Chapter 293: The Eternal (3)

...which was exactly as insane foolishness as it sounded like...

Nevertheless, the girl gained enormous speed thanks to her high-level skill multiplying her stats many times over - she got to the red and black smoke monster so fast that it could be already counted as using the blink skill, and she threw a devastating punch with her fist surrounded by the coiling mana.

Eternal simply stood there and waited for her.


She roared with a wicked smile as the hit was about to connect.



Yet the sound that came out of it couldn't be equated to a punch.


...and then Mika's arm - still with condensed mana coiling around her clenched fist - fell to the ground a few feet behind the monster.

"...e-eh...? H-how is it possible...?"

The ashen-haired girl stared wide-eyed at the stump of her right hand spurting blood everywhere

"...( versatile...) ...(...who knew that the system walls could be used like that...?)"

Eternal tilted its head to the side and tugged on the thin trail connecting it to Radiance.

"....Mika... run...!"

The white-haired child cried - but she was too late.

*shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing* *shing*



The next second, tens of the paper-thin invisible walls appearing one after the other chopped the Justice's Wrath's body into fine pieces that all fell onto the floor with a disgusting wet sound.

"...(...not as refreshing as I hoped for...)"

Eternal sighed.


...and evaporated the mincemeat that was once the ashen-haired Mika Wrath out of the existence with its violet flames.


Mason couldn't get any paler so he turned green instead.

"...( you want to know why I'm tormenting all of you instead of going straight to that pitiful system overseer who ruined everything with their presence alone...?)"

Eternal took another step forward - and even though it had no mouth, Mason and Radiance knew that it was smiling.

"...(...because truth to be told...)"

It took another step - and surprisingly enough, it freed the white-haired child from its control skill!



Without even a single moment of hesitation, Radiance turned right back around, the back of her shirt got torn apart revealing two small wings that spread out, and she flew towards the window as fast as she could.


"...('s because, in truth, I'm a bit of a sadist...)"


Mason roared but his voice was interrupted by Eternal's confession, and then the violet flames lighted up the remains of the ballroom and the only one left, was the small white-haired child desperately flapping her tiny wings...


...or it would be if not for the fact that her small body suddenly expanded into a humongous body of an angel-class monster with eight pairs of enormous pure white wings, five sets of arms, and at least seven faces all around its head, breaking apart the royal castle as if it was a house of cards.

The sudden appearance of the gigantic monster exploding the royal castle from inside was already shocking enough for any unlucky bystander, but it couldn't be compared with what came next.

"...(...just die already, puny god-class wannabe...)"

Eternal sighed and shook its head watching Radiance trying to get as far away as it could, causing tornadoes to appear with each flap of its wings.



With the unassuming sound, the body of the massive angel-class king-rank monster got vertically bisected in perfect halves...


...before getting incinerated in seconds, sending literal tons of ashes to fall onto the Salmagundi like some sort of warm ugly snow.

"...(...Patience...) ...( pitiful manipulative liar...) ...(...the two of us needs to have a talk...)"

Eternal declared facing towards North and vanished in a flash of violet light – and said light spread around bringing the complete annihilation to the city, and started spreading through the entire territory, and the whole kingdom...




The thin mouse-faced woman flinched and looked towards the south – where a violet glow was getting more and more intense, swallowing everything in its way - from the pedestal situated in the middle of the see-through sphere built atop of the tower of sloth.

"...( was never Cranberry's fault...)"

The woman blinked and once she opened her eyes there was a horrid red and black aberration with a humanoid form standing in front of her.

"Who allowed you to release the seal, you useless failsafe?"

The woman sighed and shook her head in disgust.

"...(...shifting the blame must have been hard all this time, wasn't it...?) ...(...even with that little memories that the repugnant trash had about you made me feel bad for you...) ...(...speaking about completing your creators will while in truth doing everything to cover up for his fuck ups...) ...(...why do people around me keep tormenting themselves about their worthless parents...?)"

The red and black monster sighed and waved its hand dismissively.

"You didn't answer my question, you failure!"

The woman clenched her fists and stood up, looking down at the monster from an even greater height.

"...(...your words never meant shit for me, you failure of a failsafe that actually broke the world's balance as soon as it was brought into it...)"

The two of them were both talking, but it was as far away from a proper conversation as possible, each of them was simply speaking out without ever listening to the other one.

Well, almost without listening...


Hearing her own insult hurled right back at her, the mouse-faced woman roared furiously and extended her hand towards the monster.


With a low hum, a ray of blinding light erupted from her hand and pierced right through the head of the red and black monster... well as the walls of the tower and a couple of buildings down below...

"...('s truly annoying that there is something linking you to my Cranberry...)"

The attack had no effect whatsoever - the head of the smoke monster was made out of the smoke that simply swirled around while the light mana passed through it, nothing more nothing less.

"I do not have any connection with that failure of the replacement-villainess...!"

The woman's shoulders trembled from overwhelming anger as she spat through her teeth while the veins in her eyes popped dying the whites in crimson red.

"...( and she both tried too hard to please your parents, even though those disgusting trash never cared about you, to begin with...)"

The monster shook its head and raised its spread open its arms.





The sphere on top of the tower of sloth exploded into a blinding light that expanded and swallowed the entire city in the terrifying explosion on an insane scale before the violet glow could even reach it.

The tower itself still remained thanks to the protection of the invisible walls of the system, but when it came to the population of the city...

It instantly fell to zero - but the same was happening in real-time to the whole world because of the violet glow.

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