The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 742: Loyal and Righteous Clan

Chapter 742: Loyal and Righteous Clan

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Stop those damn brats from getting to the treasury!”

Under Luo Yunhai’s leadership, Flying Tiger Army and Demon Scheming Sect’s disciples quickly got away from Ethereal Stage experts’ fights and charged straight for Mystical Heaven Sect’s critical areas.

Sect Leader Xuan wasn’t the only one able to see their plan, many other elders were concerned about this as well.

At the shout of one man, many others got away from their opponents and went after Luo Yunhai.

A great pressure was instantly upon them from behind, and even though most were blocked by Demon Scheming Sect elders, there were still six that got through.

Under those mighty auras, Luo Yunhai frowned, his scalp tingling.

They were all mere Radiant Stage and Profound Heaven disciples. Going against an Ethereal Stage expert was suicide. Even with thousands of people on his side, it would still end up with their cruel demise.

They had no way of stopping those Ethereal Stage experts’ souls with their puny divine sense. They would be mowed down like grass.


Suddenly, two very familiar figures appeared next to Luo Yunhai, Yue’er and Kui Gang. Looking tensely at him, Kui Gang hurried, “Luo Clan Head, what do we do? Master told us to listen to your every order.”

“You’re brother Zhuo’s disciples? He actually took disciples? He always refused when asked. Even Elder Yan was only imparted skill and never taken as a disciple. You…”

Luo Yunhai shook from the shock. Then nodded, “I see. No wonder brother Zhuo picked you two to come here among the thousands of disciples of the Demon Scheming Sect. You’re on our side.”

Kui Gang nodded, “Yes, master said we always listen to him, and while Demon Scheming Sect disciples will obey an outsider’s order, you, that won’t go on for long. So he let us two be the middlemen. In any case, we’re also Demon Scheming Sect disciples. They trust us more. If you have any orders, tell us and we’ll make sure these disciples will follow your lead!”

“Then take all of them and attack the treasury!” Luo Yunhai shouted, then flew behind.

Startled, Kui Gang quickly grabbed Luo Yunhai who wanted to leave. “Wait, what are you doing? We’re attacking the treasury, but what about you?”

“I’m going to stop the Ethereal Stage experts on our backs and buy you time.” Luo Yunhai flew again.

The two were stunned. Kui Gang held much tighter now as he grew nervous, “You’re looking to die? They’re Ethereal Stage experts! No matter how many people you have, they’ll end up dead, all of them! “

“And? I am a soldier at heart. A soldier does not fear death on the battlefield! In any case, this way we’ll reach our goal.” Luo Yunhai grinned.

Kui Gang was stumped then gnashed his teeth. “Master had us obey your orders. You’re the commander here. How can we let you be in danger? I’ll go! Demon Scheming Sect disciples, listen up…”


However, he didn’t finish as Luo Yunhai grabbed his shoulder, “Since you’re brother Zhuo’s disciple, with the Luo clan here, how can I let you face danger? Moreover, brother Zhuo told me that in this war you must be safe. Later, he’ll be giving you a great surprise.”

“But you…” Kui Gang’s eyes shook.

Luo Yunhai waved his hand, “This is the way of the Luo clan, of righteousness and loyalty, a teaching passed down through generations. As the Clan Head, I have to uphold it. Brother Zhuo did so much for us so I won’t ever let his disciples be at risk. Moreover, you said it yourself. Your master told you to obey my orders. Then listen to my command!”

Luo Yunhai flicked his sleeve and got away from them, flying behind to welcome the six Ethereal Stage experts.

“Flying Tiger Army, with me! Focus your divine sense, breaking formation!”


The Flying Tiger Army converged and charged at the enemy with Luo Yunhai. They all knew what awaited them.

But life meant nothing before a soldier’s duty to obey.

This was the Luo clan’s style. Combined with the original Luo clan’s literary reputation, of being righteous and loyal, Zhuo Fan’s bold and fearless nature, as well as Dugu Army’s inviolable orders, it became just like an impressive army!

