The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 299: The plan for the future

Chapter 299: The plan for the future


Two years old boy woke up with a start, drenched in sweat in his bed.

He instantly threw away his blanket and touched his shins to check whether the thick scars were still there or not – but of course, there weren't there.

After all, the high schooler who got his tendons cut with the gardening sheers was long dead – his head crushed under the motorcycle wheel in a different world.

|Well then... I guess that those nightmares are a standard now...|


A voice inside of the boy's head sighed, making him flinch and grit his teeth.

|True... but it's all because you told me that I can't kill that pile of human waste...|

The boy responded, sighing internally as his face twisted in a terrible grimace of pure hatred that no two years old should be even capable of making.

|Like it or not, she's an essential character and we need her to be alive so that the secret true ending route could work out.|

The voice reminded the boy.

|I know...|

The boy shook his head, getting rid of the fearsome expression and replacing it with indifference.

|Still, it's alright, it's only less than five years before I turn into an undead and will be free from the need to sleep whatsoever.|

He ended up even shrugging his shoulders before looking outside the window – it was still some time before dawn, but a bright line of the horizon was indicating that it wasn't that far off.

|Patience, you should have woke me up sooner, we almost missed the morning training – or do you want me to get caught and stopped from getting outside again by my living parents?|

The boy tilted his head and mockingly asked the voice inside of him.

|Ah! I'm hurt, little Kiwi, you and I share the same goal, even if for different reasons... You getting into trouble isn't on my to-do list, you know?|


Patience responded with a laugh, but the boy only furrowed his brows as he was putting on his clothes.

|...alright, that was a low blow, you dislike your current name, right, Zombie?|

Patience actually sounded a bit apologetically.

|It's the name of a filthy living who will perish in a few years.|

The boy looked at his hand and clenched his fist so hard that his fingernails punctured his skin and a few drops of blood emerged and slid down his wrist.

|I am Zombie, that's that.|

The boy thought licking off the blood before it stained his clothes or fell to the floor.

|Of course, you are.|

Patience agreed and went silent.


Zombie looked at the wound he caused himself completely unnecessary and grabbed a bandage from inside of his nightstand's drawer and wrapped skillfully wrapped his hand.

"Time to go..."

He spoke out loud and opened the window before jumping out into the refreshingly cold outside.

The village that he was living in was more prosperous than some of the medium-sized towns by the looks of it, and it actually was related to his father's store with magic stones that allowed for the measly village to become an important trade point on the map of many travelers.

Of course, travelers like that needed a place to eat and sleep so inns were a must – there had been some murmurs about making the village an actual town too with all the rights that came with it, although his father was strongly opposing that since the towns are required to pay a higher tax directly to the royal family of Greeds.

Yes, the truth was that Zombie was originally born in a village on the outskirts of the Greeds territory.

Nonetheless, the very young boy didn't care about any of the inns or the commerce going on or the ongoing discussion regarding the taxes.

What he cared about was the little training area in the back of the houses of the self-appointed village guards Capitan.

It had training dummies and it had training swords laying around, and most importantly, it was basically open to the public – blocked off only by the measly wooden fence that even a normal six years old child could easily scale.

Zombie walked hurriedly, most of the villagers were already awake anyway, but most of them were too busy with their own early tasks to care about a small child stubbornly making his way through the village – and in the first place, many of them didn't even see him as even the loves fence was enough to hide the child.

Zombie wasn't even that bothered to be spotted in the first place – not until it came to jumping over the fence of the training area that is.

Because no matter what, a two-year-old boy should not be able to make it through such an obstacle.


Zombie carefully looked around, making sure that no eyes are on him, got on his tiptoes to reach for the top of the low wooden fence, and activated the only skill he was reborn with...

His body lighted up with a dim violet light – a clear sight that his superbia skill is still low level and not added on top of many other skills – and he jumped through with ease and landed softly and safely on the other side.


The boy breathed out and wiped the sweat off of his forehead as the light faded from his body – it was common knowledge that a child under four years old shouldn't be using any skills because they are too dangerous for them in that phase of growth.

|Superbia takes up too much mana for now... I need to get the strong kick skill as soon as possible...|

Zombie sighed and complained internally.

|It will be useful, but it will do better for you to just concentrate on getting the sword affinity or sword fighting skill. You still want to get the other strongest undead class that this world has to offer, right?|

Patience responded without fail and pointed out to the complaining boy.

|It's good that you are so keen on becoming the undead anyway, but things won't be so easy as they were the first time. Eternal Servant race is completely locked up for you as of now so we need to make do.|

Patience started explaining once more the same thing that both of them talked over countless times over the two years that they've already spent together.

|If everything goes as it should, once you'll get killed by the Pride's carriage, your favorite villainess will turn you into her undead – and here comes the first hurdle.|

|Becoming an undead has some quirks in this world – your level will reset to 1, your stats will reset to those of a level 1 undead BUT you will retain all of your skills, unlocked affinities, and titles – of which every single one will be taken into consideration by the system while deciding in which direction your rank up should go.|

|Since you were the eternal servant last time, you have no idea about the real rank up basically all monsters go through.|

|You only ever experienced the growth because your affinity with your villainess grew.|

|Now it won't be the same – you will have to go the standard growth route.|

|Lucky for you, that route can be greatly influenced without alarming the anti-cheat part of Eternal.|

|Since I have the knowledge of the strongest types of monsters and their evolution trees and all the necessary steps required to achieve it.|

|You agreed with me that the most suitable route for you is to become the Death lord, so the rank ups you will be aiming for are as follows:|

|Basic undead > level 10 + sword related skill > Undead page > level 10 + sword skill on at least level 6 + shield skill > undead squire > level 30 + sword skill mastery + shield skill on at least level 6 + poison skill on at least level 6 + title of the monster slayer > Undead knight > level 45 + sword skill mastery + shield skill mastery + poison skill mastery + the title of the champion slayer > Undead champion > level 50 + magic skill mastery + leadership skill > Undead lord|

|If possible it would be best to get you up to the Undead King rank, but that one is really tricky, so we shall see...|

|Not to mention that leveling up will be much harder as the more you rank up, the harder it is to gain levels.|

|It won't be as easy as you remember it.|

While Patience was talking, Zombie was relentlessly hitting the training dummy with the wooden sword.

/proficiency level reached

you receive a skill

Sword proficiency (level 1)


|So now I only need the actual offensive skill and we can finally go hunt some monsters to make everything faster, right...?|

Zombie asked after fixing his stance and began calming down his breath.


Patience agreed with a sigh of defeat.

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