Chapter 442, To War!

Translator: StarReader

At long last, the sun dawned on the imperial capital after a tumultuous night, finding the city guards at their posts and the order restored.

Zhuge Changfeng and many officials were waiting in the Prime Minister’s mansion for updates.

A shadow burst in and whispered in Zhuge Changfeng’s ear, causing his smile to widen.

“Prime Minister sir, what’s the situation?” The Minister of War asked.

Zhuge Changfeng shook his head, “Like a true failure he is, the second prince could never live up to His Majesty’s ability.”

“However…” And he laughed, “Thanks to the second prince’s tantrum, he left His Majesty open to scrutiny. He is indeed playing the empty city tactic. All he has are some shadow guards and wounded imperial guards.”

The Minister of War proposed, “Then we can…”

“Of course!”

Zhuge Changfeng was firm, having grasped the truth, “The old man has gone all in on this move of his. He has sent his forces to deal with those two yet sits steady on his throne to blind us. He’d never guess that his treasured empty city tactic is now in shambles. It’s like the heavens are begging us to take this chance. Ha-ha-ha…

“Minister, our forces can begin. Take the Imperial Palace within the week!” Zhuge Changfeng’s eyes flashed, his voice stern.

The Minister of War saluted, as did the rest of the excited officials.

[The time for a new ruler is upon us…]

News of the second prince’s rebellion spread like wildfire, reaching Dugu Zhantian’s ears thousands of miles away three days later.

Dugu Zhantian panicked and was about to turn back. He didn’t even get to strike camp though as a yellow flash landed before the marshal’s tent bearing a scroll with imperial edict on it.

Dugu Zhantian convened with his tigers and received the order.

“Hear ye, the Emperor’s edict. Marshal Dugu is to stamp out the traitors and press on with valor. He is not to return without results!”

The Radiant Stage messenger was one of the few capable guards the emperor had left. For him to come at this time spoke of the importance of this order.

Dugu Zhantian took the edict, “I am honored. May His Majesty live a long and prosperous life!”

And then he put on a heavy look, “Is His Majesty… safe?”

“Rest easy, Marshal Dugu. Everything has been handled. Second prince’s rebellion was put down swiftly.” The messenger smiled.

Dugu Zhantian relaxed, yet was pensive, “But this would’ve revealed all the forces by His Majesty’s side…”

His aged face was filled with wrinkles from all the worry once more.

The messenger spoke with admiration, “Marshal Dugu is indeed loyal to a fault to the nation. To be frank, His Majesty’s guard isn’t looking good. But as you can see from His Majesty’s decree, you cannot return.”

“His Majesty is burning all his boats. For peace in Tianyu, he is willing to forgo even his safety…” Dugu Zhantian shook his head.

The messenger nodded slowly.

After he left, Dugu Zhantian looked at the thin paper in his hands for a long time.

The emperor feared he’d rush back after catching the news of the capital and sent this Radiant Stage expert.

Any delay would not only promise a swift end to Zhuo Fan and Regent Estate’s war, but would also give them time to recoup. There’d be no point in going then, turning into both sides losing.

Dugu Zhantian was once again touched by his emperor’s concern and struck out camp to set off.

Only this time, his marching was faster, hoping to settle the matters here and get back to the imperial capital before anything worse happened…

Meanwhile, in a deep ravine, Luo clan and Regent Estate were each parked on the hills opposite of each other, each eying the other with the thirst for battle.

Despite the declarations of war, despite the drive to quell each other, they still had some qualms about fighting, fears revolving around hidden traps. But time was of the essence and the sooner they got this over and done with, the better.

Which led to an accord to the face-off here, at Troubled Falcon’s Gully, in a head-on and above board manner.

On the Luo clan’s corner, besides Zhuo Fan and his Radiant Stage elders, there were experts from his three allies present as well. Each of them glared at Regent Estate with rage and malice for destroying their homes; hatred consuming them.

Regent Estate’s side was no different. Its allies mirrored the enemy’s thirst for blood and deep rancor.

