The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 969: Deal with the Devil

Chapter 969: Deal with the Devil

Proofreader: Papatonks

“What?” Wu Randong was shocked.

After taking down the domain, Zhuo Fan pointed at the portal’s location with a smile, “Second young master, ever since I arrived here, I’ve been waiting here for any movement. If eldest young master or you came, then it proved your company was in dire straits. If nothing happened in three days, then your company must be struggling on death’s door still!”

Wu Randong squinted.

“I’m watching for Prime Minister Baili Jingwei’s plan!”

Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone with determination, “Speaking of, businessmen and politicians are all alike. They all work for profit. Especially for a man like Baili Jingwei, who governs the empire, abandoning any grudges or favors just so he could see the five lands as one. If your company had suffered this time, it wouldn’t be because of a mess you might have caused, but for outliving your usefulness. A company so huge that didn’t follow orders would one day have Baili Jingwei eliminate it for his big unification plan!”

Looking dazed, Wu Randong needed a lot of time before he could process this, “But, the connections we make with every land help the empire!”

“True, and seeing how easy he threw your great help showed he didn’t care about you.”

Zhuo Fan gave Wu Randong a vague smile, “How about a wager? In a few days, the Sword Star Empire’s power will be leaving the central area.”

“You mean it’s going to invade the other lands?”

“Obviously, or why else would he cut the middlemen. You guys have always exercised extreme caution, not to give him anything that might be taken as hostility. So when do people kill someone who isn’t your enemy? When they’re in your way.”

Zhuo Fan chuckled all-knowingly, his eyes twinkling like stars, “In the five land war, your company’s connections to every area instantly became the empire’s weakness that had to be cut out. Though killing must always come with reason. How fortunate he had the perfect excuse to act now. When one wants to find you guilty, it was only a matter of time before he found something to pin on you. Luck, however, played a role in your favor, with how sudden it all happened, he was too rushed in his actions, making your branches survive. That’s why I’ve been telling you that you should thank me. I ripped off the band-aid for you, ha-ha-ha.”

Wu Randong was stunned in place, finally coming to terms with the facts as they went through his head.

“Now I must go save all those merchants that have yet to die…”

“Right on. You finally get it!” Zhuo Fan grinned.

Wu Randong looked around, “Where are we? How am I to contact the company?”

“Ha-ha-ha, your dad has always cut you off and you never asked how your family business is run. Since you came through the commercial line that means this is just another exit of it, your branch is at the border between the western lands and central area!”

Wu Randong nodded, then got flustered, “A guard, sent urgent messages to our other branches…”

“Easy on the ears, please. No one’s coming!”

Zhuo Fan mocked with a dismissive wave, “To have a nice uninterrupted chat, I had them leave. I’m the only one here waiting for you for three days.”

Wu Randong started, “Why would they listen to you?”

“It’s remarkable what you can get away with when the company is treating you like their most valued client.”

Zhuo Fan took out a golden card, the greatest and most respected symbol in the company across the lands, “Your brother gave it to me. A shame I’ll never get to see him again.”

Wu Randong’s heart was in pain as he sighed with a nod.

Zhuo Fan stopped him from leaving though, “Hold up.”


“What are you planning?”

“To get someone and send word!”

“What word?”

“Isn’t it to flee?” Wu Randong stated the obvious.

Zhuo Fan chuckled, “With only a couple of vague words, you are laying waste to the foundation your company has built over millennia. Once they hide, everything will fall apart, with everyone abandoning ship. Then what, how will you bring them together again? Do you want to let your father and brother’s hard work get destroyed with one word? Or have you forgotten the promise you made three days ago about wanting to take over?”

Wu Randong shook all over, sinking in deep thought.

[That’s right, I’m naive, rash, and stubborn on changing the company by myself. Now that father and brother are gone, I hold all the power.] But like a child, he has no idea what to even do.

His family business would soon fade away in the five lands under him. His father and brother’s work would be squandered under his command. He’d be too ashamed to meet his kin in the afterlife like this. Was he really going to end up destroying everything?

