The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1125 - 1125, Ancient Promise

Chapter 1125, Ancient Promise

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Then we’ll be waiting for the good news.”

Baili Jingwei was tight-lipped about it and the kings didn’t ask either, left with their own suspicions.

Baili Jingwei looked drained, forcing a smile as he put away the paper, “Everyone, that’s the situation. I hope Sword Kings shall return to your designated area and fight back Devil Palace before they grow any stronger. I shall be drafting a plan in the meantime, to remove this danger for good. I will notify you in time.”

“Farewell, Prime Minister, Your Majesty.” Shangguan Feiyun stood and cupped his head before leaving. The others did the same.

The emperor couldn’t help it and said, “Jingwei, it’s been a hundred years already. We can’t hide it anymore. They’re suspicious and the cat’ll be out of the bag.”

“The bag must stay shut!”

Baili Jingwei’s brow shook, his eyes shining, “Your Majesty, it’ll be fine. I vow to have the empire to enjoy peace and stability for ages.”

The ten Sword Kings left in groups, with Baili Jingtian being the only one alone.

Shangguan Feiyun took joy in scorning him for his lost arm, “The one who used to be the heir, incredible talent, and a second Invincible Sword, turned out a mere prince. He sure has taken a huge fall this century, he-he-he…”

“Fate reaped the souls of nine princes and left one with a handicap. They shouldn’t have gone to the northern lands.”

Danqing Shen sighed, “They were all amazingly talented and would’ve grown into an emperor and many Sword Kings to help us in these trying times.”

“Brother Dan, are you a fool? The more Sword Kings the Baili have, the greater the danger we’ll be in. We are now four and six, and still hold some sway, thankfully. He-he-he…”

“I’d wished to see them grow to their full potential. They couldn’t stop me from going home anyway.” Shangguan Feiyun snickered at the huge loss while Danqing Shen just shook his head.

Zither Sword King came over, smiling, “Brother Dan, while I don’t like brother Feiyun’s character, I still stand by him on this. Do you honestly believe with the rise of Baili’s younger generation that they’d let you go home? When we become obsolete, there’ll be no stopping our execution. This is much better. The great clan now finds itself without posterity all due to that war. The dead Zhuo Fan had to be Baili’s bane. We should thank him for that.”

The other two smiled.

“Brothers, we were right all along. The Invincible Sword is dying.”

A man rushed to their side, his voice low and hoarse, “Did you see Baili Jingwei’s face? He lost his backing and confidence…”

Zither Sword King gestured to him for silence immediately, his eyes darting around, “Wine Sword Immortal, don’t just say what’s on your mind. Before we ascertain the Invincible Sword’s status, you should keep it down lest you want to lose your head.”

“What’s the point of confirming it? The old coot’s been gone for a century. Isn’t that the biggest proof?”

The Wine Sword Immortal was utterly confident, “You know fully well the old guy is grooming the juniors, always looking the best to train himself or let them understand the Sundering Sword. Have you seen any of that happen the last century, especially with the clan’s future wrecked? It’s obvious he dropped dead. Baili Jingwei is just too cunning and kept it hidden to lord over us. Since he’s dead, what are you guys planning? Will you keep staying around this dull place?”

The Zither Sword King and Danqing Shen smiled, “Stop with the nonsense. What if he’s alive?”

Though he grinned widely still.

Shangguan Feiyun was the only one unphased, his eyes firm, “Regardless of the Invincible Sword’s fate or your choice, I will stay in the Sword Star Empire. It’s the only one that can help me attack eastern lands and take everything.”

“You’re so obstinate…”

The three sighed. He just didn’t understand what being a cultivator meant. It was all about understanding the world’s nature, its Dao. Was it worth throwing it all away just so you’d become a tool?

An official in a crimson robe approached them and bowed, “Greetings, Sword Kings!”

“Deputy Minister of War?”

Shangguan Feiyun gave the middle-aged man with grizzled sideburns a look, noticing him in the 5th layer of Ethereal Stage, “Isn’t the Ministry of War under Prime Minister? Why come to us?”

Yuwen Yong bowed again, “Sword King Feiyun, I have a matter that I wish Dragon Cleaving Sword King would help in.”

