Chapter 14: Money speaks -5


As Bai Lung sat comfortably in the luxurious room, sipping his spiritual herbal tea, he couldn't help but think about the ancient tomb the sect master had mentioned, on a deep level.

It's obvious that it is destined for the protagonist to shine and as the name mentioned it must have some kind of Inheritance for the chosen one by someone strong from ancient time.

It's easily see through with the knowledge of his past life, but, there would definitely be more to it, right?

To put it simply, there is a possibility that Bai Lung couldn't steal the treasure or keep the inheritance to himself.


Just then,

Bai Lung's thoughts were interrupted by the sect master's nervous laughter.

"Ah, haha, I see. Well, in that case, let us discuss the terms of your visit," the sect master said, trying to compose himself.

Bai Lung leaned back in his chair with his eyes fixed on the sect master, maintaining a strong and fierce eye contact.



The air in the room grew tense as the silence stretched on.

Finally, Bai Lung broke the quiet with a measured tone, knowing the sect master didn't believe his words.

" Well! Ancient tombs, secret realms... such matters are indeed of great interest," Bai Lung mused aloud, his voice remaining calm and composed.

" Yet, as I said, my visit here is purely coincidental... I have no idea about the secret tomb. Nonetheless, I can't deny that your sect's reputation for uncovering hidden treasures is quite renowned... "

The sect master shifted uneasily in his seat, breaking the eye contact while his eyes darted around the room, looking at the wonderful walls, the floor seemed polished too.

With that, he once again gazed back at Bai Lung,

He forced a smile and replied, "Young Master Bai, our sect prides itself on its discoveries, but we are also mindful of the danger that accompanies such experiences... The ancient tomb you speak of is fraught with dangers, and only the bravest and most skilled can hope to survive its trials, the tomb belongs to the ancient immortal so, one could easily guess going mindlessly will result in a chat with King Yama, "

Bai Lung's lips curled into a slight smirk, knowing the sect master was trying to scare him and stop him from going there, but then again, the current Bai Lung liked thrill and excitement.

"Danger? It seems the sect master takes me as a candle amongst the wildfire, just a keen reminder, I have faced many perils in my time, "

Obviously, it was a lie, the Bai Lung hadn't even slained a mosquito in his time, despite that, he uttered such words without batting an eye.

" Then again... What intrigues me is why you would bring this up, sect master. Are you perhaps seeking assistance in exploring this tomb? Or do you fear that I might take what you believe to be rightfully yours? " Bai Lung smirked menacingly while his eyes glowed a deep calculated gaze.

Truth be told, Bai Lung has seen right through Sect Master, and he can be sure, the sect master would be a fine pawn dancing under his palm.

But keeping the matter at the hand, Bai Lung has analyzed the situation and words of the Sect Master, and the first thing that remains first, the invitation.

After the sect master invited him, he talked about the ancient tomb, so, Bai Lung could easily guess that the sect master plans on keeping Bai Lung with the sect during the exploration.

Also, the words skilled and trained, bravest, and going mindlessly will result in death. Connecting the dots, someone with a brain can easily figure out going alone is dangerous knowing it's the tomb of an immortal as the sect master revealed.

With the clues or information he have gathered, Bai Lung is sure, the Sect Master can't enter the tomb, perhaps there is some kind of limit such as age limit or cultivation base limit.

[ Eg; someone below this age or someone below this cultivation realm is only allowed, ]

Furthermore, Bai Lung has also figured out that the sect master also needs certain items from the tomb... Come to think of it, the sect master has a son whom he adorns more, perhaps, the sect master is looking for his safety too.

Bai Lung's lips curved further as he knew he had struck the iron when it was hot,

Bai Lung knew his words about the sect master's fear about the item being stolen by him had struck a nerve.

Gulpppp! ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

The sect master swallowed hard, sweat trickling down his temples.

"Young Master Bai, it is not a matter of fear...or greed... It is simply that our sect has been the guardian of this knowledge for generations, We are aware of the consequences if such power falls into the wrong hands as such my worry seems to be reasonable, "

Bai Lung leaned forward with his gaze piercing the sect master's soul.

" And who decides what the right hands are, sect master? Power is an elusive thing, slipping through the fingers of those who grasp it too tightly. Perhaps it is time for new hands to hold it, don't you think? " Bai Lung's confidence grew knowing the sect master was seeking something from the tomb.

The sect master clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure.

"I mean no disrespect, Young Master Bai. Your lineage and power are beyond question. But this tomb... it is a legacy of our sect... We have the means to navigate its dangers, but we lack the strength to ensure its secrets remain protected. If you were to aid us, the benefits could be... mutually advantageous, I just want to move the first hands towards our friendship,"

Bai Lung's eyes gleamed with interest seeing how the eagle had finally decided to land.

" Ah, so we come to the heart of the matter. You seek an alliance... Very well, sect master. I am open to such an arrangement, but know this: I do not enter partnerships lightly. The rewards must be worth the risks "

" Uhmm! " The sect master nodded with relief washing over his face like cold water after a tiring day.

"Of course, Young Master Bai. The treasures within the tomb are said to be beyond imagination, be it artifacts of immense power, techniques lost to time, and perhaps even the key to ascension itself, "

" Oh! Ascension... "



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