The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 307: Lets show off to Laura!

Chapter 307: Let's show off to Laura!


Zombie entered the dining room and walked towards the table, which already caused the light brown-haired young girl to almost had a panic attack.

The boy also did sit directly opposite to her, just to make sure she won't have a chance of slipping by and ignoring him.


But that also meant that he just took a seat right next to the former adventurer that he literally just tested for awareness.

Laura looked at him with concern and then turned to his father Pear.

"...I was under the impression that the two of you were such devout believers of the system faith that you wouldn't let your children learn any skill until they are ten years old just so they can become player characters and have their future determined by the first quests they'll get...?"

She asked with a slightly troubled expression.

|The 'what the hell is this then' is heavily implied here.|

Once it was clear that Zombie won't get his head chopped off, Patience relaxed and even made a little joke.

|Khaha! Yeah. Also, what she'd said really clears things up. My skills were so pathetic at the beginning of the first playthrough exactly because my parents were idiots.|

Zombie laughed internally and sighed taking a sidelong glance at Pear and Nectarine sitting on both sides of the uncomfortably fidgetting Caramel.

|Don't be that harsh. What they did is a viable strategy for the wealthy and prosperous people who don't expect their child to awaken to magic. After all, quests really do help out with basically everything, making gaining and leveling up skills much easier amongst other things. One could even say that wasting time on learning skills that don't suit the future that the system has in store for a person is a sin... according to the system's faith that is.|

|Cool, still, that's not true at all, right? The system doesn't give a damn about good or bad things.|

Patience calmly explained, but that didn't quite cause the reaction that they've hoped for.

"That's because we are... the thing is, Kiwi is developing horrifyingly fast. Before we knew it, he already started to sneak out of his room and going to train."

Nectarine spoke up with an angry expression.

"Before you knew it? Since when exactly?"

Laura furrowed her brows and asked.

"...! Since.. Since he was barely two years old..."

Zombie's mother flinched at the question and preemptively lowered her head to hide a shameful blush.

"You two allowed a TWO-YEAR-OLD to wander alone at night?!"

Laura looked even more shocked than when she first saw the little boy.

"I know that this is a peaceful neighborhood but where, in the system's name, were your heads?!"

She asked in disbelief.

"Once we've realized what was happening, we began locking up his room but..."

Pear joined in, taking the attention off of his embarrassed wife.

"The windows don't have locks, also, it's not that high anyway, a simple rope made out of the bedsheet was enough to get me in and out."

He was interrupted, or rather his part of the story was completed by Zombie's input.

The little boy shrugged his shoulders and looked at the former adventurer with an indifferent expression.

"...for now, the only thing I see is that the two of you should have paid better attention to your kid..."

Laura sighed and glared scornfully at the pair in front of her.

"W-we should...! We know we should have! But nothing explains what he's doing to his poor sister! This can't be even called a sibling's rivalry, he almost killed her multiple times already! On purpose!"

Nectarine cried out while protectively hugging the light brown-haired girl who looked especially pitiful cautiously watching the younger boy as if she expected him to attack her at any given moment.

"...maybe we should hear what Kiwi has to say about it too? Some children react differently when they think that their parents love their sibling more than them, sometimes it shows as aggression towards their sibling. Usually not to that degree but..."

Laura sighed and straightened her back with a tired expression.

"Kiwi. It's alright, you can be honest with us. Why do you bully your older sister?"

She turned to the little boy and asked.


Zombie fidgetted and didn't respond right away.

"Can I really say how I feel...?"


He asked sounding almost shy which caused his family to go wide-eyed in shock.


Laura sent them a scornful glare before turning back to the child

"Of course you can. We all just want to help you."

She assured him.

|Do you think I can actually tell them?|

|Wha...?! Like the ACTUAL story?! Of course not!|

|No, not the whole story, do you think I still have a rotten brain or something? I mean just my feelings towards this filth.|

|Ah, that what you meant. Sure. Why not? Laura is supposed to take care of troublesome kids, why wouldn't you show off how troubled you are?|

A whole lengthy exchange took place in Zombie's brain before he smiled cutely, and opened his mouth.

"I absolutely hate this pile of human waste. She doesn't deserve to be alive and she definitely doesn't deserve anything like happiness. Actually, to hell with happiness, she doesn't deserve a moment of respite. I will use any chance that I have to make her life as miserable as physically possible and will most definitely kill her once that option becomes viable for me... though I will settle for someone else killing her too as long as it will be as painful and or shameless as possible."


Zombie's calm and happy voice made for such an outrageous contrast with the venomous words he spoke, and the only one who realized what would happen next was Caramel herself, who started desperately trying to get out of her mother's embrace.


Zombie busted out into laughter as his body began glowing with pale white light and he jumped across the table reaching for the trapped light brown-haired girl.

"Oh, no you don't!"

Laura shouted reaching out to grab him by his clothes and pull him back just as both Pear and Nectarine were trying to cover Caramel with their won bodies.

But none of them were prepared for Zombie to twist and weave in the air like a snake, while Laura did manage to caught him, she only grabbed his little ankle and foot while the boy somehow managed to grab onto the girl's hair just as the former adventurer pulled him, using a bit too much of her strength than she should.




This resulted in Zombie using the surplus force to pull Caramel with him and smash her face into the edge of the table, which in turn resulted in a horrible noise of bones and cartilages getting broken.


It actually took Caramel a while to start screaming her lungs out – at first, she barely registered what happened to her but once the hot blood from her messed up face started splashing against the table, she let out a cry so loud that it wouldn't be weird if she received a skill for that.

"Ah~ Say, is there something more beautiful than the sound of your most hated person in the world wailing in agaony~?"

Zombie, hanging head-down in the air, asked mockingly as the utterly shocked Laura was staring at Pear and Nectarine running of the door carrying their daughter to the medic.

"Hey, you will be taking me away from here, right? I've overheard my parents talking about it the other day. If you let me down, I will get my things and we can leave immediately."


He added smiling brightly at the wide-eyed woman.

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