The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 810: Thrashing Crown Prince

Chapter 810: Thrashing Crown Prince

Proofreader: Papatonks

The crown prince’s eyes were on fire from the hatred he put in his glare at Tuoba Liufeng. He went over and kicked the tied up young commander into the air, “Humph, you must have a death wish inviting enemies!”

“Brother!” Lian’er cried out.

Zhuo Fan looked on with a frown at the unrecognizable Tuoba Liufeng from all the beating. He then nodded, “You’re that guy playing commander back in Tianyu, Tuoba Liufeng? My, how cool you are now, almost can’t hold it in even.”

(StarReader: a play on words, since the same character is used for cool and commander.)


Sixth prince grinned, “Ha-ha-ha, Sir Zhuo, do you have something against young Touba? He’s in serious trouble right now, yet you’re still being mean?”

Lian’er glared at Zhuo Fan in anger.

“Well, on the last battlefield we were on opposite sides, though nothing more than that.”

Shrugging, Zhuo Fan had a flat look, returning to inspecting the lake, “Sixth prince, where’s that marvel you keep talking about?”

Tuoba Liufeng shouted in panic, “Zhuo Fan, Crown Prince has many experts. Don’t be reckless and wait for them or it’ll be to late. I only hope you’d take my sister with you when you go! Help her out of this hell!”

“Goddamn it! You’re still talking, you’re still spilling the beans?”

Tuoba Liufeng’s kind reminder had no effect on Zhuo Fan whatsoever, instead it only incensed the crown prince further.

And so, the crown prince did what he knew best, kicking the helpless Tuoba Liufeng over and over again.

Zhuo Fan ignored it all, his mind on the lake still.

Lian’er was panicking and begged, “Zhuo Fan, please save my brother. He’ll die!”

Her voice fell on deaf ears.

“Zhuo Fan, my brother is being beaten up for informing you and you’re just going to stand there?” Lian’er teared up, her tone becoming sharper, “You damn ingrate!”

Zhuo Fan glanced over, “Ingrate? Did I ask him to? He gets what he deserves for running his mouth.”

Zhuo Fan bit back. Lian’er only grew angrier, but all she could do was stare as the crown prince was beating her brother.

“Sixth prince, the lake is as plain as it gets. You aren’t toying with me, are you?” After one last look at the water, Zhuo Fan threw a cold look at sixth prince, while Tuoba Liufeng’s mournful howls sounded in the distance.

Sixth prince had a vague smile, “He-he-he, it needs to be triggered first!”

“What trigger?” Zhuo Fan lit up.

Pointing at the brutal crown prince, sixth prince grinned, “By throwing snow lotus seeds in, a 6th grade pill ingredient that only grows on our Quanrong’s Woollahra Snow Peak, will definitely get a reaction. Those seeds are something only elder brother has.”

“Crown Prince?” Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed.

“But…” Sixth prince followed with a frown, “Brother is petty and would never use the snow lotus seeds when asked. The only times he take them out was at holidays or imperial father’s birthday. Uhm, Sir Zhuo, what do you plan to do?”

Zhuo Fan was walking towards crown prince and grabbed him in mid swing.

Startled, the crown prince looked back at Zhuo Fan in anger. “What do you think you’re doing? Are you planing on saving this traitor? Humph, of course you would, since you’re on the same side. He even informed you just now. You really think you can save him and leave…”

“Now hold on a second!”

Zhuo Fan shook his head, “Your Highness, even if you beat him to death, that’s your problem. It has nothing to do with me.”

Lian’er glared at him, the hope she had when he grabbed crown prince now turned into hatred.

The crown prince took Zhuo Fan for being afraid and grew bolder, “Humph, rotten punk, are you begging for mercy? Humph, well too bad. When my venerables come, you’ll all leave this place as corpses!”

“Oh, let’s just leave that for later.”

Zhuo Fan was calm as he spoke, “I just need a snow lotus seed from you. I want to see just what fascinating spectacle you got here.”

“Snow lotus seed?”