It was by Zhuo Fan’s grace that their homes were in an even sorrier sight. The desecration of their ancestors tended to bring out the worst in people. Who knew?

Their hatred for Zhuo Fan went beyond bone deep at this point, it was in their DNA. They wished for nothing more than to put Zhuo Fan into a press and squeeze him for all the blood he had.

Yet all they’ve been doing these past weeks was measuring egos by means of glares, with neither wanting to take the first step down this bloody war.

It had the added effect of fermenting each side’s hatred and testing their ever thinning patience. That was the only thing they could do as each side’s allies were either under direct orders from Zhuo Fan or Regent Estate.

With no right to complain, they just had to wait and wait some more.

“Steward Zhuo, we’ve been staring at each other for weeks. When do you plan to attack?” Grandmother found the limit of her patience once more and came to urge Zhuo Fan, as she had done many times till now.

The other houses nodded.

Zhuo Fan was laid back per usual, in his comfy deck chair, his lazy eyes closed and his voice drawn out, “Easy, we’re still waiting for the right timing.”

“Still? Until when do we wait, until we become statues of liberty?” Peony Overseer snapped.

Zhuo Fan swayed in his chair.

The same thing was going on at Regent Estate’s corner. You Wanshan and company were boiling but Huangpu Tianyuan and Leng Wuchang reigned them in.

They were all a powder keg of emotions with nowhere to vent.


Two jade slips arrived at the camps.

Zhuo Fan skimmed over it as Leng Wuchang did the same.

The two were miles from each other, yet reacted at the same time and in the same manner, “Ha-ha-ha, at last there’s movement!”

“What do you mean?” Grandmother asked.

Snickering, Zhuo Fan shot to his feet and barked, “Notify the elders. We attack at once!”


They were all baffled. [He just asked us to wait and the next second he is asking us to attack? Just what on earth happened?]

Nonetheless, they all began war preparations, eager to get the show on the road and the blood flowing.

In quick order, rows of experts rolled out into the valley like a black cloud, glaring at the hill a thousand meters in the distance.

Huangpu Tianyuan and Leng Wuchang brought out their army as well.

Zhuo Fan, Huangpu Tianyuan and Leng Wuchang’s eyes met and they burst out laughing.

“We finally get to see today, when I can tear you to shreds, all to my heart’s content. Zhuo Fan, it’s high time you paid for taking away my son!”

Huangpu Tianyuan roared, to which Zhuo Fan only had derision, “Huangpu Tianyuan, let’s see you try!”

Leng Wuchang fanned himself with a smile, “Estate Lord, Steward Zhuo, we are all bitter enemies here, with each side wishing to destroy the other. Just that there were so many interferences along the way. This is a rare occasion, with second prince’s rebellion igniting the chaos yet Dugu Army still marching towards us. It won’t be long before Prime Minister Zhuge acts as well and gets him to turn back. That only leaves the two of us, to tear into each other with a bright smile on our faces. Isn’t it great? So why waste time with pointless chatter? We need to settle our grudges with speed and force, giving time for the winner to take the nation. As for the loser, it will become a stepping stone with no regrets!”

“No regrets indeed!”

Zhuo Fan beamed, “I never pegged Sir Leng to be such a bold man. All words now are useless. Everyone has come prepared, so what are we waiting for? Let’s do some killing! No matter what hatred we had before, this battle is all that’s important; whoever stands tall in the end. What do you say, Estate Lord Huangpu?”

Huangpu Tianyuan beamed as well, “Ha-ha-ha, rightly said indeed. Hatred aside, in the race for power the weak gets eaten. Why would the king of the world ever care about some petty squabbles? Zhuo Fan, you are a man of ambition. For me to fight you today, with the world at stake, it is an honor. The revenge for my son no longer matters. Why would a man with his eyes on the world ever mind such trifles?”

“Then, Estate Lord Huangpu, shall we…” Zhuo Fan snickered.

Huangpu Tianyuan had the same twisted smile as both of them roared, “To war!”

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