The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 265: [Bonus Chapter] Caramel...? No, someone who she was before...

Chapter 265: [Bonus Chapter] Caramel...? No, someone who she was before...

Before Zombie was brought to the world of an otome game that he didn't know, there was a girl who was obsessed with both the game and him...


"...found you~..."

The girl giggled observing a certain boy...

...with her binoculars...

...from the top of the high-rise apartment building two blocks away...

The boy might have deleted his social media accounts, moved to another part of the country, change schools, and change his looks, but honestly, that didn't work at all!

After all, true love knows no bounds!

To hell with the restraining order!

It was a bit hard to get the information necessary to localize him, but with enough money, everything is readily available for those who know where to look...

Even the GPS tracker that was revealing her exact location to the assigned monitoring person was completely tricked within a week after she was forced to wear it.

Even now it showed her location to be her house - many hundreds of miles away - instead of the top of the building.

"...ah~ he's still limping, his legs must have not healed up properly, I must have gone too hard on him... My sweet poor thing, this time I will be more careful~"

The girl laughed to herself from behind the expensive military-grade binoculars, focusing on the boy down below.


She giggled while enjoying herself.

"...hey, hey, are you trying to walk so fast because of the new game that you are playing...? I'm playing it too, you know? Once I'll get you, we will be able to do whatever you want~ I promise that I will not leave you tied up and lock in some stinking old basement - this time I have everything planned out... I've been studying you see, I know what boy's like!"

Without taking her eyes off of her unaware victim, the girl reached out and took out a handheld game console that sprung to life with a push of a button - showing a locked screen with the icon of the currently paused game in the middle together with the title - Breath of Romance - Story of magic and sword.

"It's really useful, you know? I never expected that I need to raise your affection level before making a move~"

She hummed happily but then her expression soured.

"It must have been so weird to be approached so suddenly, and then electrocuted! You must think that I'm such a weird girl! Oh my... I'll have to clear up so many misunderstandings!"

She sighed and shook her head in embarrassment.

"Ah! You stopped to buy a snack! if nothing changed then it should take you at least five minutes to decide on the snacks! I'll be able to set things up!"

The girl gasped in awe and sprung up, she hurriedly pushed both the game console and the binoculars into the duffel bag by her side and rushed towards the fire stairs on the side of the building after she hung it over her shoulder.

She made sure to protect her face while running down - even though she checked beforehand whether there were any security cameras nearby - which there weren't - it was always better to be safe than sorry.

After all, the police found where she kept her beloved exactly because she wasn't careful enough last time...

...and the girl was someone who never made the same mistake twice...

After less than a minute on full-on sprint down the fire stairs - which honestly had to be some record - she ended up in a dark gross alleyway in the back of the apartment.


someone was riding on a motorcycle nearby because the sound of the revving engine was much more clear than any of the noises from the main street.


The girl glanced back, but she saw no one.

Satisfied, she rushed towards the main road, she had at least a few minutes until the boy will leave the shop but she didn't want to waste even a single one - there was a perfect spot for an ambush a few blocks before the boy's home- a nice unguarded construction site with no camera but a few signs that would keep the pedestrians away- but it was almost impossible to set prepare a few hours earlier because of the workers...

"...fufufufu~ everything play's out perfectly for me, that means we must be destined together after all~"

The girl giggled checking the time - while she was checking out the place she learned that the workers would end their day early - with how late it was already, she was sure that no one should be there.

What a perfect series of coincidences!

She hummed, and...



A way too loud sound of the engine has alarmed the girl - she turned around just to see an unmanned motorbike flying straight at her!



She gasped and rolled out of the way at the very last second - dodging the motorbike that ended up wheels-up on the pile of neatly stack trashbags.


The girl shouted furiously back towards the alley... empty alley...


She shook her head and rushed between the crowd of people going about their own business.

"...what a dork... what with those reckless motorcyclists these days... It's like the seventh time I was almost run over!"

The girl scoffed to herself and focused back on her primary target - she hurriedly checked whether the new modified stun gun was readily available and fully charged before cutting through the traffic just to gain another bit of time...


"WHAT THE...?!"

Which almost cost her her life as some idiot doing the wheelies on his motorbike almost crashed into her!

"Tsk! What if he saw me...?!"

The girl clicked her tongue and hurriedly ran away without pursuing the matter, worried about her beloved spotting her and calling the police...

That would be the worst...!

after few minutes of intense run, the girl finally reached the spot and...

It was a jackpot - literally, no one was around!

She hurriedly walked past all the warning signs and put her bag away.

Before she took out the stun gun, she grabbed the burner phone and made sure that the high-quality kitten noises were still loaded up - as well as whether the extremely shady taxi's service number was safely stored in the phone's memory.

Her plan wasn't perfect, but it didn't have to be...

The boy she was targeting had a huge soft spot for animals - as long as he heard meowing of small kittens coming from the construction site, he would get worried and definitely checked up whether the little things weren't in danger - then the girl would knock him out with the stun gun, and call for the taxi and pose as a friend of the boy who 'suddenly collapsed' or something - their drivers never asked questions anyway, that's why they were very expensive but how could the girl be stingy with money when it came to reuniting with her beloved.



A sudden noise of the motorcycle's engine got interrupted by the loud scream of a furious woman.

"EH?! WHO'S...?!"

The girl gasped, hurriedly hiding the stun gun behind her back and facing the voice's owner...


...just to be faced with the rear wheel of the motorcycle flying right at her face!


The girl's body fell onto the ground, her heels dug into the ground for a few seconds before stopping forever...

"Whew... that was tough... so Kawasakiko didn't lie that some humans can give us so much trouble... that said... her story about actually fighting with a human still sounds way too farfetched, damned delusional ninja wannabe..."

The unmanned motorbike sighed and slowly backed off from the bloody body.

"Time to go report to the impatient clinent~ tehehe, I will surely get a nice bonus for the difficult job~!"

The motorbike giggled to herself before disappearing into a flash of light...


...just to appear a few feet away - right above the boy hurriedly walking back home, excited to play his game...


"NOOOO! No, no, no! The blood! The brain...! MY BONUS...!"

The bike cried out after falling and crushing the innocent boy's head - and didn't even realized that the malfunction in her teleportation was caused on purpose by the very client she got the girl's soul for.

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