The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1190 - 1190, You Have to Be Mine

Chapter 1190, You Have to Be Mine

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


Zhuo Fan drew closer as he held that cute face, but then a palm sent him flying and into the ground. Chu Qingcheng jumped and blushed hard as she recalled what happened.

“Damn punk, you got some nerve going after a Ruby Cloud Sect disciple! You must have a death wish!” The senior sister started cursing at Zhuo Fan on the ground, about to stomp on his legs for good measure.

Chu Qingcheng saw it and managed to stop her.

[Heavens damn it, nosy crow!]

Zhuo Fan’s brow twitched as his anger boiled.

The couple finally got together after so many years, but they couldn’t even enjoy the reunion as the retarded biddy had to ruin it. Zhuo Fan wanted nothing more than to flatten them to a gooey mush.

The only thing holding him back was knowing Chu Qingcheng was from Ruby Cloud Sect. So he took a deep breath to bottle the rage. It just wouldn’t do for the husband to waste his wife’s besties in a fit of fury.

[Why did Chu Qingcheng end up appearing in Ruby Cloud Sect of all places?]

Checking the nine stars’ direction and recalling the familiar feeling he got from this girl, Zhuo Fan was certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that she was Qingcheng, and not just in name either.

Making a monumental effort to restrain himself, Zhuo Fan put on a pained look as he crawled to his feet. He saw the angry shrews and raised his hands in a rush to explain, “Sisters, please, the striking similarity young miss has with my late younger sister made me lose myself in emotions. It won’t happen again next time.”

“Next time? You think you can just touch a lady’s face?” The senior sister was outraged, about to smash him into the ground again, but Chu Qingcheng jumped in, “Senior sister, please, he must’ve loved his sister dearly and didn’t know that he was doing something improper. It wasn’t with intention, so please don’t blame him.”

“Humph, blame him? For what, it wasn’t me who he was hitting on anyway. Since you don’t care, why should I?”

The senior sister flicked her sleeve with a snarl, flying away with her other sisters, “Let’s just go and not waste time with that fool. She deserves being taken advantage of for falling for a rotten man’s lies.”

“Senior sister…”

Chu Qingcheng cried after her, but the women were gone, and she hung her head sadly. She then blinked her big bright eyes at Zhuo Fan, “Did you do that because I looked like your little sister, or was it… on purpose?”

Under her hopeful and intense gaze, Zhuo Fan knew she was looking for comfort, to justify her act of kindness. It would’ve been so much easier to just nod and play along.

While he didn’t mind with others, towards Qingcheng, he could lie. Now that the extras were gone from butting in, he could come clean.

“No, I really couldn’t help myself, but not because of my little sister, since I don’t have one. It’s because of my lover.”


Chu Qingcheng went red on the spot, then she glared before turning to leave, “I was wrong about you, thinking you were nice, but it turns out you’re just like senior sister said. You did it to take advantage of me and end up making them call me a fool.”

Chu Qingcheng looked hurt, following after the women when Zhuo Fan shouted, “Wait!”

“What now? If you try anything, you’ll be sorry!” Chu Qingcheng paused, then looked back at him hesitantly and threatened.

Her tone only made Zhuo Fan chuckle.

[She’s in Genesis Stage and I’m in Bone Tempering Stage, by all appearances, yet she is using that shy tone? How is that normal?]

Zhuo Fan shook his head, giving her a long and deep stare, “Miss, I was not toying with you, nor did I try to take advantage of you. It’s truly because I see you as my lover. My wife died and seeing you resemble her, emotions overwhelmed me.”

Chu Qingcheng started, looking in Zhuo Fan’s honest gaze and blushed as she gave a weak nod.

“You must really love your wife. Then I won’t hold you to what happened.” The naive young miss turned around, wanting to leave with the matter settled.


“What is it this time?”

Chu Qingcheng paused and looked back curiously.

Zhuo Fan sighed, “Miss Chu, I can tell you’re a good person. Could you do me a little favor? I got lost in this forest and could you give me a lift?”

“Take you… with me?”

“You can’t?”

“Uhm, I guess I can.”

She looked conflicted, but against Zhuo Fan’s request, she just couldn’t find it in her to refuse. She shyly got to Zhuo Fan’s side and looked to see if the coast was clear before she reached out around his waist, “Uh, I’ll fly you out, j-just don’t move…”

Chu Qingcheng jumped and they were in the air.


Zhuo Fan took this moment to reach around her waist.

Chu Qingcheng panicked and blushed harder, “What are you doing? Hands off!”

“Miss, I’m a Bone Tempering cultivator and I’m scared for my first time flying.” With a wide grin, Zhuo Fan took all the advantage he could.

Chu Qingcheng was left succumbing to his sly hand and focused on making the trip as short as possible.


At one point, Zhuo Fan’s head up and leaned on the girl’s shoulder.

Chu Qingcheng jerked and cried again, “What are you leaning on me for?”

“First time flying is scary.” Zhuo Fan smiled wider, to which Chu Qingcheng gaped. She was simply powerless against Zhuo Fan’s slick tactics and reasoning. Despite it all, she still couldn’t find a reason to hate him, taking a deep breath to warn instead, “Hey, have some manners. Try anything again and I-I-I’ll drop you!”

This time Zhuo Fan went for the kill, moving from simply leaning on her shoulder to hugging outright.

Chu Qingcheng’s heart was in chaos, her cheeks steaming from how red they were.

“What are you doing? Let me go!”

“No, I’m scared of falling!” Closing his eyes, Zhuo Fan was at peace holding the one person he hadn’t seen in a hundred years. He was too content to let go.

Chu Qingcheng was frantic and landed on the ground before someone saw them.

She could never let her senior sisters see her like this. It was too damn mortifying!


The two touched down, with Zhuo Fan holding onto her like an octopus. Chu Qingcheng’s face twitched and snapped, “Hey, we’re on the ground, now get off!”

“No, you’re lying! We’re definitely in the air and I won’t fall for it, he-he-he…”

The young miss had met the biggest rogue of them all, with the thickest skin ever as he used every trick to stay glued to her.

Chu Qingcheng squinted and huffed before she used force, throwing Zhuo Fan off, hard. He landed on the ground with a bang.

Chu Qingcheng glared, “You definitely took advantage this time and you dare lie to me?”

“Young miss Chu!”

Zhuo Fan dusted his clothes before he smiled, “Before I answer, would you answer me two questions first?”

“Is there anyone you fancy?” Zhuo Fan went right ahead before she could reply.

Chu Qingcheng shook her head.

Zhuo Fan smiled, “Are you engaged?”

Chu Qingcheng started then shook her head.

[Why is he asking me this?]


Zhuo Fan got the answers he wanted and laughed, coming before Chu Qingcheng and reached out to hug her close as he looked longingly at her, “Now I’ll answer yours. I did it on purpose, because I like you. You have to be mine!”


Chu Qingcheng’s mind blanked out, her eyes hazy.

[What on earth is going on? How am I yours just like that…]

She finally reacted after a few long moments and shoved him, “You’re crazy! We only met a couple hours ago and I have no idea who you are…”

“I am Zhuo Fan, there, now we’re no strangers, Qingcheng. Come with me!”

“As if! I am a Ruby Cloud Sect disciple. When it comes to marriage, I have to tell my master…”

“An old crow meddling in my affairs? Qingcheng, come with me. No one can stop us!” Zhuo Fan shouted, his voice filled with power…

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