Chapter 363, Big Cheese

Translator: StarReader

“Captain Pang, I am from the Jia clan of Westfall City. I’ve heard so much about the great Luo clan and wish to give my respects to the young Regent. Please pass this message along.” A youth in lavish clothes stood before a lofty gate as he made a deep bow to Pang Yi.

He had just finished when a kick smacked his ass way out of bounds. A wretched man spat in contempt, “Humph, another third-rate clan comes out of the woodworks to latch onto the Luo clan? Not on my watch!”

The man switched to an amiable face on the spot as he presented a vial to Pang Yi, “He-he-he, I hail from the Bai clan of Coldedge City. I only wish to have the fortune of serving the Luo clan. Please send my kind regards. This is a 5th grade pill, Heaven Pill. It will assist you in entering the Profound Heaven Stage. I’m sure you must find my meager goodwill laughable…”


Not before getting cut off with a resounding slap to the face, which sent him spinning three meters into the air with a swelling face.

In his place was an upright and icy old man, “Humph, Bai clan? Just some thieves under Hell Valley now wanting to get into the Regent of Prosperity’s good graces. That’s the same as letting a spy in! My humble self comes from Seashore City’s Wang clan. I will never allow such a disgrace to foul my eyes.”

The old man walked forth aloof and self-important, flicking his sleeve, and bearing only respect, “I pledge my life to safeguard the Luo clan. I will make sure no bastard sets foot in…”


The old guy’s act was cut short with a groan. He looked behind him to see a rough palm slam his chest.

Captain Pang eyed him coldly, his smile wicked, “Did I let you in?”

He put more force into his hand and threw the old guy a dozen meters. The old man crawled to his feet and started cursing, “How can you resort to violence so easily? Attacking when you feel like it. I-I even helped you get rid of a spy!”

“You mean that guy?”

Captain Pang mocked, “What spy is he when we haven’t even taken him in yet?”

The old guy was about to yap on, but the flood of people came from behind in waves. The crafty ones even kicked him for good measure, to lessen the competition.

“Damn geezer, don’t take the high road with me for your own social climbing. Your Wang clan must really want to get in the Luo clan’s graces to have come so early!”

“Yeah, so stop blocking the way. We, the Fang clan, pledge ourselves as Luo clan’s errand boys. We call dibs! Oh, Captain Pang, here is my clan’s legacy, a 4th grade spiritual weapon. Please pass this message to the Regent.”

“Pei, you call that a gift? The Luo clan, head of the Eight Noble Houses, uses them for toothpicks! Captain Pang, I present to you a genuine and uncontested 6th grade heavenly treasure. I hope you could put in a few words for us to the young Regent…”

In front of the huge building, people were coming from all around in droves, turning the entrance into a flea market. The plaque above the gate had ‘Regent of Prosperity’s Compound’ written on it in bright gold.

It was the place that the emperor bestowed upon Luo Yunhai in the imperial capital. By the way, it was also his current address.

With the Luo clan receiving the greatest honor in the ceremony, not that the power it displayed while sitting on the head of the seven houses had anything to with it, they were, by right, uplifted to the rank of the head of the ‘eight’ houses. Hence, your run-of-the-mill arriviste clans rushed in like moths to the flame for a chance to serve under the new young Regent, wanting their fame and power to rub off on them too, to bask in second-hand authority, to ride their coattails and to push other people around for a change.

But with how a literal flood was at their gates and Zhuo Fan had yet to return, Luo Yunchang dropped the headache on Captain Pang to stem the waterworks. Yet these guys didn’t know when to quit, sticking around despite any harsh rebuttal, as if the only way forward was to be on the Luo clan’s side.

Captain Pang was laughing it up inside.

He’d be touched if it happened when the Luo clan was in dire straits. But now, [Humph, they’re nothing more than selfish pricks…]

“Uh, this is…”

A bewildered voice announced Zhuo Fan’s coming, guided here by an imperial servant. But the horde of people had him blank out for a second there.

He got the drift the next second though, [Sigh, the world is full of hypocrites.]

“I-it’s the Best Steward Beneath Heavens, Steward Zhuo!”

Someone noticed Zhuo Fan and shrieked like a fangirl, setting him in the sights of the mob.

“Steward Zhuo, take us in! My clan is eternally loyal to yours!”

“Steward Zhuo, forget about him. Take me! My clan is first-rate, an asset in battle. We’ll charge the enemy alongside and will fulfill your orders to the letter…”

On and on it went as the human sea outdid itself in being first. They almost had Zhuo Fan swallowed in the maelstrom. Their fanatic and crazed looks were burning his skin.

