The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 318, Dragon Vein Soul

Chapter 318, Dragon Vein Soul

Translator: StarReader

Editor: Elitecoder


The fierce wind picked up the dust and blocked everyone’s sight.

When it settled, they witnessed a bloodbath, dismembered bodies and mangled limbs. The four houses’ vassals participating in this ambush numbered ten thousand, yet now less than a tenth remained.

Even then, the lucky survivors were traumatized, running all over the place in fear, trying anything as long as it got them away from this hell. A shame there was no way out, not unless the 365 Profound Heaven experts opened the Microcosmic Orbit Array.

With a bang, Huangpu Qingtian jumped out of the rubble, face bloody and enraged. Zhuo Fan was so heavy handed that he had caved in the man’s nose.

People all around sighed.

They had never seen the grand Regent Estate’s eldest young master beaten to such an extent, to the point he couldn’t muster an ounce of strength to fight back. It was unprecedented.

Everyone turned to Zhuo Fan in fear.

Perhaps only Soaring Demonic Dragon was capable of doing so much damage. Their dread only rose.

Those geniuses from the seven houses had it worse. Ever since Zhuo Fan showed up, all he ever did was bash these arrogant young masters and misses.

They accepted Huangpu Qingtian being the strongest, since he was from Regent Estate and all, the head of the houses. He was a monster through and through.

While Zhuo Fan, well, the guy came from a third rate clan! Yet he was the one who trampled all standards and obstacles with his power. It was the greatest form of ridicule.

Long Jie and Long Kui were the most bitter.

The first time they met him, they recognized Zhuo Fan’s talent but looked down on his status. Regardless of how godsent one’s talent was, without a house behind him, he would never surpass them.

Yet now, Zhuo Fan created miracles wherever he went. His current project involved brutalizing the strongest genius of the seven houses, Huangpu Qingtian. His display gave each of them a resounding slap to the face informing them who was the real hero here!


Panting, Zhuo Fan’s eyes steeled. He looked invincible in the eyes of others, but he knew himself best. Releasing all that purple lightning ate away at his body and he was now seriously hurt. It was highly likely that he was going to collapse before he finished Huangpu Qingtian off.

“Eldest young master!”

You Yushan’s trio went to their master and helped him up. Seeing his disfigured face, they cried, “Eldest young master, the punk’s power is out of this world. We have to fall back. He will kill us all at this rate!”


Flinging his arm to make his way through the trio, Huangpu Qingtian’s rage grew stronger, “As long as I’m here, failure is impossible! I’ve never known defeat in my entire life!”

The three felt conflicted and their faces fell. All they could do was shake their heads at the pigheaded Huangpu Qingtian.

[Dude, take a good look at yourself and don’t force the issue. So what if you always won? You are losing now, when it mattered. What else can you do when even the earth ranked martial art has failed?]

[That punk is a monster among freakin’ monsters! How is he so powerful?]

Of course, they knew to keep their thoughts to themselves, lest they poke Huangpu Qingtian’s ego and end up a smear on the ground along with the countless others. One thing was certain though, the man’s imposing air was gone.

Zhuo Fan was too strong for them to cope with...

Taking a deep breath to calm down somewhat, Huangpu Qingtian’s eyes pondered. Then he came to a decision as he muttered, “No choice but to use that.”

“You still have a way, eldest young master?” The trio asked in unison.

Huangpu Qingtian hesitated for a second, but the sight of the proud maniac who had reduced him to such a low state steeled his decision as he spoke defiantly, “I am invincible, no one can beat me. And you are no different!”

Huangpu Qingtian released a sound that shook the world. A golden dragon image flew out of his body and circled above him.

You Yushan’s trio cried out, “W-what is that thing?”

Long Xingyun cried out, “T-this thing again? What is Huangpu Qingtian growing within himself?”

He recalled perfectly how twice they had trapped Huangpu Qingtian, but this damn golden dragon ruined all their attempts.

They took it for a martial art, but after careful inspection they found it to be something else.

Fang Qiubai felt it was oddly familiar.