“With me?”

Danqing Shen shook his head, “Ha-ha-ha, do I know you? Sorry, but you don’t look familiar. I’m not inclined to help random strangers either.”

Danqing Shen turned away.

The man rushed to stop him and revealed a scroll from his ring as he offered it, “Sword King, please, do you still recognize this painting?”


Danqing Shen’s brow shook at the familiar paper, taking it and letting a long breath as he unfolded it.

The man still bowed, “Dragon Cleaving Sword King, do you remember the promise you made in western lands? That you will help the bearer of this painting in one matter. I know sir’s word is his bond, and I have traveled far and wide, through countless hardships to return this painting. I only ask whether the promise still stands after all these years.”

“Lads of Our Nation… I made it in the name of love, and in love I vowed. How could I just break it?” Danqing Shen’s eyes stirred, recalling a past long forgotten. He then folded it back and spoke, “Talk, what is it you want?”

The man bowed once more, “Sword King, I have nothing but respect to your dedication. I shall be honest, I am Yuwen Yong, from western lands. I was a Tianyu Empire prince once, before a vile bastard took my power and hounded me to…”

“Fine, fine, I don’t want to know about your past. Just tell me what you want.”

“Sword King, I wish that sir would give me justice. Wipe out Tianyu and the Luo Alliance with it.” Yuwen Yong spoke with bloodlust and malice.


Danqing Shen widened, “Eliminate Luo Alliance?”

“How did you become the Deputy Minister of War? How could you ask such a thing?”

Shangguan Feiyun sneered, “I don’t know anything about the Tianyu Empire, but I know of the Luo Alliance’s position in western lands. It holds no less than half of western lands’ might. Asking brother Dan to destroy it is like telling him to go against western lands. Can brother Dan agree?”

Danqing Shen nodded, “Yes, Sword King Feiyun is right. My words are limited by my capability. I am not strong enough to fight a land by myself. Sorry, but choose another.”

“Dragon Cleaving Sword King, all I ever wanted in life is revenge. The Luo clan stole my country, putting a puppet on the throne while hunting me down every step of the way. I can never let go of such hatred. For this reason I have come to Sword King for help. Originally, a lofty man like a Sword King was beyond the reach of a nobody like me. I was fortunate enough that when the five lands war broke out, I joined the central area army and rose through the ranks thanks to my service. It took me a hundred years to walk into this palace and be fortunate enough to meet a Sword King today…”

“Damn, such dedication, persevering for a hundred years just to reach the status to see you. It’s true what they say, the obsession for revenge can take you anywhere.”

Shangguan Feiyun chuckled, “Times change, however. The Luo Alliance was nothing a century ago. Brother Dan could’ve snuff them out with a snap of his fingers. Now it’s grown too large in the western lands. You’re asking brother Dan to go on a suicide mission. Better wait for another war, then you could make use of your position to settle the score and get your revenge.”

“Sword King Feiyun is right, but we all know the state of the empire. It’s still restless and far from battle-ready. It may take another century, if not more, before it can wage war. I can’t wait that long.”

Yuwen Yong was impatient, “Sword King, then the next best thing would be to take the head of the Luo Alliance, Luo Yunhai. Without a leader, they’re sure to crumble. At least this will give me some peace, what do you say?”

“Well… it is doable.”

Danqing Shen mulled it over, “Killing one man then coming right back isn’t an issue. Sure, I agree.”

Yuwen Yong bowed once more, filled with joy, his eyes showing obvious scorn…

An hour later, Baili Jingwei stood in a dark room. Yuwen Yong bowed next to him, “Prime Minister, everything’s set. Danqing Shen is going!”

“Good, I didn’t hide your matter for a century for nothing. Don’t worry, I’ll let you take revenge yourself. Also, make sure to notify all the lands about Danqing Shen’s actions.”

“Yes, and thank you, Prime Minister!”

Baili Jingwei nodded, a grin forming on his face.

“Rest assured, Patriarch, I’ll make sure to remove every danger to the empire’s safety. Soon, the Sword Star Empire will shine like the sun, ha-ha-ha…”

The mad laughter bounced off the dark wall of the hall…

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