The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 260: Wraths territory (8)

Chapter 260: Wraths territory (8)

"Haa... well, there will be a few things that I want to explain to you all."

Right at the beginning of the breakfast at the King's Apple, Cranberry sighed over her plate and looked at the people and monsters gathered by the table.

"I want you to have a look at something. I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts about it. Honestly, I'm at a loss whether it's trustworthy or not - maybe you will be able to figure out the obstructed parts..."

She sighed and pulled out the sketchbook that Zombie 'borrowed' from the Sloth soldiers a while back, opened it at the right page, and pushed it to the middle of the table.

Road to rule

In the world abandoned by its creator, the )((*&X%^X%ve usurped the power fr--)(**&X&X(*X^XX&*?"<{[email protected]#$<>"}| the righteous ones.

^$%#% Heretic, )*((*^%X%^&XXXX%X": world.

Erase the [email protected]#$%^~#$ titles? )(*&*(^%: claim the power of XX)(*^[email protected]#$%X for yourself, to lead %^X^*&X.

Win(?) condition:

Erase the title of the avatar of pride (completed)

Erase the title of the avatar of greed

Erase the title of the avatar of lust

Erase the title of the avatar of envy (completed)

Erase the title of the avatar of gluttony

Erase the title of the avatar of wrath

Erase the title of the avatar of sloth (exception granted/completed)

[email protected]: receive all of the administrator's privileges

"...Young lady, please don't get angry for what I'm about to ask but... How fucking drunk were you when you wrote this...?"

Lairs asked after staring at the barely legible text written neatly on the page.


At her words, Cranberry flinched and hurriedly took back the sketchbook.

"Young lady, is that the quest you are following...?"

Shanks asked cautiously.

"Forget about it. I shouldn't have shown you it anyway."

The red-haired girl looked away and hurriedly torn off the page and hid it in her armor after crumpling it.

"Let's talk about something else. Zombie, come up with something, please."

She added, picking up the fork and started shoveling the food in her mouth.

"So, Makao, about the otome game that you remember...."

Zombie leaned away from the eating red-haired girl and focused on the hangover heroine who returned to suffering a headache over a tall glass of homebrew medicine for that exact illness.



The brown-haired girl got so surprised that she slipped and fell from her chair, smacking her but on the cracked hardwood floor.

"...uuugh...! No, wait! What did you just say?!"

Mary groaned, massaging her back but then she flinched and jumped back up ignoring nausea.


Cranberry put down the fork and sighed.

"I want to talk about the otome game that you remember."

Zombie shrugged his shoulders and explained.

"From everything happening so far, it's clear that it isn't just a normal visual novel. With the quests, monsters, and level-ups it must have been some action RPG or a turn-based RPG- otome game hybrid. Was it some big studio project or just a niche one-off? No, wait, that doesn't actually matter, does it? Never mind that last one."

The blue undead went off on his own but also stopped himself when he started straying from the actually important details.

"Now, since there are so many monsters, does that mean there are bosses too? What are they? Where will they spawn? And when will they spawn?"

He ended up asking while slapping his hands together with each question he asked.

"Bo-bosses...? What are you...?"

Mary flinched and fidgeted in confusion.

"No bosses? Odd. Alright, maybe it's not that heavy on the battles... alright, main story points? Those otome games have something like a condemnation event where the villainess is punished for all the shit she did to the heroine, right? Because that is what is really important. My Cranberry is worried sick about the danger even despite our strength you know? Help me calm her down."

Zombie demanded with a serious expression, staring intently at the completely confused heroine.

"Zombie... this is the first time I've heard about anything like condemnation event for the villainess... Why haven't you started with saying that such things exist in the first place...?"

Cranberry clenched her fists so hard that her knuckles turned white and she made an expression as if her stomach suddenly cramped.

"...! Wasn't that the reason you were worried...?!"

The blue undead gasped in disbelief.

"...the bad feeling that I mentioned was about the way Mary has experienced this so-called game, not the about the game or the events themselves...!"

Cranberry cried out in panic and started massaged her forehead.


Zombie spoke up and nodded with a remorseful expression

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I have no idea what a condemnation event is... And how do the two of you know about my dreams in the first place?!"

Mary backed off and asked, clenching her hands together.

" told us... Yesterday you got dead drunk and told us everything when we went and brought your drunken butts back to your rooms."


The blue undead flinched and stared at his master, failing to realize why was she lying, but thankfully Mary was too busy being shocked herself to notice that.

"Wait, I did?!"

Mary grabbed her head in confusion and disbelief.

"If not then how come I know about it?"

Cranberry shrugged her shoulders, but at the same time, she was desperately clenching Zombie's hand in urgent need of mental support.


Mary calmed down a bit and got back on her seat and then down the entire hangover drink in one go.

"That's what I get for drinking way over my limit..."

She sighed and slowly looked up at the master-servant pair.

"My dreams and the game inside of them is one thing, but then do you care to explain all of the questions you've asked me? I certainly didn't mention anything like bosses and arpeegee."

She asked, furrowing her brows and squinting her eyes at the blue undead.

"That's because in my past life I lived in the world where those games exist and are a hobby or just a way to pass time for many people."

Zombie revealed without a single bit of hesitation and looked down at the wide-eyed girl.

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