The Spider Queen

Chapter 641: The Monk’s Parting Words

Chapter 641: The Monk’s Parting Words

(Hydra Star System- Floren Sector)

(Planet Corpeola- Capitol City Underground Sewers)

“What is going on here?”

Sophie’s question echoed through the dark tunnels as the monk clasped his hands together and began to mutter some words under his breath.

The snake tattoos on his forehead began to wriggle and squirm as if they were somehow coming to life.

A golden glow illuminated the monk’s hands as he bowed his head and continued to chant words in a language that Sophie did not understand.

Finally, after a few minutes he stopped moving and opened his eyes. The monk smiled warmly at Sophie but there was a hidden emotion in his gaze.

“My child… this is a very dangerous place,” the mysterious monk gently spoke.

“I have been sent by my order to investigate the activities of a very dangerous criminal who has made this underground complex his home.”

“He is an extremely powerful figure… I have not let down my guard since arriving at this place and yet… I have nearly died twice.”

“Can you tell me more information about this person?” Sophie hesitantly asked as she tightened her grip on her weapon.

“His name is Victor Von Hessen. He is not a ‘person’ but rather an idea. A collective of a greater whole,” the monk said cryptically.

“He is the catalyst for which the beyond flows into the mortal realm. An army whose commander’s presence will always been unseen.”

“Please leave this place… for your own safety.”

The monk began to cough violently as he finished talking and small flecks of bloody phlegm left his open mouth.

Sophie’s golden eyes swept up and down the immediate surrounding area as she pushed her senses to their limits.

There was something wrong with the strange monk.

His words did not make any sense.

How could this Victor individual be both an idea and a real person? The monk’s statements seemed more like the ravings of a madman.

Clearly Sophie’s skepticism must have shown on her face as the monk glanced at her with barely concealed fury in his eyes.

“As expected, you do not believe me…” the monk painfully groaned as the snake tattoos on his forehead began to travel downwards until they reached his upper lip.

“I do not know why I expected a filthy half-breed to understand the truth.”

“What did you call me?” Sophie’s cold voice cut through the monk’s soft ramblings as she took a step forward.

An enormous wave of pressure burst out of the hybrid girl’s body as her golden eyes were slowly seeped in a crimson hue.

The monk’s calm expression cracked slightly for just a moment, but he chanted a few words under his breath and then disappeared.

Sophie flung a knife at his retreating body that was slowly becoming invisible and saw her blade pass through the translucent figure.

The last image that she saw of the monk was a mocking smile before he fully disappeared. Sophie stood still in place for a moment and then took in a few deep breaths.

Why did she lose her cool so easily?

Yes… it was an offensive insult, but she should have kept calm and continue to interrogate the monk for more information.

It was almost as if someone… or rather something was amplifying her emotions.

Sophie did not notice it before but now that she was alone, she could tell that her emotions were slowly getting more intense.

She was feeling frustrated and angry after wandering the sewers for hours, she felt a longing to return home, she felt hatred towards the skeleton mage and the monk and finally…

There was a growing trace of arousal as she imagined Cleo’s naked body sprawled out on her bed back home.

All of these emotions were rising up at the same time and causing her mind to become a jumbled mess.

Sophie closed her eyes and focused on calming down the racing thoughts in her mind.

She spent a few minutes counting to ten over and over again until the rising emotions finally faded away.

The hybrid girl reopened her eyes that were now completely golden except for a few flecks of crimson along their edges.

She continued on her journey through the tunnels that made up the sewer system but with a lot more caution.

There were obvious signs of intelligent life evident in this place as Sophie saw abandoned tents and makeshift camps.

These tents were constructed along the edges of the dirty river and were surrounded by dirty needles, half eaten food and drug containers.

Sophie’s boots crunched over the shiny needles that were coated with vile purplish- black substances.

She had no desire to learn what kind of drug coated the needles. Besides it was unlikely to have any effect on her since her body broke down most toxins.

The hybrid girl peered into each tent from a safe enough distance and discovered that their occupants had disappeared.

This strange observation repeated itself for the next ten minutes as she walked from tent to tent until she arrived at the final home that was hidden behind a large metallic flap.

“Oi… what do you want?” a rough voice came from inside the tent.

The wooden flaps opened, and Sophie saw a skinny Mendolesa female with a frightening skin condition step outside the tent.

Her fur was falling out in patches, and one could see pinkish black spots covering the exposed skin.

She was missing an eye and her jaw hung slightly open with drool slowly leaking down the corners of her open mouth.

“Hi there… my name is Sophie,” Sophie politely introduced herself.

“Me name is Lexi … again… what the fuck are you doing here?” the Mendolesa female growled and tried to act threatening.

“Sorry… I’m just passing through,” Sophie raised up her arms in a peaceful expression which the Mendolesa girl clearly did not trust.

“Well keep passing then,” Lexi growled hoarsely as she scratched her itchy fur until it bled slightly under her claws.

“But before I go… I may have something that will interest you,” Sophie whispered softly as she reached into her pocket and took out a small syringe filled with a transparent liquid.

“I got enough of me own moondust… aint got no need for cheap,” Lexi scoffed as she kicked a few needles in Sophie’s direction.

“This is a grade A healing serum… it can cure your skin condition,” Sophie smiled calmly as she held out the syringe.

Lexi froze in place and her remaining eye widened as her gaze shifted from the syringe to Sophie’s face as if searching for something.

“What’s the price?” she finally asked with a mix of both greed and hope on her face.

“Tell me what happened to the others and if you’ve ever heard of the name ‘Victor Von Hessen’. Be warned that I will know if you lie,” Sophie spoke in an even tone.

She snapped her fingers and small black flames danced around her fingertips.

It was a simple fire cultivation technique but to a homeless girl living underground… she seemed like a dangerous god.

“No backies… the others… they left last night… heard em saying some shit about a bloody ritual. I thought they were just high,” Lexi nervously spoke as she looked at Sophie.

“I aint never heard of no ‘Victor’ but… there was a strange bloke who came round these parts last night.”

“Real strange fella… dressed in all back… kept his face behind a mask…”

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