The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1089 - 1089, Heaven Sealing Sea Ao

Chapter 1089, Heaven Sealing Sea Ao

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

There were large swells turned into icy peaks as far as the Qiao’er’s eyes could see. She rubbed her freezing arms and said, “Father, is this Sea Ao’s world, Ice Mountain?”

“It’s one of the three deadly danger zones that takes most lives!”

He turned his eyes from the white skies and the constant snowfall, to clear frozen sea, like a huge mirror. It glimmered with a mesmerizing luster, hiding the horrors beneath, of the thousands upon thousands of frozen bodies, contorted and appalling.

“Dragon Ancestor was right, Sea Ao hates humanity to the bone. Any man-eating beast would just be following its nature and not toy with humans for one’s twisted amusement. His heart is so sick it makes me wonder if he’ll even let us talk.”

“Father, don’t forget about me. I’m no human. He’s bound to listen to me, he-he-he…” Qiao’er stuck out her head, putting on a cutely smug look.

A creepy cackle echoed all around them in reply, “Hi-hi-hi, all flee at the sign of my coming, yet you just came straight for me. Is it bravery, or recklessness? It turns out that you knew my nature and came to find me. You also know the old dragon, I take it. He-he-he, this should be good.”

The two jerked and perked up as they nodded.

They figured it had to be Heaven Sealing Sea Ao who spoke to have mentioned dragon ancestor like that. It showed some kind of friendship there.

[Maybe this won’t be too hard.]

Since he came with words and not to attack, negotiations were still on the table.

“Senior Sea Ao, I am Zhuo Fan. I have come at Dragon Ancestor’s recommendation to ask senior’s help in saving my son. You will have my eternal gratitude!” Zhuo Fan cupped his hands at the sky.

Sea Ao let another cackle, followed by his eerie voice, “Saving? Hi-hi-hi, why should I? If Dragon Ancestor sent you, then you know humans have cut me deeper than I could heal. Now a human has me trapped in this place, fearful of leaving lest the five swords turn me into a sieve. I and humanity are mortal enemies. No amount of killing will ever quench my hatred. And you came to me for help? What a cosmic joke, ha-ha-ha…”

“No no no, senior Sea Ao, he is no human, but my brother!” Qiao’er rushed to explain.

Sea Ao taunted, “He-he-he, thanks for reminding me, girl. Weren’t you saying just moments ago that I’m bound to listen to you? You sure are cheeky, I’ll give you that, ha-ha-ha. Do enlighten me then, where does that confidence stems from, when we don’t even knowing each other? Old dragon might’ve sent you, but that’s no guarantee if I’ll agree, humph.”

“Uh, senior Sea Ao, I’m the future Thunder Phoenix. We’re the same, you and I. Help me now and I’ll return the favor.”

Qiao’er’s cheeks went red, pondering for a moment before taking a soft approach, “In this vast world, there’s only five of us sacred beasts. We need to unite against the rampant humans.”

Heaven Sealing Sea Ao was silent.

But then it cakcled again, “Little Thunder Phoenix, you only got Thunder Phoenix’s legacy and had yet to fill her shoes. You certainly have no shame, calling yourself a sacred beast so soon. A sacred beast is the strongest beast. You, on the other hand, have a long way to go. All you have now is talent, yet you already see yourself on top? He-he-he, that’s not a sacred beast’s style. It’s more accurate to say it stinks of human cunning. You have gotten too close to them and have taken their foul demeanor. And you dare call yourself a sacred beast? Humph!”

Qiao’er’s heart shrank, turning to Zhuo Fan and shrugging.

“Little Thunder Phoenix, you came at the recommendation of the old dragon, but did he tell you to use his name when asking for my help?” Sea Ao roared.

Zhuo Fan and Qiao’er shook their heads, “Senior Dragon Ancestor knows senior Sea Ao’s deep and bitter hatred towards humans and wouldn’t wish to force senior into anything that you might be against. My only hope is that senior would appeal to our honesty and help us.”

“Shut it! Don’t use human conscience on sacred beasts. You know nothing about us!”

