Chapter 51: VS Durian

"Master! Watch out!"

One of the maids shouted and pushed Durian away.

The next moment her body got torn in half by a devastating swing.


The two other maids fell to their knees and covered their heads.


Cranberry gritted her teeth and pulled the chair's leg out of the floor and threw herself at Durian.

"You little bitch!"

The large man cursed and his body started glowing.

Cranberry swung at him and he responded with a punch.

The chair leg lost the contest of sturdiness and shattered in Cranberry's hands, but even so, Durian's arm wasn't intact either.

With his right hand hanging limply to his side Durian backed off and bared his teeth in a furious expression.

"You! You were tricking me!"

He roared and his eyes started shining.

Yet Cranberry wasn't just standing idly waiting for him to activate his skill.

As soon as her makeshift weapon broke, she jumped towards the bottom half of the bisected maid and ripped off her leg, creating a new, way more gruesome mace that she could use, and launched right back at her opponent.

"How dare you?!"

Durian flinched and chose to protect his head instead of trying to force a slave crest on Cranberry.

And he was correct to do so.

The strike with a gory mace broke his already injured arm and send him against the wall.

While one of the remaining maids was puking in the corner, Cranberry swung again, spraying blood and gore everywhere.

/ 17/73

/Master level up

/Level 41 ?? Level 42

/Master's skill upgrade

Iron will (level 2)

Base status points increased

/Master receives 17 new quests

(34 active quests in total)

(For quest details use the show quests command)

/3 quests completed

Rewards granted

/Servant level up!

Level 57 ? ? Level 58

/Servant's skill upgrade

Dragon corpse venom (level 10[max])

Base status points increased

/Secret achievement unlocked

/Title received

Venomancer (level 1)

The experience gained from killing humans wasn't nearly as good as killing beasts of the same level. It was the system's way of preventing people from mindlessly killing each other in the pursuit of power, therefore the level-ups from Zombie's rampage were rather slow compared to what Cranberry was used to while hunting.


She had more pressing matters to worry about.

Durian was glaring right at her with glowing eyes and a disgusting triumphant smile.


He shouted.

/Control sub-type skill detected

Master's MDF is lower than the skill level

Iron will activated


/Master's MDF and LUC (+10%) is higher than the opponent's MAT and LUC

Iron will activated successfully

"Pffft...! Ha ha!"

Cranberry couldn't stop herself and laughed out loud.

"What's so funny, you little whore...?"

Durian grumbled and stood up on wobbly legs.

He glared at Cranberry and his eyes shone again.

/Control sub-type skill detected

Master's MDF is lower than the skill level

Iron will activated


/Master's MDF and LUC (+10%) is higher than the opponent's MAT and LUC

Iron will activated successfully

But the effect was exactly the same.

"Ha ha! Go on. Try again, dear future husband."

The red-haired girl mocked him while getting a better grip on her fleshy weapon.

"Did anyone told you that you have a disgusting laugh?"

Durian frowned but then smiled seeing the mocking expression disappearing from Cranberry's face.

"Your mother warned me about you, but I guess she didn't care enough about you to warn you about me, huh...?"

It was his turn to laugh and he put his left hand on his chest, while pale Cranberry was clenching her fists so hard that her knuckles turned white, and the bones of her mace cracked.

"I can use the skills of all of my slaves! I am unstoppable! Heal!"

The green light shone from his palm and all of his wounds disappeared without a trace.

"If I can't have you as my slave, I will just get rid of you, just as your mother have told me!"

Seeing her react so strongly at the mentions of her mother, Durian taunted Cranberry, before his body started shining and he rushed at her.


He was right in front of her and his fist was already in full swing when she raised her head and looked him in the eyes...

...and Durian realized, that taunting her was a mistake...

Before his fist even touched her, his body was assaulted by a barrage of swings from what felt like every direction.

His legs broke and bend in ways they were never meant to, his spine snapped like a twig, the broken ribs pierced his lungs and his skull caved in.

With the hand still extended for a hit, what was left of Durian fell over like a sack of liquefied meat.

