Chapter 934: Lure

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Brother Dan, we can’t stop this strange black flame even as it eats it away. It won’t do us any good if we just stay here in this tight place!”

Looking from the everexpanding black sea, Shangguan Feiyun turned a nervous glance to Danqing Shen.

The man shouted, “Alright!”

He pointed two fingers at the sky and a Soaring Sword of energy shot out in a loud boom, letting the sun cast light in this dark place, while also shedding some light on the demonic black thunderflame.


Looking at the clear sky with a stray cloud here and there, Danqing Shen hoised Baili Jingwei on his shoulder and flew away from the black flame. As the flames latched on his Yuan Qi shield and crept all over it, Danqing Shen shook once and sent his shield away from himself, letting the flames chip away at it from a safe distance, disappearing once their meal was finished.


Shangguan Feiyun and a few strong Genesis Stage guards arrived, shedding the terrifying flames in the same manner Danqing Shen did. They were at last out of danger and could breathe easier.

These mighty and respected Genesis Stage experts had just escaped a brush with death, something that hardly happened to them.

The more they watched the thunderflame swallow the manor, the deeper their fear ran.

[What the hell is this this? Why is it so horrible?]

Of the fifty or so guards in the tunnel, only five escaped. It was testament to the warranted fear they had for the black thunderflame, and of its destruction. The flames kept spreading, eating and destroying all of the manor, and they were powerless to stop it.

Shangguan Feiyun stood there stunned, his face grave from the dangerous experience. It was a first for him, to see his men die out without even making a sound.

It echoed in him the same amount of powerlessness he saw in them.

There was a limit to what a man could do, a saying he would not soon forget…

“Prime Minister, brother Dan, what is this thing? Do any of you know?”

Shangguan Feiyun flew over to them and spoke with no little shock in his voice, “It’s just a flame but Yuan Qi can’t stop it nor break it. Only by letting it consume everything will it make it stop. The only reason we’re still here talking is because we had the Yuan Qi to keep it at bay. Any stronger and even this Sword King would’ve fallen! This is absurd!”

Baili Jingwei and Danqing Shen nodded gravely.

Danqing Shen kept the knowledge about it and Zhuo Fan to himself. While Baili Jingwei grimaced, “It’s not a question of what, but how strong. With this black flame, nothing in the world can stop it. We’ve only survived it because it’s power has a limit. Yet even so, it still managed to threaten the likes of a Sword King. Sword Kings, think for a second. We’ve been hard pressed to use Yuan Qi and keep the flames away, but if just one mote touched us…”

“We’d be dead!”

Shangguan Feiyun shook and Danqing Shen’s voice cracked in shock, “The black flame needs but a touch and nothing will remain of us.”

Baili Jingwei sighed, “Such a deadly power is hard for even a Sword King to escape. Then what about Patriarch? This is our first time seeing such a thing. But what if there’ll be more of it? Then…”

Baili Jingwei trailed off but Shangguan Feiyun understood his worry loud and clear.

[There just has to be more of this thing and it could drive fear even into Invincible Sword.]

[The question is, where did this outrageous thing come from?]

Shangguan Feiyun frowned, while Baili Jingwei was lost in worries.

“In any case, Shangguan Yulin’s detonation has something to do with the Shangguan clan!” Baili Jingwei spoke coldly.

Shangguan Feiyun cursed, “Those bastards must be behind it! I don’t know where they got this dangerous thing, but they stuffed it in the brat and got him to explode. It was clearly aimed at us. I was right to be wary of the detonation even if its blast was meager. Any carelessness from my part and the flame would’ve eaten me alive! Damn you, Shangguan Feixiong and your cruelty!”

“Shangguan Feixiong?”

Shangguan Feiyun had instantly dumped all the blame behind this devious and savage attack on his brother. But Baili Jingwei frowned, “Would such a kind and upright Clan Head resort to something so vile? Let’s not forget that the mind behind everything is still Gu-“


A sudden distant explosion cut off his words.

The trio jerked and looked over in its direction. From the manor’s east side, a surge of power came, followed by a most familiar sword energy, Shangguan clan’s Soaring Sword Art.

Shangguan Feiyun gnashed his teeth, “Prime Minister Baili, see that? They just took an attempt on our lives. They had Shangguan Yulin blow up in our faces while the main force was charging in. They want to take my head in case I escaped alive. Humph, there’s no way they’ll get rid of me that easily!”

Shangguan Feiyun shot towards the scene. The rest looked at the spreading sea of black and went after him. It was better to fight with the Sword King than stay here, powerless.

“Sword King Feiyun, wait…”

Baili Jingwei cried but Shangguan Feiyun’s anger deafened him to anything but his target.

Baili Jingwei squinted and looked back at the flames. He sighed and gave Danqing Shen a look, flying together after Shangguan Feiyun.

All the excitement and suddenness had made them blind to the on and off red infant going deeper into the flames and using them for cover.

It went through the tunnel filled with flames and arrived to where the weakened Gu Santong rested.

“Young Sanzi!”

Gu Santong shook at the familiar voice and smiled, “Dad, you’re here!”

“Of course I am. I’ve come to get you out.”

The Blood Infant turned into a pitch-black sword floating under Gu Santong. It then took the child and disappeared without a trace…

Shangguan Feixiong had come with his three venerables and the Genesis Stage experts to cause a scene in an area of the manor. They burned and killed without stopping as no guard could match the power of the three venerables, not when they could hold back a Sword King.

What was more, there were few guards around, far weaker than the carefully picked Shangguan experts.


A string of sword energies were unleashed wreaking havoc to anything that moved.

As lavish buildings fell around him, Shangguan Feiyun hovered in the air and heard hundreds of people coming over, “Damn it, the guards are mobilizing here! Did the brat do it? I don’t know if Shangguan Feiyun and the rest are with them. It will make getting out with just ten men hard. It may even require to leave some behind…”

“Shangguan Feixiong, you rotten relic, you sent me a suicide bomber and almost cost me my life. I’ll make sure you’ll never walking out of here alive!”

Shangguan Feiyun roared as he stormed over.

Shangguan Feixiong saw Shangguan Feiyun coming at him like a storm, with Danqing Shen and Baili Jingwei not far behind. He ordered, “Everyone fall back! They took the bait!”

The rest of the Shangguan clansmen enjoying senseless violence shot off at once, leaving this place a broken pile of junk and destruction…

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