Seeing this fearless and brave army, Kui Gang and Yue’er were stunned. Then they sighed, “No wonder master always wanted to go back. This clan cares so much for him. For our lives, as mere master’s disciples, this Clan Head is willing to pay with his. This is crazy, idiocy, or is it… true righteousness?”

“Ha-ha-ha, I never imagined a demonic cultivator like master’s home would be the most righteous clan!” Kui Gang sighed, “But this righteous clan is not as loathsome as the other righteous sects. Yue’er, let’s go… eh…”

Kui Gang wanted to take Yue’er to attack the treasury but he found that she just stared at Luo Yunhai, still.

Yue’er’s eyes grew hazy, “Kui Gang, you listen to Luo Clan Head. I have another task!”

Yunhai shot for Luo Yunhai at full speed, leaving Kui Gang stumped. He gnashed his teeth and shouted, “Demon Scheming Sect disciples, follow me to raid their treasury. Don’t squander Luo Clan Head’s sacrifice!”


With a roar, the disciples looked at Luo Yunhai, touched by his actions, before going on to do their part.

Behind them, Luo Yunhai took the hundred thousand Flying Tiger Army to pose as a shield for their backs. They had no chance in stopping the Ethereal Stage experts, but their dauntless aura gave a feeling of security.

[No wonder Steward Zhuo came from the Luo clan. All of them are amazing.]


The six Ethereal Stage experts were now upon the army. Luo Yunhai shouted, “Charge!”

The Flying Tiger Army obeyed without question.

“He-he-he, ignorant fools. Radiant Stage and Profound Heaven cultivators dare block our way?” They sneered and mocked Luo Yunhai and the Flying Tiger Army. The elder with the long beard flicked his hand and a lightning arrow hundred meters long shot like lightning for them.

[Soul variant, Heaven-breaking Arrow!]


A huge pressure, one bearing death, descended upon the army. They found it hard to breathe, their mind in pain. Yet not even this could stop Luo Yunhai as he shouted, “Focus all your divine sense before us. We’re a hundred thousand men!”


The men shouted once more and with a strong wind, the divine sense gathered as it stuck together into a wall before the incoming arrow. The divine sense just kept getting stronger and stronger.

However, the bearded old man mocked, “What can the divine sense of Radiant Stage cultivators do? It’s no match for an Ethereal Stage expert’s condensed soul! Quantity can’t beat quality. Humph, a bunch of rats are looking to die so have at it!”

The other five Ethereal Stage experts laughed loudly, not in a hurry to join and instead enjoyed seeing these ants getting squashed.


With a thunderclap, the lightning arrow struck the divine sense wall hard. It breached it without delay and went for the army unimpeded.


The men all spewed blood, feeling their heads splitting apart from the pain. The few Profound Heaven cultivators in the Flying Tiger Army had it worse, their eyes lost their light and died on the spot, leaving their empty shells of a hard body to fall to the ground.

Next came the fall of a thousand bodies as they died from the attack. Luo Yunhai was in pain with every thump.

The Flying Tiger Army was made of war puppets Zhuo Fan refined, and would not even be called humans, having only a divine sense. But these people were Luo clan’s guards, brothers Luo Yunhai had spent years by their side. He saw them as family.

Watching so many fall to their deaths tore Luo Yunhai apart. But he bore through the pain and held on.

This was the Luo clan’s military style. Remembering the martyrs was done after the war. Now they had one mission, to charge!

The brutal lightning arrow had not slowed at all, as if to prove to Luo Yunhai and his men that all their efforts were for naught, a fool’s errand.

The Ethereal Stage experts sneered, but then their smiles fell. Luo Yunhai and the Flying Tiger Army wore the same hard faces as they faced this deadly adversity.

It was as if they did not know the meaning of weakness.

Even the six Ethereal Stage experts began to show admiration. How long has it been since they last saw such determination?

[But you still have to die!]

The bearded elder’s eyes flashed with bloodthirst and sent the lightning arrow flying even faster with a flick of the wrist. It was in front of Luo Yunhai in a blink. The burning lightning was so powerful he felt pain before it struck…

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