The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 974: Invincible Sword

Chapter 974: Invincible Sword

Proofreader: Papatonks

Along with the surge of power that shook the ground and the air around them, what stood in front of them was a stout old man with a white beard.

Eyes of amber, hair white as snow, wrinkles so deep as if carved, yet what unnerved everyone, even the likes of the Nine Sword Kings was the piercing stare and the flickering purple lightning within. They felt their hearts quivering from the sharp glare, making them sweat.


In a flash of purple lightning, a longsword appeared, its edge cold and sharp, its aura deadly like that of a grim reaper.

Central area’s divine weapon, Sundering Sword!

Everyone’s hearts shuddered at its appearance, then they gave the old man a deep bow, “Greetings Patriarch, we congratulate Patriarch on coming out of seclusion!”

“Now I know what exactly happened here from within the Thunder Pavilion. I won’t be saying anything about it but I’d prefer this not to happen ever again. Am I clear?”

Baili Yutian spoke with a cold face, his eyes flat as if nothing mattered to him at all.

Yet these few words carried with it a heavy weight, like a decree of a god that none could impeach. Follow it they shall, or they might as well sign their death warrant.

The Nine Sword Kings bowed again, Baili Yulei even lowered his head more as sweat trickled down his brow.

Shangguan Feiyun snickered at their plight, while Zither Sword King’s eyes shone and grinned.

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Baili Yutian’s icy tone came again, “This goes for the foreign Sword Kings as well, not just the two of them. Watch yourselves, before you touch upon each other’s sensibilities, especially…”

Baili Yutian glanced sideways, his piercing and icy stare shooting straight for Liu Mubai.

Shuddering, the man sweated buckets as he and the other three outsiders bowed in respect, “We shall respect Patriarch’s wishes!”

“As long as you understand!”

Baili Yutian squinted as he passed judgment on all and everything. He then turned to Baili Jingwei, “Emperor, Prime Minister, you’re late. Why?”

Baili Jingshi gave a curt bow and reported, “Patriarch, these days Prime Minister has seized Serene Shores Trading and removed unwelcomed elements. Today they have been receiving the highest punishment as an example for everyone. As such, Prime Minister and I, have gone with the princes and nobles to supervise the execution. We ask your forgiveness, Patriarch!”

[Highest punishment?]

Liu Mubai shook at the words, his fists clenching.

“Highest punishment?”

Baili Yutian pondered, “Serene Shores Trading has established itself for thousands of years in the empire, contributing greatly to our nation’s prosperity. I still recall two thousand years ago how the four lands cut us off from all the spirit mines, and only Serene Shores Trading managed to open them again. Just what heinous crime have they committed to warrant ruination, and even use the highest punishment?”

Baili Jingwei bowed, “Patriarch, I had something to do with this…”

Baili Jingwei began to explain the demon spirit stone debacle.

Baili Yutian pondered, then mocked, “Only a few dozen greedy nobles died, and Serene Shores Trading hardly is to blame for this. The highest punishment is a bit excessive here. But Jingwei, you always have a reason for your actions, so I can only assume it has other meanings.”

“Patriarch has such insight! It is indeed so!”

Baili Jingwei gave off a confident smile as he bowed, “Patriarch, I believe that our empire’s unification plan can now begin. We can now wage war with the other four lands. When we rule the world, Serene Shores Trading would no longer be opening channels with the rest of the areas, but fester our empire like termites that the enemy might exploit. Collapse could come from the slightest weakness, let alone such a glaring one. That’s why I used this chance to have the company removed, for the future of the empire and its complete control over every mountain and river.”

Brows furrowed and hearts shook.

They couldn’t believe Baili Jingwei was so impatient to fight the other lands so soon. The Nine Sword Kings were barely established and quite free. Now they were to strike at every land around?

What was more, was he that confident that this was going to happen?

Baili Yutian stared for long before speaking, “You’re certain?”

