Chapter 438, Chance

Translator: StarReader Editor: Elitecoder

The declarations of war took wings, pasted across the streets of Tianyu and drove horror into the hearts of its people.

Regent Estate, by its imperial right, declared itself king. It would first rid the land of that traitor Zhuo Fan and Luo clan, vowing to purge the nation of its descendents, bringing peace.

Zhuo Fan accused Regent Estate of its degenerate actions, deceiving, plotting and scheming in order to take the seven noble houses for itself. Its crimes were beyond count. With the power invested in the Luo clan as the eighth noble house, they took upon themselves the duty of a ruler’s loyal servant to rid the world of these heinous lowlifes and to dispel the darkness.

The average citizen looked more lost than ever.

Tianyu was under Yuwen clan’s rule. Whoever marched in the name of the imperial family, had righteousness by his side.

The emperor had Zhuo Fan turn into a wanted man and Regent Estate was tasked to remove him. Everyone knew that. But from Zhuo Fan’s declaration, it looked as if Regent Estate had made the emperor come to the wrong conclusion through coercion and slander.

Sticking to the fact that loyal officials were usually framed by corrupt ones, Zhuo Fan claimed to be a bastion of loyalty. His wanted status was all due to Regent Estate’s schemes and playing the emperor for a fool.

He wanted to remove the corruption and allow the emperor to think clearly. Hence the rise against Regent Estate.

Zhuo Fan looked to have enough reasons to do it as well. But what got the entire populace staring blankly was who was in the wrong and who was right?

It ought to be the imperial family who’d clarify this point, yet the sovereign was eerily quiet.

It was the emperor who had issued a decree to have Zhuo Fan killed, but now he had turned a deaf ear.

The great emperor feinted senility.

For argument’s sake, if he did speak out, would he have the reason to attack them both later?

It was better to let them slaughter each other, and then finish them off in due time. As for who was right and who was wrong, it all came down to the emperor’s decision, no?

The emperor’s plan was ingenious, fooling the whole nation. But one thing they did know was that Luo clan and Regent Estate were mad about putting the other one down.

The noble houses with their long-standing legacy were leveled in a short time, leaving only these two factions.

These small-time clans couldn’t mess with any of these big shots. It was a safer bet to wait for the winner to come out before hugging their leg.

Even though this action carried a slightly reproachful tone, it was way better than making the wrong choice and ending up a corpse in the mud.

The emperor was shrewd, but the clans weren’t that dumb either to get swept up by the vortex. [Who cares who’s vile and who’s playing nice. The victor has always been, and always will be, right…]

“That old coot is playing deaf. You asked me to deal with Zhuo Fan and now you won’t even back me up? Rotten bastard!” Huangpu Tianyuan raved.

Leng Wuchang smiled, “Estate Lord, we knew this was coming. The imperial family wants to be the third party so how can it give us just cause? It will only work to boost our forces. Not to mention he hardly has an excuse to deal with us. He must be thinking he has us and Zhuo Fan right where he wants us.”

“Humph, delusions is what he has. Before he even gets the chance, I’ll make sure his backyard burns!” Huangpu Tianyuan slapped the table.

Leng Wuchang smiled with a wise look.

Zhuo Fan was laid back, waiting for the war to come knocking. He had figured out the imperial family’s reaction ages ago and had drafted that ridiculous and flashy deceleration for the same reason. He painted himself as the picture of loyalty, since no one was there to refute him anyway.

Or Regent Estate would’ve taken the name of a loyal official to boost his ranks and he’d be left with nothing.

[This way is much better.]

[He-he-he, I am as guilty as you are righteous! Making this war fair and square.]

As for the imperial family throwing its hooks in? [Humph, his backyard won’t be so quiet for long.]

With a twisted smile, Zhuo Fan looked in the imperial capital’s direction, confident in his contingencies…

Anywho, in the Imperial Palace, the emperor in his throne had a shifty look in his eyes now and then.

“Marshal Dugu, it’s time!

“Order me, Your Majesty!” Dugu Zhantian bowed.

The emperor said, “Marshal Dugu, with purging traitors as the reason, assemble a million men. I’m sure you know what to do next.”

“I… understand.” Sighing inside, Dugu Zhantian shook his head in defeat.

The emperor wanted him to root out all traitors. As for who these were, he didn’t say. It was the same as asking to kill them all. And the emperor was sure to have their list of crimes ready to publicize any time.

But to go to war against his godson was something this ol’ marshal found toiling. But the emperor had given his order and he had to obey.

“Your Majesty, my departure will bring great chaos in the imperial capital. I fear…”

“It’s fine.”

Dugu Zhantian was wrecked with worry but the emperor cut him off, “I have made plans for this eventuality. Marshal can go with ease. This plan will settle Tianyu’s critical situation. No mistakes are allowed!”


Dugu Zhantian bowed and left the palace. The emperor was struck with grief seeing him go, “Marshal, for the good of the nation, I can only be ruthless …”

Days later, news of Dugu Zhantian’s army being on the move spread to every ear. Zhuo Fan and Huangpu Tianyuan snickered.

Only the Prime Minister was frowning.


Obscure Wolf slipped before him once again, excited, “Prime Minister Zhuge, even Dugu Zhantian has left the emperor’s side. This is our best chance so far!”

“We wait.”

Zhuge Changfeng’s brow was locked in a tight scowl.

Hu Lianchai grew unsettled, “Prime Minister sir, all of the emperor’s loyal subjects are gone. He is defenseless. If we wait for him to settle all conflicts, in and out of court, it’ll be too late. The garrison has been putting pressure on us to leave since a few days ago as well. We can’t wait much longer!”

Sighing, Zhuge Changfeng’s mind was a mess.

Finally he spoke, “We wait!”

“For what? Prime Minister sir, what’s holding you back?” Hu Lianchai was angry now. The Quanrong’s finest weren’t here on a sightseeing trip. Going around the place doing nothing all the time would end up being the shame of their army back home.

But this was all on the Prime Minister.

Flicking his sleeve, Hu Lianchai was gone, leaving Zhuge Changfeng alone with his jumbled thoughts.


His two elders appeared at his sides, bowing, “Lord Prime Minister, what plagues you?”

“Of the five Divine Dragons, we’ve only ever seen three. Now who do you think the other two are?” Zhuge Changfeng said.

The yin yang elders understood his plight and said, “Lord Prime Minister, you’ve held back all this time because of these two Divine Dragons?”

“Know yourself and your enemy and you will be ever victorious. Even against Divine Dragons! If I do not know who they are, our impetuous action will be the death of us!”

Black elder said, “Lord Prime Minister, I have a conjecture but find it inappropriate. A man of your power has traveled far and knows much. No matter what happens in Tianyu, however people hide themselves, nothing comes as a surprise to you. Yet we have no information on these two Divine Dragons. They may not even exist, made up by the imperial family as a bluff.”


Zhuge Changfeng gasped, “You mean to say the old man has been using the empty city tactic? This is one dangerous bet. He would rather send everyone to deal with Regent Estate and Zhuo Fan, and only then settle the court?

“That would mean not acting now will be a waste. But what if it’s all a trap and everything we’ve worked for would go down the drain? That old coot’s scheme is brilliant. I am truly in a dilemma.”

Zhuge Changfeng sighed but his gaze steeled, “Send the order to get ready…”

Second prince was pacing in his new manor, excited and worried.


A second later he found himself looking at a gray robe and said, “Sir You Ming, you’re back at last. The situation…”

“I know.”

You Ming had a crafty smile, “Your Highness, this is your moment!”


Second prince beamed, too excited to speak…

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