The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 372, Leveling the Prince’s Home

Chapter 372, Leveling the Prince’s Home

Translator: StarReader


With a sharp and faint sound, the second prince’s prized 5th grade spiritual sword snapped in two in that dragon claw’s grip, to everyone’s horror.

Zhuo Fan stood proud and tall before Yun Shuang, roaming his cold gaze on the guards and stopping on the second prince with a snicker, “He-he-he, simply because of a declined invite you decided to kidnap me? I gotta hand it to you, that takes guts!”

“Z-Z-Z-Zhuo Fan!” Second prince babbled, staggering back in fright. Yun Shuang burst in joy at the high and mighty figure, “Steward Zhuo, are you alright?”

“Ha-ha-ha, never been better. Like I said, stick with me and you’ll be going places! Only I can push others around. The others won’t ever get the chance. Stick with me and no one will touch you!”

Zhuo Fan gave a thumbs up and a grin, going back to showing off his swag. Yun Shuang giggled and blushed. His ‘jokes’ worked wonders in easing her worries.

Ancestor Huang Mei cried in disbelief, “How?! Only I can wake you from my Thousand Years Dream!”

“If there’s one thing I don’t care about, that’s poison. Be it narcotic, or necrotic, they got nothing on me. I am where I am because neither Regent Estate nor the likes of those seven houses, Pill King Hall included, could cope with me. So what could a rookie like you do? I only faked being asleep, curious as to who had the nerve to pull something like this.”

Squinting, Zhuo Fan kept on mocking, his hand swirling with black energy as he turned to the second prince, “Lo and behold, it was this dumbass! Something’s still bugging me though, how in god’s name did the wise and shrewd Majesty end up with this gung ho fool of a son? Even Miss Shuang’er’s reading proves you are the farthest thing from a ruler. Does that make you… not a prince?!”


Yun Shuang giggled and punched her cute fist on Zhuo Fan’s chest, then rolled her eyes. Second prince’s shock had now turned into full blown rage, his breathing ragged as he glared at Zhuo Fan.

Zhuo Fan had spat the bastard right in his face. And the all-important prince had only one logical reaction to this, to snap at this naked humiliation.

“Ancestor Huang Mei, what are you standing around for? Get that miscreant!” Second prince roared and pointed at Zhuo Fan.

Ancestor Huang Mei had had enough as well and shot yellow smoke for Zhuo Fan, “You little scamp, do you think everyone is beneath you? Have a taste of my power, Thousand Years Dream!”

Yun Shuang ducked behind Zhuo Fan, who only smirked in disdain as the black energy covered them.


The yellow smoke wrapped around the two in seconds. Ancestor Huang Mei stuck his head out in pride at the second prince.

But an explosion cut his chance at boasting. The yellow smoke went for a spin, and as it did it only got thinner to reveal the black mass in the center.

[Demon Transformation Art!]

Zhuo Fan called the blackness back inside, his eyes looking icier by the second.

“W-what happened to my Thousand Years Dream?” Ancestor Huang Mei stammered.

Zhuo Fan looked at him with a cold stare, his voice dripping with malice, “Ate it.”

Ancestor Huang Mei was sweating buckets. Zhuo Fan was more of a monster than the rumors had him pegged. He had shrugged the narcotic off like it was nothing.

The Ancestor knew Zhuo Fan was a body cultivator, his greatest weapon were his own two fists. Now that the narcotic was a bust, a poison user like him was a sitting duck, fated to die at the crazed Zhuo Fan.

That being the case, his best and only choice of action would be to run like hell. Ancestor Huang Mei gave a quick salute to the second prince and said without the slightest hesitation, “Your Highness, may fate allow us to meet again, fare the well. Oh, and don’t forget, Your Highness still owes me 12 pills~.”

Ancestor Huang Mei flicked his sleeve and ran like the yellow wind he was.

Second prince stomped in anger. [This old coot can’t do a damn thing and still expects me to pay?]

[I hate his type the most!]

He didn’t get to curse though as the yellow wind slammed back into the yard, hard.

Ancestor Huang Mei was sprawled on the ground, blood leaking from his mouth. Next to him was Zhuo Fan’s cold face, his red flashing right hand clutching the old man’s neck.