/Mid-level player defeated

Master and servant gain EXP

/ 29/73

/Master level up

/Level 42 ?? Level 43

/Master's skills upgrade

Blunt weapons mastery +6 [max] ?? Blunt weapon mastery +7 [max]

Thrash (level 27[max]) ?? Thrash (level 28[max])

Overlevel (level 4) ?? Overlevel (level 5)

Base status points increased

/Master receives 18 new quests

(49 active quests in total)

(For quest details use the show quests command)

/2 quests completed

Rewards granted

/Servant levels up!

Level 58 ? ? Level 59

/Servant's (shared) skill upgrade

Strong kick (level 67[max]) ?? Strong kick (level 68[max])

Base status points increased

Cranberry threw aside the mangled leg that could no longer be used and grabbed the one that was left in the pool of coagulating blood.

She straightened her back and glared coldly at the two maids cowering in the corner of the dining room.

"Haa... Guess I'll help my Zombie with his quest..."

She sighed and took a step towards the horrified maids.

"...I wonder how he looks like now... I can't wait to~ GAH!"

She was humming happily when a punch from the back sent her flying.

Her body hit the ceiling, slammed against the wall, and crashed on the floor by the door.

"...what the... How...!?"

She spews out blood and groaned confused.

The two maids were still at their place, crying and hugging each other in fear, but there was still one more person that was supposed to be dead...

Durian was standing in the middle of the room, showing all of his teeth in a shark-like grin.

His glowing hand was enough of proof that he was the one who swiped Cranberry off her feet.

"Fuck... level 68... is an early high-level player..."

Cranberry cursed at herself for misunderstanding the message about defeating a player.

"Weren't you supposed to be smarter than that? I've said that I can use all of my slaves' skills, that includes the healer prodigy's powers too."

The large man moved his head and a cracking sound was heard.

"Now... I've changed my mind. I won't kill you. It will be far more entertaining if I break you and make you my toy."

Durian laughed and approached the girl.

"...convenient ability... I want a power like that..."

Cranberry groaned while trying to get up.

None of her bones were broken but multiple sprains and severe blunt trauma were rendering her almost immobile.

"...if I could use my Zombie's blunt damage immunity right now, it would be quite nice..."

She yelped while supporting herself on the ripped leg of the dead maid, although the slick blood that was getting squeezed out from it wasn't helping her get up at all.

/ 35/73


A horrifying roar coming from the outside caused the windows to tremble.

"What the...?!"

Shocked Durian put his eyes away from Cranberry and looked outside.

Two consecutive rumbles caused the whole building to tremble and that momentary distraction was enough to allow Cranberry to stand up.

" that your corpse puppet...? Are you trying to tell me my slaves have trouble dealing with one measly corpse puppet?!"

Durian shouted.

/ 36/73

/Upper-mid level player defeated

/Master and servant gain EXP

/Master level up

/Level 43 ?? Level 44

/Master's skills upgrade

Base status points increased

/Master receives 19 new quests

(66 active quests in total)

(For quest details use the show quests command)

/1 quest completed

Rewards granted

/Servant level up!

/Level 59 ? ? Level 60

/Servant's affinity upgrade

Leg power (level 7) ?? Leg power (level 8)

Base status points increased


/One of the characters essential for the story was killed


/Adjusting the story


/The story did not progress to the corresponding stage

Unable to adjust the story at the current stage


/Servant receives a penalty

Title received

Ruthless (level 1)

"Ha ha- Oww...!"

Cranberry couldn't help herself and laughed but then pain sharp pain pierced through her whole body.

"Seriously, what are those idiots even doing..."

Durian shook his head, but right at that moment a pillar of white light erupted from the ground and pierced the heavens.


/Servant became severely damaged

/Servant have insufficient mana to heal

Permission to use Master's mana required

A message popped up in front of Cranberry's eyes.

"Would you look at that! Holly magic in full swing! I guess that means that your little corpse puppet went puff~"

Durian laughed loudly and grinned at the red-haired girl expecting her to fall to her knees with the face twisted with despair.


But what he saw instead, was a wild triumphant smile and body glowing with skills.

"System... Heal my Zombie!"

Cranberry roared before charging forward.

/Permission received

/Healing in progress...

/Healing complete

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