Zhuo Fan’s smooth words only earned Sea Ao’s lashing, “Among the five great sacred beasts, I’m the closest to old dragon, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever agree to any of his request. Do you know why?”

Zhuo Fan shook his head, looking worried.

“Humph, for we, sacred beasts, are the peak of this world. We aren’t like humans, living in societies, but roaming the lands by ourselves. There’s nothing holding us together. The only reason old dragon sent you to me is because I can help, and not because he can persuade me to. The other four are no different. No appeal to our conscious will work, because we don’t have one. Only humans, like you, small and weak, live through working together for the betterment of the group. For any one of you alone in this vast world is doomed to die. Strength comes from solitude, with no friends or companions.”

Zhuo Fan heard Sea Ao’s fervent speech and the fury behind as he continued, “Little Thunder Phoenix, your tactic of warming up to me for your own goal is precisely how humans operate and not like us sacred beasts. You’re not fit to be a sacred beast, one tainted by humanity such as you. Thunder Phoenix’s spirit would be furious to know her legacy befell onto some human in beast clothing. I’ll even bet she’d snap your neck!”

Bloodlust spiked then, flooding this world. The biting chill made even Qiao’er shiver in fear.

Sea Ao wanted to kill her.

Qiao’er wobbled back while Zhuo Fan flashed in front to protect her.

Things were far worse than he thought.

[Sea Ao’s hatred for humanity consumed him to the point he’ll kill even sacred beasts with human air around them.]

[He can’t tolerate anything that has to do with humans, turning into a bigger problem.]

If it was just human hatred, any bloodlust would’ve been focused on Zhuo Fan, but he now included all related to humans as well.

[That includes Qiao’er and young Sanzi, the one in desperate need of his healing. This is a serious problem with no answer. Should I leave young Sanzi in his care?]

Zhuo Fan was conflicted.

Sea Ao roared once more and Zhuo Fan froze. Then the Sea Ao laughed, sounding nice for once, “Ha-ha-ha, scared you, didn’t I? Did you find my words frightening?”

Zhuo Fan had no idea what he was up to.

“Little Thunder Phoenix, I’ve only been telling you of how a sacred beast acts and hope you won’t go against it. Otherwise, it won’t matter much, since you can do whatever. That’s how impulsive sacred beasts are, ha-ha-ha…”

Laughing like a madman, Qiao’er shivered in frights. Sea Ao then changed subjects, “Who are you trying to save anyway? Mind letting me have a look at him?”

Zhuo Fan and Qiao’er shared a glance and the former touched his ring hesitantly.

Sea Ao read him like a book, smiling, “Worried about little old me? Ha-ha-ha, you should. I’m at bitter war with humanity and won’t be caught dead helping a human. But like little Thunder Phoenix said, we’re sacred beasts and there’s only five of us in the entire world. We only have each other, like family, with every loss a heavy burden. When family comes asking for help, I’m duty-bound to help. That’s what I get for being your uncle, of sorts, ha-ha-ha…”

“Father, will you entrust brother’s life to me?”

Qiao’er turned to Zhuo Fan, “He is the only one that can save brother. We have to trust him. I can tell from his words that he’s sincere.”

[You call that sincere? Did he not just use your own approach, after talking you down even?]

Zhuo Fan squinted, not following her request.

Sea Ao mocked, “Ha-ha-ha, humans and their suspicions. They came to ask for help yet still don’t trust you. So many years have gone yet they never change. Humph, you can distrust me all you like, but since old dragon sent you, I won’t make it harder on you. Go ahead and leave.”

With a humm, the space warped and a gap formed in the black mist behind the two, leading outside.

Getting in was easy, while leaving was at Heaven Sealing Sea Ao’s whim. By doing this, he also showed the two he was of no threat to them.


Qiao’er turned her hopeful eyes on him. This was a rare chance that might never come again.

Sea Ao’s domain roamed, unlike dragon ancestor’s, drifting about North Sea. How were they to find him again?

[He can also avoid us as well, making our search pointless.]

This was the best chance to negotiate with Sea Ao, maybe the only one…

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