Chapter 967: Lone Survivor

Proofreader: Papatonks

Eye twitching, Wu Ranze looked at his father, “What is the point of fighting Baili Jingwei to the death? We’re only dying sooner. Father, this isn’t like you!”

“Yes, not me at all, but like your brother.”

Wu Jiangtao smiled, “Despite lashing out and cursing your brother, I never hated him for who he is. I even felt reluctant to change him.”

Wu Ranze shook and looked at his father in shock.

With a casual chuckle, Wu Jiangtao sighed, “All of us have been impulsive in our youths, but after seeing too much along the years, we smoothened our rough edges and turned to guile. The world matured me to be able to stand and I changed you so there would be no problems appearing. But I like how your brother always tries to mess things up; he reminds me of myself back in the day. Since our new way is unable to keep us alive, let us be true to our natures, that reckless youth. This way we get to buy Randong some time…”

“Buy time?”

“We’re businessmen to the bone and Baili Jingwei will never let us go. Unlike us, Randong might survive given his rash temper, since Baili Jingwei might ignore someone like him.”

Taking a deep breath then exhaling, Wu Jiangtao closed his eyes, “I always dreamed in my youth, of having two sons, one outstanding to take on my business, and one ferocious that is to be ignored, for the harsh day that spelled doomed for the clan and he would be alive to carry it on. Bugs are good at staying alive, not because he’s tough, but because no one’s looking at him. Let Randong have a fulfilling life in our stead. This is what his father and brother should do for him. It’s not like we can run away from this anyway…”

Wu Ranze felt a shock pass through him and sighed in the end, “Yeah, I never did anything for him. Now, at least, I can help him survive. I hope he’ll live past today…”

Wu Jiangtao gave a deep nod.

At this moment, father and son no longer worked for money, their eyes turning warm, despite watching the corpses and blood soaking the ground of their clansmen.

It was because they had no fear and felt calmer than ever having found a reason to fight…

Murong Xue sighed.

[Why are people so oblivious? Why do they only value life when it’s about to slip away from them…]

In the Serene Shores Trading manor’s basement, one lonely man sat on a chair surrounded by many barriers with hazy eyes.

“That’s strange. Just what did he mean?” Wu Randong was still contemplating.


The huge sound roused him from his thoughts, seeing an old man smashing into the room, all bloody.

Wu Randong gasped, “Elder Yu, what…”

“Second young master, don’t ask and just run…”

The elder made a sign and the barriers opened. He grabbed his hand and ran.

Wu Randong was becoming anxious, “Elder Yu, what on earth is happening?”

“Second young master, Baili Jingwei has come with his men to destroy us. The Wu clan is being killed off as we speak!”

“How could it have come to this?”

“It’s all that demon spirit stone’s fault! I fear the chairman and eldest young master are now…” The elder’s voice trailed with dejection.

Wu Randong was overwhelmed, his heart consumed by the devil’s words.

[Better not regret it later…]

“It’s him who ruined us…”

Wu Randong’s gaze narrowed and stiffened, carried on only by Elder Yu as he fled.


The wall broke just then as the two reached the outside, but what they saw was hell.

Wails of agony and streaks of blood tore the sky as thousands of people were in bitter struggle with one another. Lives were reaped at every second, slumping in the blood of this hellscape.

Wu Randong stood frozen in place.

Elder Yu shouted at him to wake up and pointed at the commercial line still activated since they opened it for Zhuo Fan, “Second young master, use the teleportation array and leave! I’ll cut it off once you’re through!”

“Elder Yu, I-I won’t go. I can’t abandon father and brother, or you. I can’t go on alone…”

“Second young master, this is no time to be stubborn. I’ll clear a path for you!”

Elder Yu gnashed his teeth and grabbed Wu Randong while flying for the teleportation array. He met two Genesis Stage experts midway, risking his own life to force them back, but also suffering greatly for it.