Face twitching, Zhuo Fan’s choice was for his right eye to flash golden and poof out of existence.

Divine Eye of the Void’s 1st stage, Shift!


And wink back into existence next to Captain Pang.

“Stop them!” Zhuo Fan said as he went inside. Captain Pang grinned, “Not to worry. Not a single one will pass me.”

The crazed fan base saw their quarry gone from their sight and were bug-eyed.

[That’s Steward Zhuo’s power. That’s so awesome!]

Some girls swooned, “Ah, too cool! Zhuo Fan, I want your babies!”

That gave the start to the second wave upon the Regent compound’s gates. But old faithful Captain Pang barred their way as well. The Wraith Art had toughened him up more than enough to make sure not a single rat snuck in.

Leaving the crazed mob behind, Zhuo Fan walked towards the gate, while still hearing their frantic calls.

Luo clan was now the big cheese in town. From big to small, from court to independent officials, everyone looked at it with reverence. It had been his goal all along, and yet he couldn’t stem the worry gnawing his mind.

He knew the old adage well, after woe came weal, yet the opposite applied just the same.

They were in vogue across the entire nation, close to being a national role model. But this fame could very well turn bleak very fast. [I bet that old emperor can’t wait for us to fall.]

Zhuo Fan bore a cold smile.

[Too bad that the Luo clan has me as their steward. It will never conform to your wishes. You’re not the only player on the national chessboard. I am as well!]

He stuck out his chest and strutted into the lounge. Besides the Luo siblings, there were some old friends waiting, his three allies.

“Zhuo Fan, you’re back at last. We’ve been waiting for ages!” Luo Yunchang went ahead to welcome him with a sweet smile.

Zhuo Fan smiled back and greeted everyone with cupped hands, “Forgive my late arrival. That old coot just kept running his mouth, forcing me to make you all wait. Ha-ha-ha…”

Long Yifey and the others were about to give a courteous reply, but the words got stuck in their throat.

Across the whole of Tianyu, the only guy who had the balls to call the emperor an old coot would probably be him alone.

His outstanding peers, Long Xingyun and Xie Tianshang were there as well, but were sharp enough to keep quiet.

They were still vexed whether Zhuo Fan was still their peer. Sure, the age fits, but what about their levels? [He’s so awesome, going about doing this and that, not putting anyone in his eyes. So why is it that we have to be cautious all the time stuck behind him?]

Guess the fact that his current achievement was all done with his own two hands had something to do with it. While they had their house behind them, he had to carry himself. Yet had still achieved the impossible. Such a gap couldn’t be bridged.

The thought had these young heroes fall into depression, [God, all these comparisons are mortifying!]

Luo Yunchang looked off too. Pinching him with all she had, “Can’t you be more considerate? Do you want to die defaming the emperor all the time?”

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of Pavilion Lord Long and the rest ratting on us.” Zhuo Fan giggled at them.

The old guys shook their heads at once, “How could we? Brother Zhuo, please don’t joke.”

Zhuo Fan eyed them, “I am not one to pay attention to my tone, you know? But that doesn’t make me a fool. At least I know how to choose my words. I only said that about the emperor knowing fully well that you won’t snitch. Like I said once, you’ve helped me over the last decade and the Luo clan will become your strongest backer.

“The ten years have yet to pass, but Luo clan has already become the only house capable of standing against the Regent Estate. If Luo clan falls, what about all of you? We are now roped together in this. There’s no way for you to sell me out so I trust you the most, am I right?”

Zhuo Fan laughed, slowly devolving into a cackle. All while the oldies bobbed their heads.

They felt quite awkward before this new house.

Now that Luo clan was far above them, with a whole future ahead of it, they felt insecure, thinking they’d be thrown away like dead weights.

[This guy has done in ten years what we couldn’t in a thousand! Is there anything he can’t do?]

All the more reason that these veterans, instead of having the same guts they showed before Regent Estate, made double sure to weigh every word and gesture before letting it out.

That went double for Zhuo Fan.

It dawned on them that Zhuo Fan’s ever self-important reaction, his kingly air, was on a whole another level than even Huangpu Tianyuan or Leng Wuchang!

Reading them like a book, Zhuo Fan smiled, “No need to be so tense, we’re all old friends having gone through thick and thin. Luo clan will never forget that. Unlike Regent Estate, you can feel safe with us. We won’t turn on you once we reach the top. Oh, how come I don’t see Edifice Lord Chu?”

To ease the tense mood, Zhuo Fan switched topics.

Yet this question had Grandmother and the rest sputtering, trying to find the right answer…

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