Wu Randong grabbed his head in regret.

[Why didn’t I work with my father to run the business?]

“You need a mentor to show you the way.”

Wu Randong jerked out of his misery, looking at Zhuo Fan’s flat expression. He sighed, “The elders and venerables must’ve passed away by now and I hardly know anyone in the branches. Where could I find someone to help me…”


Wu Randong just finished and Zhuo Fan declared.

Wu Randong flinched, “You?”

“It’s not that I want to help you, but to cooperate!”

Zhuo Fan set his cold eyes on him, “You showed me your great ambition, of ruling the company and changing it. I made it reality…”

“You did it by killing my father and brother. I don’t want…”

“Wu Randong!”

Zhuo Fan’s thunderous voice swallowed his dissent, “You’re not a child and know there are gains and losses. You think you can just change the company that has been around for thousands of years just because you feel like it? History’s been written in blood whenever any change occurs. Since you decided on changing it, you need to accept the price. The chairman seat isn’t a breeze, but since you’re in it, man up! It’s too late to turn back now. All you can do is get the company to follow your vision, or leave it to waste away and ruin all of your father and brother’s blood and sweat!”

Wu Randong’s eyes twitched then sighed, “I’ll make the company prosper and not let my father’s effort go to waste. But why should I work with you? Why do I feel that when I’m around you, it’s like I’m working with the devil? I’m chilled to the bone and always on edge.”

“Ha-ha-ha, that’s normal. There’s nothing wrong with your instinct, since I am a devil.”

Zhuo Fan snickered, “In a man’s moment of despair, they plead gods or devils. It’s only natural to turn to gods, but do you know why some choose devils?”


“A god keeps you safe, but only if you give up everything. As for devils, they take everything you have, but also help you achieve your greatest desire.”

Zhuo Fan’s creepy smile made Wu Randong uncomfortable, “Your situation is quite close to despair as well. So who will you beseech, the god or the devil?”

Wu Randong squinted, then made his decision, “I can’t let my father and brother’s death be in vain. The company cannot fail. I can never just let go and lead a plain life. We have spared nothing for the betterment of the Sword Star Empire and where did that get us? I’ll make sure Baili Jingwei and the Star Sword Empire will pay for this!”

“Are you willing to take the company and work for me?”

“Are you willing, no…. are you able, to give me revenge? They are Baili Jingwei and the Sword Star Empire!”

“All I need is time and it will be done.” Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone.

Wu Randong nodded at his resolve and declared, “Then today I shall make a deal with the devil. Show me how you’ll get me revenge for the thousands of men from my company!”

“Let’s shake on it!”

Zhuo Fan put out his hand with a sinister smile, “I told you, that we’ll be working very closely. Who knew it’d be so soon? Ha-ha-ha…”


Wu Randong shook his hand hard, his eyes glittering, “Then, sir, what next?”

“You’ll be sending every branch a message. From now on, the Serene Shores Trading’s personnel will fade into the shadows and from the eyes of the world. Serene Shores Trading will cease to exist in name. When the danger passes, we will come out of the woodwork reborn!”

Wu Randong pondered and nodded, “Then we will suffer silently for now. A gentleman can wait for revenge, even if it’s ten years later!”

Meanwhile, over a vast stretch of water that was covered in thick fog, the raging waves kept lapping at the shore, echoing the deep bestial roar the fog emitted.

Two gargantuan eyes shone in the fog with savagery.

A middle-aged man stood before the fog with fluttering clothes and a glinting sword at the ready as he charged, “Sea demon, for too long you have taken the lives of my people. This stops now. The sea isn’t yours alone. I am going to fight and if I win, you are to never harm them again!”

An echoing roar reverberated through the air from the thick fog, followed by a jeer, “A puny Genesis Stage human dares face me? Enter my domain if you have the stomach and I shall tear you limb from limb, ha-ha-ha…”


Explosions sounded and the person charged into the mist, waging a cruel battle…

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