The crown prince mocked, “You want to see the beauty of this marvel? Ha-ha-ha, this is Quanrong’s proof of good fortune and only the imperial family is allowed to appreciate its beauty…”


Zhuo Fan flicked his hand and slammed his head into a nearby convenient stone pillar. The crown prince’s delicate features were now marred with blood, and even some teeth fell off. This was how an eminent figure was reduced to a grotesque creature, looking worse off even when compared to the beaten Tuoba Liufeng.

Startled, all were shocked Zhuo Fan was actually so savage against the crown prince.

Bringing crown prince’s head around, Zhuo Fan spoke coldly, “The snow lotus seed.”

“D-don’t even think… my men are coming…”


Zhuo Fan returned to having crown prince’s face make intimate and brutal contact with a hard rock, again and again for good measure. When he thought it was enough, he brought crown prince around, his face unrecognizable.

“The snow lotus seed.” Zhuo Fan demanded.



“The snow lotus seed!”


Zhuo Fan just kept on smashing his face into a rock while asking. The crown prince might think himself some bigshot from the imperial family, but Zhuo Fan thrashed him all the same, until he bawled.

“The snow lotus seed!”

Zhuo Fan roared this time but crown prince had long since fallen silent. Enraged, Zhuo Fan returned to smashing, but then he noticed the flailing arms, pointing at his bloody and toothless mouth.

Zhuo Fan now realized the guy was unable to speak. The victim pointed to a building on the side as he groaned in tears.

Pondering for a bit, Zhuo Fan looked at sixth prince, “Is he saying the seed is in that building? Sixth prince, you know how it looks, so go look for it.”

“Sure thing.”

The prince laughed and skipped over to the building. He didn’t so much as bat an eye as his dear elder brother’s face was tenderized into an unrecognizable slop.

[He’s one evil brat!]

Zhuo Fan thought, flicking his hand and throwing the limp crown prince away, returning to the lake and staring down at it.

Lian’er and Tuoba Liufeng were dumbstruck.

Zhuo Fan was cold as a rock when talked to, but when he struck, he was a volcano. Even Lian’er felt a pang of sorrow when looking at the new makeover done on the crown prince’s face.

[No matter how big the grudge, such an outcome is too brutal. Going after his face when it was so charming before.]

But then the two awoke at the dire situation they were in.

[Oh no!]

Tuoba Liufeng shot to his feet and shouted, “Zhuo Fan, by harming the Crown Prince you became Quanrong’s enemy. Take my sister and go! You won’t make it out when the experts come!”

Lian’er looked tense at Zhuo Fan then at Tuoba Liufeng, “Brother, why don’t we just go with father and the rest? This place doesn’t want us anymore!”

“I also thought about it, but father is ever loyal to his country. He will never betray it.” Tuoba Liufeng sighed.

Lian’er lowered her head in worry and vexation.

Glancing over, Zhuo Fan finally recalled the past dealing and said, “Dugu Zhantian also died because of his loyalty to his country. I must say, these two geezers sure are alike, ha-ha-ha…”

The siblings nodded.

The marshal and commander had received such praise from the people was not just from their glorious military victories, but also their loyal character…

“Zhuo Fan, my father and I may die, but Lian’er must not lose her life in a place like this. All I ask is that you take her, let the Touba line go on.”

“No, I still need to see the spectacle here.”

Tuoba Liufeng begged Zhuo Fan once more but Zhuo Fan refused, his reason only making the brother feel helpless.

“Brother, is that eye candy more important than our lives?”

“Eye candy?” Zhuo Fan frowned.

[Is that all this place amounts to, some fancy view?]

A laughter broke his concentration, “Ha-ha-ha, you think you can just walk away after ruining Crown Prince’s home? Are you taking us for props?”

Nine powerful energies surrounded the place as elders appeared before them.

“Damn it, the nine venerables of the Crown Prince manor are here. They’re at the 8th or 9th layer Radiant Stage, with four even at the peak. We’re doomed!” Tuoba Liufeng cried.

Lian’er clenched her clammy fists, while Zhuo Fan frowned. Not because of the elders, of course, but that he got to the wrong place again…

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