The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1099 - 1099, Hearts Connected

Chapter 1099, Hearts Connected

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


Cold winds blasted and a thick black fog dyed everything in shades of gray, looking akin to purgatory.

Bali Yuyu watched with worry as the black mist stopped its invasion. Behind her was Shui Ruohua helping Chu Qingcheng. She looked behind her, at the open teleportation array and worried as well.

[What’s taking them so long? Did something happen?]


The grass moved and Wu Qingqiu with Ouyang Changqing and the rest dragged their feet over to their salvation. But seeing the girls, they started, “You should’ve been long gone by now. Why are you still here?”

“The guy’s slow wife refused to go so we decided to wait for you. I would simply force her through if worst comes to worst.”

Bali Yuyu rolled her eyes and pointed at Chu Qingcheng behind her, “And where is he, anyway? Is he alright?”

Ouyang Changqing knew who she mentioned and sighed in exhaustion, “He went after the sea demon. It’s going to take a while before he arrives. We’d better leave first.”

“The sea demon?”

“Haven’t you noticed the creeping black fog?” Ouyang Changqing nodded and asked, “Big sister, you should’ve seen how good big brother Zhuo is. He beat up three Sword Kings and after challenging Invincible Sword, dashed straight in to face the sea demon. Invincible Sword must’ve followed after big brother for a fight as well without delay, all plunging straight into the black fog…”

“You’re telling me Patriarch is after Zhuo Fan?” Bali Yuyu gasped in fright.

[Is he going to survive with Patriarch on his heels?]

Ouyang Changqing smirked, “Big sister, take it easy. Dad said the sea demon is worse by a mile than Invincible Sword. Since big brother went for the sea demon, then what’s there to fear some Invincible Sword? I’m sure that with a savage beast before him, Invincible Sword would be sure to turn into a sniveling coward. The only danger to big brother can only come from the sea demon. It would make Invincible Sword look like an amateur by comparison, he-he-he…”

“A-he-hem, look who you’re speaking to!”

Wu Qingqiu glared and cleared his throat before speaking heavily, “Frigid Rain Sword King, Ouyang Changqing is crude in his meaning. Brother Zhuo is level-headed and would not come all the way to face the sea demon without precaution. If he can handle the sea demon, that means Invincible Sword is of no consequence.”

“Yeah, so lighten up. You’re better off worrying about our situation. Dad said once the sea demon’s black fog spreads, everyone is done for. They’re now trying to stop it. We better take the chance and run, so as not to drag them down.”

“Then leave, coward!”

Bali Yuyu bore her sharp stare into him, “I don’t know how dangerous the sea demon is, but I am clear on Patriarch’s strength. No, once Patriarch is after him, no begging from my part will spare him…”

Bali Yuyu shot for the black fog, shouting behind her, “Leave! I’ve escorted you here so I’ve fulfilled his request!”

“Now even big sis left. With all of us injured, we’ll be dead for sure if anything happens.”

Ouyang Changqing chuckled and shrugged, staring hard at the opened teleportation array, “So we’re going, right? Right?”

Wu Qingqiu sighed with a twitching face, “Do you have to ask? Staying won’t do any of us any good.”

And made the first move towards leaving, with others close behind.

“Wait, senior brother Wu. Qingcheng won’t leave!”

Shui Ruohua cried after him, “We’ve been here for a while but Qingcheng refuses to budge. It feels like she won’t leave until Zhuo Fan returns.”

Wu Qingqiu sighed in understanding, “Junior sister Chu won’t be pleased, but staying here will only burden brother Zhuo. We’re leaving, even if we must force junior sister Chu to come along.”

Wu Qingqiu and Ye Lin shared a look and flanked Chu Qingcheng. Ouyang Changqing was most eager, joining them with a bright smile, “Sister-in-law, pardon me. It’s for your own good. Big brother Zhuo doesn’t want you hurting. I know you can’t understand me, so… sorry.”

The guys grabbed her shoulders…


Akin to divine intervention, Chu Qingcheng heard a most familiar wail.

She shuddered and the guys were blown away. Ouyang Changqing even staggered before smacking his rear on the pavement. The sharp pain made him wince and tear up.

“S-sister-in-law, please, we’re only trying to help. Why shield yourself with Yuan Qi and hurt us? Don’t you know how injured we are? We can’t take your…”

While he was whining, the western lands group looked at Chu Qingcheng in shock.

In all these years Chu Qingcheng had lost her mind, she hardly showed any reaction, let alone using Yuan Qi for anything. Did this mean she was back?

They all lit up, with Shui Ruohua grabbing her shoulder in excitement, “Qingcheng, y-you’re awake…”

“Z-Zhuo Fan…” After all these years silent, she stammered a familiar name, her eyes flashing now and then.

Everyone was overjoyed.

[It’s a miracle! Or maybe triumphant love? In only a few days brother Zhuo did what we couldn’t in years of trying.]

[A heart can heal only with the right medicine!]

Shui Ruohua was ecstatic, tears of joy brimming in her eyes. Chu Qingcheng’s lips trembled, while her eyes took on a look of horror, “Z-Zhuo Fan is in danger. H-he’s in danger…”

She then shot in the air, straight into the black mist.

“Qingcheng, wait!”

Shui Ruohua panicked and rushed right after her, but the minute she tried using her energy, she coughed blood, falling back. None of the ethers could do anything, too weak to follow.

They came out wounded from the fight with the ten princes and merely walking was a miracle. Flying was out of the question.

Watching Chu Qingcheng vanish, Ouyang Changqing sighed, “Where’s big sister when you need her? Sister-in-law hasn’t been hurt like us, making it impossible to catch her. Did she snap?”

“She’s not crazy, just her mind dulled. Since she woke up just now, why take off like that?” Wu Qingqiu frowned as he pondered, “She mentioned Zhuo Fan being in danger. Did you hear her too?”

Ouyang Changqing shrugged, “Maybe she’s hearing things or restless? Big brother Zhuo is definitely in danger in the black mist, but how could we ever know? We’re not only miles away but even standing before the mist, there’s no way to notice whatever’s going on in there. How is sister-in-law so sure then? She totally snapped!”

“Then I fear…”

Wu Qingqiu looked in the distance then sighed, “Their hearts are connected. That means brother Zhuo is in serious peril…”

The rest tensed, looking grave and worried.

Bali Yuyu was rushing through the dark fog when she stumbled upon four people flying out.

She gasped in recognition.

[Ugh, can I just pretend I didn’t see them?]

Bali Yuyu shook, conflicted between Zhuo Fan in the mist and the four people.

She wanted to make sure Zhuo Fan was safe, which was impossible if the four caught up to her.

So she spotted some ruins around and wanted to avoid them like a plague. But that blasted Baili Yuyun just had to spot her just then, shouting, “Is that Yuyu? Come quick, Patriarch’s hurt…”

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