He saw Huangpu Qingtian use it earlier when dealing with Chu Qingcheng’s trio, but that was in defense and it had only appeared for a brief second. Even he took it for a martial art.

But seeing it circling above, like a real dragon, he began to pick up on the clues.

“Damn that bastard! Is he out of his mind bringing it out for everyone to see?” Huangpu Tianyuan clenched his fists and raved.

Regent Estate’s elders were wiping their brows, looking around in fear of being overheard.

Sighing, Leng Wuchang shook his head, “He won’t be able to kill that freak otherwise. I only hope it’s appearance after a thousand years won’t have anyone here capable of recognizing it.”

The other Regent Estate clansmen nodded and rejoiced inside.

Not for long though, as Zhuo Fan’s cold voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Dragon Vein Soul?” Frowning, Zhuo Fan turned grave.

Huangpu Qingtian’s face twitched and he cursed inside. [Damn rotten punk, you actually recognize this thousand year old relic?]

Regent Estate’s elders almost spat blood. They wished nothing more than to get in there and kill him on the spot.

[Blast it! How did a twerp like you find out about it? This is ridiculous!]

That was all Fang Qiubai needed as he slapped his head. He and Dugu Zhantian shared a shocked look and barked, “Huangpu Tianyuan, your insolence knows no bounds. The imperial family ordered you to protect Caged Dragon City yet you secretly took out the Dragon Vein Soul from the imperial family’s Dragon Vein. Are you planning on revolting?”

The people panicked. They had never seen Jade Flute Divine Sword so outraged.

The words Dragon Vein Soul had landed on deaf ears for many small clans, even a few first rate ones.

As for the leaders of the six houses, they paled and turned to Regent Estate in mute shock.

Others next to them had no clue how dreadful the Dragon Vein Soul was, but being from the elite houses, they understood its importance. And that was what gave them the biggest shock.

Regent Estate had the nerve to move a Dragon Vein Soul!

Sweating buckets, Huangpu Tianyuan’s heart was in his throat.

Dragon Vein Soul was the imperial family’s lifeline. It nurtured and brought prosperity to the Tianyu Empire, it was of national importance. Moving the Dragon Vein would bring about a huge change in the world. Even the third pillar, Parish’s high priests, said those wielding the Dragon Vein held the fate of the land in their hands. This was why the Regent Estate was tasked with defending it.

First because the Regent Estate and Tianyu’s imperial family were related, worthy of trust. Secondly, only the seven houses had the power to defend it and prevent any riots appearing from vying over it.

But Huangpu Qingtian took it out before the whole crowd. That was the same as declaring the Regent Estate planned on using it for themselves replacing the imperial family!

This was a clear act of treason and Divine Dragon Fang Qiubai had the right to destroy them where they stood.

Regent Estate had yet to unite the seven houses and their power wasn’t yet up to the challenge of facing the imperial family. If a war broke out, the Regent Estate was done for.

Huangpu Tianyuan gnashed his teeth. [Damn bastard! You’re so blind to see the real picture and yet you want to steal my position? How can you condemn the entire house over your disgrace?]

[Even if you lost against that freak, that still doesn’t give you the right to release the Dragon Vein Soul!]

Regent Estate’s elders were on pins and needles. Huangpu Tianyuan took a deep breath and was about to bullshit his way out of this but didn’t get the chance.

Leng Wuchang spoke calmly, “Sir Fang, you are wrong. The Dragon Vein Soul is the foundation of our nation, but this does not, by any means, prove we wish to rebel. We are only following our duties based on His Majesty’s decree.”

“Did His Majesty tell you to take out the dragon soul for your own selfish use?” Fang Qiubai spat, “Humph, Sir Leng, I know your mind is sharp and cunning, but you better give me a damn good reason why I shouldn’t decorate Dragon Cloud City with your heads!”

There was widespread shock, with those in the dark of the importance of Dragon Vein Soul even more so.

The mighty Divine Dragon was going to slaughter the Regent Estate? Was the emperor going to fight the seven houses and plunge the nation into turmoil?

Regent Estate’s elders felt weak in their knees. Only Leng Wuchang was the picture of calmness...

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