The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1122 - 1122, Bald Demon

Chapter 1122, Bald Demon

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Who do you guys think that senior is? Does he have some connection with the Luo Alliance?” Never getting enough of her new toy, Luo Sifan spoke of serious matters.

Long Jianshan waved her off, “As if, he must’ve stayed a while in Tianyu and when it got bad he came to this neck of the woods. He just knows some stuff having lived so long. What could possibly be between some Profound Heaven cultivator and our great Luo Alliance? It’s not even funny.”

“It’s too soon to tell.”

Xie Nianyang spoke seriously, “I’ve never seen any Profound Heaven cultivator able to refine 12th grade spiritual weapons to such perfection. Not even with the most sublime skill or immense heart, could one achieve the same at such a low cultivation. Something doesn’t smell right.”

“Smells more like a dud. Profound Heaven cultivators are a dime a dozen. He must’ve pushed us since we were out of it and caught us by surprise. It’s the only possibility that makes sense. He said it himself, focusing on the sword this century and putting cultivation on hold. The way I see it, insights are for those super strong experts. So what the hell is he fumbling around for? Have you seen anyone besides our alliance’s nine venerables deepening their insights? No, they’re all out there getting stronger.”

“That may be so, but I still feel an air of deep mystery around the blind swordsmith.” Xie Nianyang’s doubts were prevalent, regardless of Long Jianshan’s disregard.

Long Jianshan rolled his eyes, “You call that deep? He was only playing us? I refuse to believe there’s anything worth of note about a cultivator stuck in the Profound Heaven Stage after a damn century!”

As the two were opinionated, Luo Sifan nodded to herself.

[It’s nigh impossible for a Profound Heaven cultivator to get close to anyone of status…]

“Ha-ha-ha, a 12th grade spiritual weapon and a perfect one at that. I was out doing a little hunting and here I am with the catch of the century!” A cruel and mad laugh jarred their ears.

A bald old man landed not ten meters from them, cackling, “Missie, you sure have guts to flaunt a 12th grade spiritual weapon. You’re practically begging to be stepped on by flaming other’s greed. Hand it over if you know what’s good for you…”

Luo Sifan shivered in fright, tightening her hold on the sword, “Who are you? State your name!”

“Yeah, do you have any idea who we are? Are you tired of living to go after our sword?” Long Jianshan shook all over from the mighty aura the man had, but did not forget to flaunt his status.

The bald elder placed his hands on his hips and snickered, “Brats, better not be shaking in your boots at my glorious name. Listen well, for I am the infamous Bald Demon of the western lands!”

“You’re that degenerate Bald Demon that’s been burning and murdering with no disregard for life?” Luo Sifan shuddered, “They say his crimes are endless and that the nine sects couldn’t even catch wind of him. Just what is he doing here of all places?”

Xie Nianyang bobbed his head, “If he’s the real Bald Demon, then he’s in the 7th layer of Genesis Stage. Few in our alliance are his match. This is bad, real bad!”

“Ha-ha-ha, now you get it? Then hand it over! And while you’re at it…” The bald man’s eyes shone with desire upon gracing Luo Sifan with a foul gaze, “Miss, why don’t we get to know each other better over a couple of days. I cross my heart not to keep you safe.”

“What are you doing?”

Long Jianshan jumped to shield Luo Sifan, putting an obvious tough front with all that sweat pouring out of him, “Do you know who we are? You dare touch us? Do you have a death wish?”

“Oh, I’m gushing to know. Well, what makes you so special? Is it scary? Ha-ha-ha…”The bald man was having a blast toying with them.

Long Jianshan’s face twitched, shouting, “Listen up and listen well. We are part of the Luo Alliance. You are in the presence of the young miss of the Luo Alliance Head. Touch her and the entire alliance will be after your head!”

“Luo Alliance’s young miss?!” The old man eyes Luo Sifan closer.

Long Jianshan smirked, “Afraid now?”

“The hell I am!”

The bald guy cackled louder, “What’s the Luo Alliance but some oversized gang in the western lands. Since their turf is out, I’ll just go to the other four lands. Besides, no matter how tough the Luo Alliance is, they won’t match the Devil Palace spanning across the whole lands.”

[Devil Palace?]

The trio flinched in fright.

Luo Sifan was startled, “Oh no, the Devil Palace? Grandpa Zhuge said Devil Palace, a secret society, has been showing up over the past decades. It’s teeming with experts. Luo Alliance can’t match it. It’s the strongest hidden power in the world. But they’re so discreet that they haven’t interacted with the powers in the western lands, nor do they want to have anything to do with these devils. But now this vile Bald Demon is from Devil Palace. We’re so dead!”

The other two froze.

These Luo Alliance princelings got used to throwing their weight around. Now, it seemed, they got the short end of the stick because of it.

They felt so sorry for themselves.


Three gales blew, rooting the three on the spat. The bald old man’s lustful eyes drunk on the girl’s figure as he walked over, “He-he-he, Luo Alliance miss, I’ve had yet to have the honor to sample such fine goods. Might as well get the girl and the sword, hi-hi-hi…”

His black hand reached out for Luo Sifan’s delicate face.

“Ah! What are you doing?” Luo Sifan shrieked, shedding a tear. The other two raged, “Stop right now, dirty old man! What are you doing?”

“He-he-he, calling me dirty yet asking me what I’m doing? Just giving her my professional courtesy, ha-ha-ha…” Bald Demon grew more excited at their squirming.

Luo Sifan cried out in tears, “No, no~”

“Stop! Stop, you piece of…” Her friends were watching with bloodshot eyes, powerless to help.

The three Radiant Stage cultivators were at the whims of a Genesis Stage demon, his toys.


A loud sound came out of nowhere, followed by a wail as the old man careened through the air. The trio jerked, finding they could move again.

The old man coughed blood trying to get up on shaky legs and bellowing, “Who did that?”

The kids flinched, finally noticing in front a most charming girl with purple hair staring at them with cold indifference.

“It’s you!”

The kids cheered. Rescue had arrived. What came as a shock was knowing the girl was the blind swordsmith’s daughter yet had the power to send the Genesis demon flying.

[Just who is she?]

Qiao’er ignored their googly eyes and demanded of Bald Demon, “Beat it!”

“Lady, you must not know who I am to butt in, ugh…”

Bald Demon was blustering after being attacked, only to choke on his words as he noticed the purple token. He shivered all over and stammered, “Y-you’re Sparrow…”

“I told you to beat it! Are you deaf? Or do you want to die here?” As the shiny bird token glimmered under the sun’s glorious light, Qiao’er’s eyes grew icy.

Gulping hard, the bald man bowed with haste and took off in terror.

The kids could even see his soaked back as he fled.

They turned their incredulous eyes on Qiao’er.

[She just told off a demon rampaging in the western lands for dozens of years. Who on earth is she? How could a Profound Heaven swordsmith have such an overpowered daughter?]

Qiao’er turned away.

Luo Sifan rushed to say, “Wait!”


“Thank you, miss, for your help. I shall never…”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m only doing because dad asked.” Qiao’er had no sympathy, “He told me to give you a warning. There’s always someone better then you out there. Keep your belonging hidden and don’t flaunt it. For you have no right to!”

Qiao’er vanished, leaving the trio gaping.

[Holy hell, just where did we end up? Why do we keep bumping into worldly experts? And who the hell is that blind swordsmith?]

[With the daughter incredible, the father must be…]

The trio’s faces twitched, their faces burning in shame of how they treated Zhuo Fan.

[We acted like clowns. How mortifying…]

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