“Humph, you mess with me and now you want to run? You think you can just get away with it?” Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone with savagery.

Ancestor Huang Mei cried, “Steward Zhuo, spare me! Second prince made me…”


A resounding cuff over the old guy’s face cut his whining short. Zhuo Fan snickered, “We both know I’m no fool, so stop stating the obvious. While he is the culprit, you are his lackey. In both cases, no one’s leaving this place alive!”


Gasping, Ancestor Huang Mei was overwhelmed by Zhuo Fan’s capacity for cruelty, going so far as to kill any who wronged him.

If he had known, he’d never have accepted the job even for 20 pills!

As the black energy oozed out from Zhuo Fan and he noticed the naked bloodthirst in his eyes, Ancestor Huang Mei turned white as paper, including his eyebrows, as he begged, “Wait, Steward Zhuo, don’t kill me! Let me go and I’ll do anything. Isn’t your Luo clan newly promoted? You must be short on men. I am an 8th layer Radiant Stage expert, I can stand on your side, pledge my life to you!”

The black energy hovered for a second while Zhuo Fan was weighing the proposition. Ancestor Huang Mei’s eyes lit up and he grasped at straws.

Too late though, as Zhuo Fan shook his head and the black energy shot forth, “Sorry, we already have a poisoner, the Alchemy House’s elder, Vicious Pill King. We don’t need you.”

“Him? He’s just a Profound Heaven cultivator, while I’m in the Radiant Stage!” Ancestor Huang Mei cried.

Zhuo Fan shook his head, “Ha-ha-ha, I’ve hand-picked every elder of the Luo clan myself. None of them will balk in the face of death. This is where you fall short.”

Zhuo Fan punctuated by having the black energy cover swallow Ancestor Huang Mei whole. Funny how he did the same thing Ancestor Huang Mei had done to him.

The stark contrast was that the black energy was far deadlier.

Everyone had a front row seat to Ancestor Huang Mei’s miracle diet. He was thinning under the naked eye. Swallowed by the black mass, his face twisted every second. The diet only came to an end when his very being was reduced to absolutely nothing.

Second prince crumbled to the ground in horror. His Radiant Stage men were all shaking as well. Holding their lord as they made a slow crawl backwards.

Zhuo Fan was only in the third layer of Profound Heaven yet to everyone present he was nothing short of Tianyu’s number one expert, a freak. With how even Ancestor Huang Mei was dust in the wind, how could they fare any better?

Yun Shuang pursed her lips, watching the cold stone-killer with fear.

It was a first for her, to watch a man die through such means.

Grandfather had told her that he was the vilest person to walk this earth, and she was there to set him straight. But they were chatting and laughing just a little while ago. He even jumped to her defense in her dire need. He looked nothing like an evil spawn.

Only now did she come face to face with Zhuo Fan’s cruel and insidious nature.


Zhuo Fan showed an evil grin seeing the empty space in front of him, then turned to the pretty boy and his gang.

Shaking like a leaf, the second prince turned guileless, acting like a bad boy who had gotten caught and huddling with his guards while waiting for punishment.

“S-S-Steward Zhuo, I know my mistake. I won’t do it again, honest. Please let me go, just this once?” Second prince’s voice quivered.

Zhuo Fan got before him and snickered, “Next time? If there ever will be a next time, that old fart’s death will look like a joy ride compared to yours! Got that?”

“Y-y-yeah.” Second prince’s teeth clattered as he bobbed his head. The guards kept mum, despite the clear humiliation their lord was facing.

What else could they do? They could fight the monster to their last breath, but would it do any good?

[Who’d be dumb enough to mess with this savage that not even the seven houses dare to?]

[Oh, right, the second prince is one…]

They all were wailing inside, though neither criticized their lord out loud.

Zhuo Fan saw him rooted in place and patted his cheek, warningly, “For your pretty boy face, I’ll leave it at that…”

Second prince eased his breath.

But Zhuo Fan kept on talking’, “Though I won’t go easy on you either. Leaving you with a little homework will do good for your character.”

Zhuo Fan’s right hand flashed red and he smashed the ground.

The savage’s fist leveled prince’s home…

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