Regardless of his own life, he took Wu Randong to the teleportation array and made the sign special to the Wu clan. With a hum and thunderclaps, the center of the array sported a black portal with a hazy image inside.

Elder Yu shoved Wu Randong towards it, “Second young master, go!”

“No, Elder Yu! We’ll all go!” Wu Randong grabbed his hand and wouldn’t let go.

Giving a wide smile, the elder nodded in contentment, but then many figures arrived.

“Look, someone’s activated the commercial line to flee! Stop them!”

“Rotten old man, who the hell is that kid! You won’t get away that easily!”

“By order of the Prime Minister, leave none alive. There will be no survivors!”

The shouts carried thick bloodlust as they charged over. Elder Yu hardened and used Yuan Qi to send Wu Randong flying into the portal.

“Elder Yu!”

Wu Randong howled as the elder grew smaller and said with a fond smile, “Second young master, you’re not as able as eldest young master, but we, oldies, always liked your character. It’s like looking at our younger selves. Also, the chairman never hated you. Please don’t hold it against him. You are the last hope of the Wu clan and must live on!”

“Stop them, they’re escaping!”

The incoming men rushed faster and Elder Yu’s warm smile fell as blood leaked from his lips, laughing, “Ha-ha-ha, you’ll never catch my young master!”

With ripples coming off his body, the men realized with shock what was happening, “He’s gonna blow!”


Elder Yu already began to explode before they could react, sending a wave of dust all around.

The pursuers ended up coughing blood and flung back. By the time they got their feet under them and the dust settled, the commercial line had been broken. They had no way of following now…

The fighting at the city gates was drawing to a bloody close as well. Wu clan’s fighters were down to their last men, with most dead and the rest captured. As for the father and son, they easily fell into Baili Jingwei’s hands.

Clapping, Baili Jingwei gave the men a look and they all flew to the official line, to get back to the imperial capital.

Baili Jingwei walked to the cold spectator of this onslaught, Murong Xue, and smiled, “Greetings miss, I’ve been so caught up with business that I forgot my manners. I offer my sincere apologies.”

“It’s fine. I was just witnessing Prime Minister Baili’s handiwork, and I must say you live up to your name.” Murong Xue spoke flatly.

Baili Jingwei beamed and shook his head, “Ha-ha-ha, there’s no need for sarcasm, miss. I’m sure Miss overheard my decision. The day the empire rules the lands is nigh. Miss should consider your brother and advise him to renounce any pointless resistance.”

“I never interfered in my brother’s matters. Prime Minister, please have a word with him when you can spare the time.” Murong Xue smiled.

Baili Jingwei paused and shook his head.

It was clear from what transpired that a third of the imperial capital’s official were now kissing the dust. Did he had the time to entertain Murong Lie? Murong Xue’s words were no different than a rejection.

He wasn’t the least bit angry though, since he was used to these grand experts’ behaviors. Patience was a must when trying to win them over.

“Miss Murong, what might be the purpose of your visit to Goldbough City? Is there anything I could assist you with?”

“Ha-ha-ha, I wanted to make use of Serene Shores Trading’s commercial line to get back to southern lands, but with Prime Minister sparing none of their men, I’m afraid I will have to walk there.”

“That’s out of the question. Such a small matter shouldn’t be enough to trouble the merchants. I shall offer the official line for miss instead.” Baili Jingwei waved dismissively.

Murong Xue raised a dainty eyebrow and wore sneer, “That wouldn’t do, Prime Minister Baili, to mix personal and official matters…”

“Helping miss is purely official. If your brother would appreciate the gesture and have a chat with me, it’ll be even more selfless.” Baili Jingwei spoke with a straight back.

Murong Xue smiled, “I wonder what Prime Minister is so eager to share with my brother, of being expendable and how life has no value?”

“Miss, after you.”

Baili Jingwei’s face twitched, being jabbed with his own words. His face fell and his expression hardened.

Murong Xue ignored him as she entered the carriage and Zhui’er drove it out of the city…

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