The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1007 - 1007, Ling Yuntian

Chapter 1007, Ling Yuntian

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Don’t make any hasty decisions. I’ll go see what’s going on.

Zhuo Fan squinted and took a deep breath as he made a decision, sending that message to his team. The others flinched and nodded.

Bali Yuyu’s eyes darted around, sizing everything, before nodding at last, “A blown cover means we’d have been detained by now with far more experts surrounding us. Not to mention they’d never ask for you to speak. It’s too early to tell what is going on…”

“While also not grounded enough to rule out the possibility that Murong Lie wants to look into us. So you need to get ready to act at any second. I’ll leave Qiao’er in your care.” Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone, his face grave.

“What about you?”

“I have my own way of escape, don’t worry.” Bali Yuyu asked quickly at which Zhuo Fan replied casually. “I’m going.”

They watched tensely as Zhuo Fan flew with Dai Qianchou towards the highest floating island while a disciple took them to their rooms.

An hour later, Zhuo Fan and Dai Qianchou were standing before a huge gate, with hundreds of disciples standing guard on each side.

The gate reached thirty meters in height, with 9,999 copper insertions in the shape of a yin-yang symbol to show the natural order of the world.

Dai Qianchou regarded the broad gate and bowed. Zhuo Fan figured it had to be a custom, giving respect to the sect.

[A traveler stopping by needs to show respect as well and might even leave a good impression.]

So Zhuo Fan did the same, standing straight after doing it three times.

Dai Qianchou gave an approving nod, showing a sincere nod as he spoke with reverence at the gate, “Sect Leader, Steward Qian has arrived!”



With a loud rumble, the gate cracked open. The two rows of disciples bowed at once, all shouting at Zhuo Fan, “Please!”

“Steward Qian, after you.” Dai Qianchou smiled and gestured not unlike the disciples.

Zhuo Fan sighed at this huge welcome.

[This is the Sea Bright Sect, the strongest of the sects in northern lands. Yet the bigger they are, the more aware they are of giving respect and receiving it, instead of acting all cocky.]

He was but a merchant yet the Sea Bright Sect’s Sect Leader showed such deference. This was proof enough to label the Sea Bright Sect as reasonable and righteous as Murong Lie.

That also meant they would never act unless the proof was conclusive.

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While meeting with an impulsive sect, they only needed to believe he was bad news and he was finished.

[Things aren’t for the worst yet…]

Zhuo Fan speculated as he smiled at Dai Qianchou and walked forward with the executive behind.

As he climbed the 999 steps up, the disciples always set their eyes on him, yet none held the slightest contempt.

This was the way Sea Bright Sect welcomed guests, regardless of profession.

Zhuo Fan saw a grand hall and three people waiting for him. Only with one of them he was acquainted, Executive Cao from the Sun Sea Sect.

Zhuo Fan had a clear picture of what this was all about.

[Ha-ha, so it’s him. It’s nothing then. And here I thought Ardent Sun Sword God was going to welcome me. God, that gave me a fright…]

“Sect Leader, he’s the one that made Sun Sea Sect suffer so much. He must be a central area spy!”

Executive Cao instantly pointed fingers and accused Zhuo Fan the moment he appeared. He was boiling with rage and murder, wanting to spill his blood then and there.

Zhuo Fan ignored him and his whining, walking before the three and bowing.

A middle-aged man spoke to an elder next to him, “Sect Leader Ling, it seems the boy is pleading guilty under Executive Cao’s accusations. We need to take him back for thorough questioning and appease the thousands of lost souls of my sect.”

“Steward Qian, I take it. I am the Sect Leader of the Sun Bright Sect, Ling Yuntian.” The old man gave Zhuo Fan a long look but didn’t let the middle-aged man’s words get to him, or stop the greeting.

Zhuo Fan faked shock and bowed as well.

Sect Leader Ling said, “Does Steward Qian have anything to say regarding Executive Cao’s accusations?”


Zhuo Fan sneered, “I have no idea of them. What are they?”

“You dare lie to our faces? Executive Cao’s accusations are clear to everyone here. You have nothing to say for yourself that can absolve you and we all know it. Yet you dare act oblivious?”

“Sect Leader Ling, he…”

The middle-aged man shouted, snapping at Zhuo Fan with his finger, but Zhuo Fan regarded him calmly and saluted Ling Yuntian.

Sect Leader Ling made the introductions, “Steward Qian, he is Sun Sea Sect’s Sect Leader, Bu Xingyun. You have delivered goods to Sun Sea Sect but didn’t meet with Sect Leader Bu so you don’t know him, ha-ha-ha…”

“Oh, Sect Leader Bu, greetings, greetings, ha-ha-ha…”

Zhuo Fan saluted at once, “Sect Leader Ling, there’s a misunderstanding here that I wish to clarify. Executive Cao is someone I have met in Sun Sea Sect, but I don’t know when he came to your sect. When I have just arrived here, I’ve only been hearing Executive Cao’s curses and it got me completely confused. I wish for nothing more than to understand why this happened, but since this is sir’s home and I am a mere guest, it is proper manners to see the Sect Leader and not start arguing.

Zhuo Fan put on a sinister smile, mocking Executive Cao, “I may be a mere merchant, but I am educated enough not to start a fight in another’s home. At the very least, I’ll need Sect Leader’s approval first to prove my innocence and shed light. Acting like a mangy cur, in the master’s home no less, won’t that make him disrespectful? I may not be well read, but my parents had at least taught me proper respect.”


Executive Cao choked, looking red as a crab.

Zhuo Fan was talking with the Sect Leader but kept poking holes in his attitude.

And the problem was that it was all true. It was Sect Leader Ling’s home yet he started shouting at Zhuo Fan. It mattered not if Zhuo Fan was a spy, not when he was dissatisfied with the Sea Bright Sect.

Unlike Zhuo Fan, he gave no respect to the Sect Leader.

And since the Sect Leader wasn’t some nobody but the Sect Leader of the strongest sect in northern lands, the same man he was relying on as well…

Executive Cao’s face twitched hard, looking pained as he regarded Bu Xingyun’s dark face, “Sect Leader, I-I didn’t mean…”

“You’re talking to the wrong person!” Bu Xingyun spoke coldly.

Executive Cao bowed to Ling Yuntian, “Sect Leader Ling, forgive me. Please don’t believe this man’s nonsense. How could I ever disregard the head of the sects in northern lands, Sea Bright Sect? I was just caught in the moment…”

“Fine, fine, Executive Cao is an impulsive man. I understand, ha-ha-ha…” Ling Yuntian dismissed his worries as he smiled.

Zhuo Fan cocked an eyebrow.

[The old guy really is kind to not even be irked by that. Sea Bright Sect’s name as the best sect in northern lands isn’t unfounded after all. Just look at their Sect Leader.]

If the head was weak the rest would crumble.

[With the Sect Leader so collected, it’s only natural that the Sea Bright Sect became the one to lead the other five sects in northern lands.]

Zhuo Fan stared into those kind eyes and felt unease, having failed to stir his emotions and lead the talks.

[The danger comes not from Executive Cao nor Bu Xingyun, but Sect Leader Ling…]

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