the monster, heel first.

Although the werewolf heard him growling before and even saw him kicking off the ground, there was nothing that he could do to avoid the attack.

There was no delay at all between Zombie using his skills and his heel digging into the side of the monster's chest.


The leader of the werewolves, Sapotle, growled in pain but didn't move an inch.


Lord Blackberry, still on his knees, raised his head and asked in a pained, confused voice.


Sapotle grabbed Zombie's leg and roared, trying to pull out the embedded heel by shoving the undead away.

"Graough! (No one threatens my master and lives!)"

Zombie roared back and jumped up, twisting his body and digging the heel even deeper into Sapotle's chest, ripping his boot apart in the process.


The werewolf trembled and coughed up a shocking amount of blood.

"You... fool...!"

Sapotle gasped.

He let go of Zombie's leg and destroyed boot, and stumbled back.

"Big brother!"

Other werewolves cried out, their glowing claws, jaws, and eyes filled with fury, all directed at the blue undead.

"No! Stop!"

But strangely enough, Sapotle raised his hand and ordered them to stay back.

"Graough? (What, are you chickening out, mutt?)"

Zombie smirked preparing for another attack.

Sapotle wolf's face twisted in pain as he touched the remains of the Zombie's boot still embedded into his chest.

The werewolf glanced at the kneeling Blackberry and turned back to Zombie.

"Watch your mouth... puppet... we only need you master..."

He growled while bloody foam was gathering in the corners of his mouth.

"Graough! (As if you stand a chance against her!)"

Zombie straight up laughed in his face and...

"Zombie, stop!"

...flinched when he heard Cranberry shouting at him.

"Graough...?! (Master...?!)"

He turned back and groaned confused.

Cranberry was confidently walking towards them all, holding a severed human head in one hand and a bloodied baseball bat in the other.

"You. Didn't you just said that you need me?"

She asked in an ice-cold voice, staring Sapotle down.

"Then why did you sent your mutts after me?"

She raised up the severed human head and shook it.

"You...! My underling showed up his human form to you, and you murdered him...?!"

Sapotle bared his teeth and his eyes became bloodied.


"Ha ha! Good one! Showed off his human form to me, that's rich..."

It seemed that Cranberry interrupted the leader of the werewolves just before he could insult her.

"This whole time your mutts were constantly attempting to kill me. This was necessary self-defense."

She shook the head again.

"He was originally in the werewolf form but simply returned to his human self after death."

Cranberry scoffed and threw the head towards Sapotle.

"...what are you even talking about...?"

The werewolf coughed and spit out some blood before frowning in confusion.

"Us Gluttony clansmen don't 'return to human form'. If we die in the beast form, our corpses stay in the beast..."

The head thrown by Cranberry hit the ground and rolled towards the large werewolf and ended up stopping by his feet - staring into the sky with its glossy eyes.


Sapotle blinked a few times staring at the face of the severed head.

"...that's not one of my underlings..."

He said taken aback.

"Graough?! (What?!)"


Zombie and Cranberry asked at the same time.

"The jig is up! Switch to plan B!"

Suddenly one of the werewolves staying in the very back shouted hastily.

At his command, one-fourth of the remaining werewolves pulled out glass bottles from underneath their armors, uncorked them, and sprayed their contents all over the rest of the monsters in one swift motion.

"What th... GHRAAAOOORGH!"

"Brother, what are you- AAAAHHH!"

Every werewolf that got splashed with the unknown liquid seemed to go mad and started attacking everything in sight, including their comrades.


Some of them charged blindly at Cranberry and Zombie, and even at Sapotle.

"Brothers! What are you doing?!"

The leader of the werewolves shouted dodging the claws and teeth of his own subordinates.

"Tsk...! Those are the tougher ones!"

Cranberry, forced to back off, clenched her teeth countering the attacks of three frenzied werewolves.

"Graough! (It feels like they are even tougher now!) Graough?! (What was in those bottles?!)"

Zombie growled kicking with all he had, but no matter how battered the monsters became, they would just get back up and continue to attack.




"Haa... stronger or not, their necks are still their weak points!"

After dealing with her opponents Cranberry rushed over to help her servant, jumping over the three fresh corpses.

She charged and delivered an overhead strike to one of the werewolves.

His head didn't explode but instead caved in, causing blood and brains to spray out of his ears.

That gave Zombie enough room to throat-kick two monsters and send them flying back, where Cranberry was already waiting with mana swirling around her baseball bat.

/Multiple high-level players defeated

Master and servant receive EXP

/Master and servant level up

Multiple skill upgrade

Base status points increased

The system messages popped up but neither the master nor the servant had the time to bother with them.

There were simply too many opponents.

Even when using all of their offensive skills, they could kill one or two of the maddened beasts, they were constantly swarmed by all the rest.

With no time to properly finish the enemy, they had to keep retreating while under the constant avalanche of attacks, all that while keeping an eye on lord Blackberry.

Thankfully, even though the man seemed to be in pain he managed to stand up and was doing his best to keep up with his daughter and her undead.

But even that positive state didn't last for long.

One of the werewolves climbed on top of his comrades and jumped over the Master-Servant pair right at the man.


Cranberry shouted, dodging and countering as many glowing claws as she could, but that moment of distraction caused her dominant arm to get cut open by the attack she missed.


She gritted her teeth and hardened her grip on the weapon causing the blood from the wound to spray out and flow down her arm and hand.

Unfortunately, the slick blood caused her to become unable to properly hold on to the baseball bat, and her attacked lost a lot of power behind them.

...and the maddened werewolves showed no signs of stopping their reckless charge, forcing the red-haired girl to retreat further and further back in order to not get herself get encircled.

Similarly, Zombie's other boot got torn apart, while he still could use his strong kick skill reliably, without the added bonus of the boot's attack power, more and more werewolves could shake off his blows.

"Do-don't worry about me..."

Lord Blackberry groaned, holding up his glowing hand - the mad werewolf was flailing his limbs and snapping his jaws wildly, frozen mid-air by Blackberry's skill.

Even when another five more super-powered werewolves jumped over at him, Cranberry's father was still able to hold them back despite all of what was happening inside his head.

"Graough! (Master! Why don't you just break everything like in the Durian's mansion?!)"

The blue undead growled while two werewolves were trying to tear him apart limb from limb.

"Sure! Just buy me some time to charge it up! And no! The shockwave would kill my father!"

Cranberry roared furiously while repeatably bashing away the slobbering beasts.

"Graough?! (Then, can't you use your new skills?!)"

Zombie growled when one of the werewolves attacking him tore his right hand off from its stitches and fell back, giving the undead enough room to take care of the other one.

"And what makes you think I'm not using them?! Rotten brain!"

Cranberry shouted back, missing her target and hitting the ground causing it to erupt like a geyser, blinding her opponents momentarily.

"That fucking pride's loss is doing shit!"

She cursed thrashing around with her weapon, causing as much damage to as many opponents as she possibly could.

"Pride's loss...?"


Lord Blackberry flinched and his concentration wavered for a split second, allowing one of the werewolves to break free from his skill and rush at him with a furious roar.


Long claws shredded through flesh causing blood to spray everywhere.


Cranberry shouted in panic and missed the monster's head.

That very same beast dived under her weapon and bit into her side - its massive fangs dug into her flesh with ease, causing a stream of blood to gush out and splash on the ground...

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