The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1203 - 1203, Treasure Competition

Chapter 1203, Treasure Competition

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

Startled, Chu Qingcheng stared at Zhuo Fan, getting more confused by the second. The other girls couldn’t wrap their heads how a magnate like the Luo clan would take in Bone Tempering garbage.

Zhuo Fan couldn’t care less about what they thought, smiling at one particular girl, “Qingcheng, did you like what I gave you?”

“Ah, you gave them to me…”

“Yes, did you like them?” Zhuo Fan sighed, “Sorry for giving you random things. We were only together for a short time and couldn’t tell what you’d like so I just gave you everything to pick the right one for you. If you don’t like anything, just throw them away. But tell me what you like so I’ll be sure to pick the best for you next time.”

“Uh, it’s fine, they’re all nice.” Chu Qingcheng blushed red-hot, lowering her head as her heart blossomed in her chest.

Zhuo Fan smiled, “Nice? What were they then, since I couldn’t see? Tell me all about them so I can give you more in the future.”

“You don’t have to waste your money…”

“Humph, he didn’t waste anything, especially since he didn’t even want that stuff. So he just showered you with them while he was at it. You really think he’ll do it again?”

Fang Min was stewing in her jealousy as she scoffed, “Master Luo must’ve bought all that to show off, regardless what stuff it was. Who knows what the punk must’ve said to his master to gain the right to handle such garbage. He’s nowhere near capable of getting millions of sacred stones from his master just to burn them for you.”

“Yeah, he’s just a lucky bastard to have such a nice master to take him in. What a shame to have picked dirt from the ground. Of course he has no say over his master’s money, not to give it to you at least.”

Xu Zhensheng was also irked, “Junior sister, you better stay away from him. He’s nothing but a lapdog. Do you wish to rely on someone’s charity?”

Chu Qingcheng looked hurt, giving Zhuo Fan a long look before saying, “Senior sister, but he’s really nice. Even if he didn’t buy all of that, just his thoughtful…”

“Come again? Dumping the stuff his master didn’t want on you is thoughtful? Dumb girl, are you so cheap?”

Fang Min glared hard then turned to Mei Sangu, “Senior aunt, shouldn’t you handle this? Junior sister Qingcheng is being misled.”

Mei Sangu gave Zhuo Fan a cold look, speaking to the seated Luo Yunchang, “Girl, leash your servant from his obnoxious flirting.”

“Hey, old bat, it’s you who should tighten the chain on those she-dogs, their incessant barking is driving us nuts.” Luo Yunchang bit back.

The audience gaped.

The Luo clan just taunted an Emperor’s representative?

[How cool is that! Just who are they?]

Mei Sangu was nearing her tenth millennium yet just got insulted by a wee girl. Of course she’d explode, slapping the table and flaring her aura at Luo Yunchang, “You have some nerve, dumb girl!”


A figure flashed in front of Luo Yunchang, spreading his cold aura to counter Mei Sangu’s temper, meeting in an explosive clash.

Mei Sangu shook, her heart in shock. Bali Yuyu fell back, glaring at Mei Sangu in challenge.

[Old bat, not bad at all!]

[How did this miss…]

Mei Sangu sized Bali Yuyu up, shocked by the second. The rest were baffled while also raising the Luo clan’s importance in their minds.

Mei Sangu was a tested and true Emperor Stage expert, but Bali Yuyu was a mere Spirit King. Despite the gap, they were matched.

[No wonder the Luo clan joined the Eight Emperors’ fray.]

The representatives’ hearts sank, no longer dismissing them. The audience was restless.

Bali Yuyu took a deep breath, turning to Zhuo Fan who only had eyes for Chu Qingcheng, “Steward Zhuo, you caused this mess yet you’re flirting to the side?”

“Yeah, Steward Zhuo, you said you wanted to bet so we came along. Why should you stay behind and relax while I’m taking it over for you?” Luo Yunchang gave him a smile, her tone bitter.


Chu Qingcheng started, “Y-you’re Luo clan’s steward?”

The rest were astonished.

[How did a Bone Tempering cultivator end up being a magnate’s steward? Don’t they care about power when headhunting?]

“Uh, I’ll explain later.”

With a wide smile, Zhuo Fan rushed back, leaving Chu Qingcheng in confusion.

Zhuo Fan reached Luo Yunchang and she casually ceded her seat. Li Jingtian tidied it up before gesturing to Zhuo Fan to take it with utmost respect.

The audience was staring dumbstruck as the Luo clan steward took the seat of honor.

[But why…]

The city lord gave him a long look of confusion, but knew he was valued so he also treated the steward with the respect he deserved, regardless of cultivation.

“Sir Zhuo, so young and so promising.”

“Thank you, City Lord. We may now begin the bet.”


The city lord nodded and addressed the eight people at the table, “With all participants in order, I shall now speak of the rules. First of all, money dictates the chips you hold, the more you have the easier to advance and become the house. The poorest needs to win bouts with the house to stay in the game. The instant he loses, it’s game over.”

Mei Sangu squinted, “Which means?”

“You take turns playing.”

The city lord snickered, “Let’s say, for example sake, that we both take our treasures. If mine proves to be worth more, then I’m the house and you have to bet against me. Win, and you get everything to bet with the next contender. Beat all the others and you’ll be crowned victorious.”

The people gasped, “So before we get to challenge you, we first have to fight among each other? That means all the treasures might end with you while we get nothing!”

“Yes, such a possibility exists, but it so happens that I’m the holder of the priceless Nether Sea map. All the treasures here can’t hope to come close to it. That makes me, as a matter of course, the final house. Before that, however, give your all. One more thing, the first better has an advantage. He might have two treasures and can be a house, ha-ha-ha…”

Their faces sank and gnashed their teeth. The Gambling Emperor was evil, getting all of them to duke it out and still having a high chance of losing everything at the very end.

The map was his and so would be their treasures.

[We’d get nothing!]

Folding, however, was not an option either.

Stealing, on the other hand, would leave dire consequences to everyone here. It was a different item from that Nine Serenities Secret Records. It had instant use, while this was merely a guiding tool.

It was not worth waging war over something so vague.

The contenders finally made their decision, nodding.

[Let’s do this!]


Mei Sangu revealed her prismatic cup, “This is Ruby Cloud Sect’s core treasure, Purple Gold Glazed Cup, a 4th grade sacred weapon.”

“The Demonic Emperor allowed me to bring the Demonic Gauntlet, a 3rd grade sacred weapon.” An old man with black hair sighed as he threw in a claw with dark energy oozing out.

He knew it was less than the Purple Gold Glazed Cup.

Zhuo Fan’s eyes shook.

It was his finest work back in the day, given to his treacherous disciple.

[To think I’d see it here.]

The other representatives took out their own as well, some 4th other 3rd grade. The highest, however, belonged to the Sword Emperor, Howling Sword, 5th grade.

The others gasped.

[This guy can become the second house.]

[He doesn’t seem to mind using something so valuable in a bet.]

The city lord went by the book as he turned to Zhuo Fan, “Luo clan, the item of your choosing…”

“Magnates like them only have money. They have no legacy, only building their wealth over time, humph.” Fang Min found the right moment to mock them.

Zhuo Fan smiled and in a shower of light, a draconic roar echoed. The gaudy glow had them gawking…

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