“Absolutely, our previous defeat against the four lands was due to a lack of men, weakness. When one land fell, the other three jumped in, leaving our backs bare and pushing us into being defensive!”

Baili Jingwei’s eyes shone, “Only this time, we have the Nine Sword Kings and with Patriarch coming out of seclusion, even with having four fronts, our great armies will crush them before they can join together. I believe it is the Sword Star Empire’s greatest opportunity. Letting this drag on for longer will make the lands find counters for our Sword Kings and will make things worse.”

[Baili Jingwei, you sure don’t go in half-cocked. The Nine Sword Kings barely took shape and you already can’t wait to wage war. Talk about ruthless.]

Everyone thought the same thing in their minds.

Baili Yutian paused and said to the other, “You’re the emperor, do you agree with your Prime Minister’s decision?”

“Patriarch, Jingwei has always done things boldly and with wisdom, something I lack. All my seat can do is curb his eagerness and prevent him for making mistakes.”

Baili Jingshi smiled with a bow, “But after a three-day-long debate, he convinced me. While the plan feels rushed, it’s without a doubt rushed to the lands as well, not just to us and will prove to be effective. Thus I gave my approval of this plan. The empire shall send its troops immediately and strike like lightning!”

Baili Yutian stared at the two and nodded, “Since you’re both for this, then I have nothing to say against it. That’s what we’ll do!”

The two gave a deep bow and a smug smile.

The Nine Sword Kings were amazed inside, but not because of the two’s ingenious plan, but the Patriarch’s ability to use talent.

In this type of empire, with the Patriarch always watching over, the emperor’s power was tied down so there was no need for heavy tactics. The key was tolerance and having insight.

More so when in other empires, the Prime Minister was in charge of affairs far more than the emperor.

This made the seat of prime minister needing a true governing talent and only the likes of Baili Jingwei could fill it. As all positions of power, they came with such temptation that would make the prime minister be rash and let it get to his head in his decision.

For this reason the emperor’s role was not to lead a nation but to curb the prime minister’s zeal. This meant there was no godly genius of a requirement for it, since it would only clash with the first in trying to come on top and lead to grave consequences. What this seat needed was a plain individual that eased the prime minister’s talent.

It did not refer to one’s humble abilities per se, but moderation above all else. That was who Baili Jingshi was, the bucket of cold water for when Baili Jingwei’s talent flared too much and brought him down to earth.

This led to the emperor of the Sword Star Empire hardly ever passing any judgment on matters, always in the middle of things. In fact he was more of a prop, there in the background, as he handled things to work smoothly. He didn’t get involved in policies, but when the situation demanded, he was there to answer the call and avert any foreseeable calamity.

Thus, these two, one impetuous and another reserved, complemented each other in bringing out the perfect solution. Since all their power stemmed from the authority the Patriarch invested in them, they had no clashes, but actually worked hand in hand for a change.

This was nigh impossible to take shape in any other nation, not with the emperor and prime minister always throwing jabs at each other in order to wield more power; sometimes deadly. The prime minister limited the emperor’s authority yet needed his power at the same time. The emperor, on the other hand, wanted to kill the prime minister yet couldn’t exactly do without one either. Such was their paradox.

With both of them going forward with such a plan, Baili Yutian found no reason to dwell on it, immediately approving it.

The Sword Star Empire has been going easy on the four lands so far, but the sound of charging cavalry and marching soldiers, along with the cold edges of its Nine Sword Kings shall soon fill the lands!

They all, however, were unaware of one tiny element, a frozen corpse that suddenly stirred…

“Second young master, let’s go.”

In the public square of the imperial capital, an old man in black pulled along a youth with a sigh.

Watching the ashes of the people who once stood in the middle of the square, the warmth still fresh on his skin, the youth balled his fists and vanished among the crowd.

His vitriol-filled words only reached the elder’s ears, “Elder Ming, I swear we will rise again, as I toll the bell for the Sword Star Empire’s doom…”

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