The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 252: Departure from the Sloths territory

Chapter 252: Departure from the Sloths territory

"Alright, time is of the essence. Blueberry, Mary, Arion, you three should help the Dandelions - is that okay?"

Cranberry, who seemed to regain just a tiny bit of her spunk, looked up at the tamer and her monsters and asked, apparently already counting the copper-eyed bodyguard as part of their team.

"Skwee! (Of course, mommy!)"

Blueberry proudly spread her wings, clearly trying to make her stop worrying.

"...fine, but that doesn't mean that I'm agreeing on becoming your follower, not after the thing with Blueberry."

Mary scoffed and turned away, unable to just shrug it off like her monster.

"Skwee! (Master, don't be like that!) Skwee! (Mommy didn't mean it!)"

Blueberry screeched all hyped up and scratched the earth with her strong front talons.

"Raor? (Blueberry, can you carry all of them?) Raor (I don't want Mary to be stuffed between all of them, she far too delicate to be stuffed between all of them.)"


Arion sensibly changed the subject? - but truth to be told, he had an ulterior motive for doing that - and growled slightly ticked off, glaring at the four adventurers - which earned him a confused look from the blue undead standing by.


Zombie proceeded to take a look at the brown-haired heroine.

Although she no longer had the scars from constantly ripping apart her body and meaning it back in place, suggesting that she couldn't handle the discomfort of just sitting together with other people seemed completely out of place to the blue undead - which would showcase his density if only he spoke about his doubts out loud.

"Skwee, skwee! (Ah! Someone is jealous and doesn't want master to be touched by others!) Skwee! (Sure, no problem!) Skwee, skwee, skwee! (I'll show mommy and daddy that I can be relied on, and don't throw off my rider anymore!)"

Blueberry screeched excitedly - correctly recognizing what the massive wolf actually had in mind - and proudly approached the appointed group.

That left only the white-haired man looking between the master-servant pair and the Dandelions and Ti.

And since no one seemed to pay attention to him, he shrugged his shoulders and turned towards Blueberry.

"And where are you going?"


When Corvus started walking towards the griffin - that was lowering her wing for the adventurers and the bodyguard to have an easier time climbing on her back - he suddenly got stopped by Cranberry's question.

" I not supposed to go with them? You surely don't mean that I have to run by myself? My stats aren't that much higher than theirs, to begin with... I'm only level 61."

The white-haired man slouched and pointed at Uresha, Rotte, and Lairs getting onto Blueberry and sitting down behind Shanks while Lairs was extending her hand for Ti.

"Haa... No. There is a chance that we would have to split up - in that case I don't want to waste time looking for you - we need you to get us into the Wrath estate, remember? You're going with us."

Cranberry breathed out and shook her head in disappointment.


She added and rested her head back on the blue undead's shoulder.

As if that was a call into action, the blue-skinned capture target raised his head and turned towards the white-haired capture target with a big intimidating smile.


That alone, not supported by any skill whatsoever, made Corvus flinch and take a step back.

"Say, Rabbit, how low is your physical defense?"

Zombie asked nonchalantly.

"M-my what...?"

Corvus tensed up and raised his hands defensively.

"Your DEF, Rabbit. D. E. F."

The blue undead even spelled it up for him, fully convinced that the problem lied with the white-haired man not hearing him properly.

"I know what a physical defense is! I'm asking why the hell do you need to know it right now?!"

Corvus shuddered and questioned, getting just a little bit angry.

"Oh, you know, reasons. So? How low is it?"

Zombie waved his red and black arm dismissively and asked again.

"'s 532, and it's not low but high! I'll have you know that it's very good for a bodyguard of my level!"

He responded, a bit hurt by the blue undead's phrasing.

"532... understood. You should survive."

Zombie furrowed his brows and then smiled and nodded happily.

"Wait what? Survive?! Survive what?!"

Corvus flinched and get even further away from the blue undead and the red-haired girl.



Without a word but with an adorable smile, the blue undead swung his right hand that extended into a whip and wrapped around Corvus's waist.

"What the...?! Release me! I do not...!"


Before he could finish his sentence a gust of wind caused by the blue griffin lifting off almost swiped him off his feet.

"Skwee?! (Mommy! Daddy! Where are we supposed to meet?!)"

Blueberry screeched, looking down at the pair below.

"She's asking where should we meet."

Zombie translated for Cranberry.

"How about we regroup in the capital of the Wrath territory?"

The red-haired girl looked up and called.

"HUH?! Young lady, do you have any idea how far that actually is?!"

Shanks leaned over from behind Blueberry's neck and shouted down in disbelief.

"Have a nice flight!"

Cranberry ignored the-rat faced man's objection and waved them goodbye.

Without further ado, the blue emperor griffin flapping her wings in the air, activated another skill, and flew away with extraordinary speed - but not too fast so that her passengers wouldn't fall off.

"Can you take this off of me? I can ride on the wolf with Mary, right...?!"

Corvus clicked his tongue, struggling with the red and clack whip draped around his waist but all of his attempts to achieve freedom ended up a failure.

"Roar. (Don't even dream about it, white-hair.)"

Arion let out an angry growl, baring his fangs at the young man and his fur became all bristly.

"That's a no."

Cranberry glanced at the massive wolf, then back at the desperate white-haired capture target, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey, Arion, do you want to race?"

"Raor...? (Huh...?)"

Zombie smirked and asked the wolf out of nowhere, cashing him to flinch and stare in disbelief.

"Don't worry, you'll have a chance. I need to adjust my speed so that guy wouldn't die, so there's no telling who's going to win."

The blue undead giggled and nodded at the wolf.

"Raor! (Don't get so cocky!) Raor! (I don't need any handicap to defeat you!)"

Arion scoffed proudly, already swept into Zombie's pace.

"...haa... do what you want..."

After watching the two monsters - of which only one was using words she could understand and the other barked - Cranberry breathed out and sighed, still very much troubled over what had happened...

"What can we do? Boys will be boys."

And the brown-haired girl let out a soft sigh and shrugged her shoulders, sharing the excitement of two monsters but clearly not sharing the red-haired girl's concerns.

"Could you at least not ignore me?!"

Corvus cried out angrily, displaying the futility of his skills against the red and black whip.

"You can call out to signal the start of the race, we will make things more impartial that way!"

Mary, already on Arion's back, leaned forward grabbing onto the wolf's fur to reduce the initial air resistance, and called at the struggling white-haired man.



Corvus refused in a loud voice - which the two monsters took as the sign to begin - and both monsters kicked off the road sending pieces of crushed pavement everywhere.

Poor Corvus got all of the air squeezed out from his lungs within an instant and was unable to even scream as he got suddenly pulled by the blue undead.

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