Chapter 248: Tower of Sloth (3)

"A lesser being like yourself was able to witness my creator's glorious form with your very eyes but you still somehow confuse his grace with a lowly copy like myself? Pathetic."

Patience clicked their tongue in disgust, and with a single flicker of their light, the violet flames beneath them disappeared as if they never existed.

"What are you? You look nothing like Saint did!"

Cranberry stepped in front of Zombie as if she wanted to block Patience's words.

"That's because I am nothing how Saint or the other administrators were. I am a copy of the creator of this world itself, brought to life and granted power by his infinite might and wisdom. I am able to use all the administrator's privileges but I am so much more than they were!"

Patience boasted with overwhelming confidence leaving everyone else speechless.

"Lesser beings such as yourselves dare to rebel against the story prepared for you all by my creator for hundreds of years already. The system was never made to deal with so many free-willed individuals and began breaking apart - that's where my creator decided to send in a savior, someone who as a player would be able to push the story back to the right course. But then that fool refused - that's why you had to be brought in."

Patience began explaining all on their own without needing any questions and turned towards the blue undead.


"Bullshit! I got killed by an accident and sent to this world as an afterthought! Even with this rotten brain of mine I still remember that clearly!"

Zombie grabbed Cranberry's shoulder and pushed past her, walking up to the being of light.

"The only reason why you experienced it like that, was because my creator wanted you to experience it that way. I don't expect a lesser being to be able to understand his plans, though."

Patience sounded as if they shrugged their shoulders even though it was difficult to tell whether they had arms or shoulders, to begin with.


Zombie growled and tried to shoot a slew of violet fireballs but each one he ignited got instantly extinguished before he could launch any of them.

"Haa... I expect that now, to aid the grand plan that your creator has for steering the world on its correct path, you will get rid of us, is that it?"

Cranberry once again stepped in front of the agitated Zombie and asked Patience, while massaging her forehead.

"No. I won't do a thing."


But the next words of the being of light caused Cranberry - and most of the other spectators - to gasp in confusion.

"Foolish lesser being. You truly don't understand a thing, do you?"

Patience shook their head in disappointment, even though it was hard to say whether they really had the head or not.

"My role in this world is to be the acting avatar of sloth and aiding the Sloth family in defending the northern border from the titan-class monsters invasion. I am not allowed to use the administrator's privileges unless the core system, and by extension, the whole world, is in direct danger of destruction. Although you and your actions, replacement-villainess, have cost the system a great deal of stability and even required a soft reset, that was still within the acceptable margin. You are just a nuisance, annoying nuisance, but not one requiring my attention or action. After all, that is the lazy savior's job. Well, with this hostage here, she's not lazy anymore, though."

Patience continued with a mocking tone.

"The titan-class monsters are no more. We killed them! Are you still that confident about that savior of yours?! We will crush her in one go!"

"Zombie, no!"

The blue undead showed off that the effects of the rotten brain title were affecting him even more than usual and shouted angrily at the being of light in front of them.

Cranberry tried to stop him but it was already too late.

"This doesn't change my role at all. Honestly, that only makes everything easier - I can now enjoy my time inhabiting the bodies of the people of the Sloth family - while watching out for something that would never happen - the end of the world. Meanwhile, the savior will deal with all the nuisance and steer the world on the right track with the help of the proper events according to the grand story that the system follows. Because you have no chance - she works with the system, you two are going against it. That will be your downfall."

Patience waved his hand dismissively, even though it was hard to tell whether he had any.

"As for myself... I will continue observing your mundane struggle in the meantime, replacement-villainess. And as for you, hostage. Know your place."

Patience mocked the master-servant pair.

"Do you think that your words alone will stop us? I will complete the -road to rule - quest, gain the administrator's privileges, and remake the world to my liking! Then, the two of us will get that savior of yours and destroy her before she will be able to do anything about it! Same with that beloved story of yours! How would you like that?!"

Already knowing that she would be ignored as a lesser being, Cranberry went ahead and challenged the being of light.

"Trying to complete a single quest from a buggy incomplete route is truly fitting for a pathetic failure like you. Go for it. I am so sure that you will fail miserably that I will even throw a bone to a mongrel whose bark is far more threatening than their bite. Here."

Patience laughed, and although it seemed impossible at first, the light comprising his body grew even brighter for a second before...

/special exception granted

/road to rule quest progression update

/road to rule 4/7 completed


Cranberry went wide-eyed, staring at the messages that popped up in front of her eyes

"See? This quest that you put so much baseless faith in, is so bad that it can be bypassed like that. Go on, try to complete the rest of it. I can assure you that you will never get that reward. You will be dealt with just as the story event demands. Now off with all of you. Don't disturb my rest, my next host body will arrive here in a few minutes."

Patience laughed and shooed them away.

"Why would we lis...?"

"Get the hell away from my territory."


Zombie tried to argue but the pressure of Patience's next words caused everyone, including Zombie and Cranberry, to turn around and go to the hatch in the floor.

"Oh, right. You, the descendant of the Sloth family - you can tell those with you about me. I grant you the permission."

The being of light called out before the group could jump down.


Shanks gritted his teeth and nodded.

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